HD 99: The End of the Eve Media Meta Era
High Drag Eve Online Podcast
by keepitlikeitwas
5y ago
https://highdrag.files.wordpress.com/2019/12/hd-99-the-end-of-the-eve-media-meta.mp3 Download We’re back! After a short break, the reigns of the show have shifted hands once again, and I (Kyle Yanowski) will do my very best to ensure that High Drag remains active and alive – bringing you discussions from the smoky bar rooms of New Eden. Coming back after a significant hiatus, I noticed that a lot of the Eve news sites and podcasts that I once relied to get through the honey-do list, are now gone. Sad as it is, we decided to touch on this subject and more, in Episode 99 of the High Drag Eve O ..read more
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HD 98: High Drag Eve Universe Mash Up
High Drag Eve Online Podcast
by randommcnally
5y ago
https://highdrag.files.wordpress.com/2019/06/hd-98-high-drag-eve-universe-mash-up.mp3High Drag Eve Universe Mash Up Heya High Drag Listeners o/ I’m not sure who got the recording dates messed up (ok, I’ll take the blame for it) but we discovered that I had planned a High Drag recording the same evening that Ash planned an Eve Universe recording. Well, just like that “peanut butter in my chocolate” candy bar commercial, we decided to put the two together and see what shakes out. This episode is heavily lore influenced where it comes to the Triglavian Invasion. Honestly, there is sooo much ..read more
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HD 96: Welcome Back Rubal
High Drag Eve Online Podcast
by randommcnally
5y ago
https://highdrag.files.wordpress.com/2019/05/hd-96-welcome-back-rubal.mp3Welcome Back Rubal Hey High Drag Listeners o/ Just when you thought you were completely over the Brisc Rubal Banning, then comes the subsequent UNbanning and we’re late to the party again! As we noted prior to episode 95, 96 was a replacement recording for the missing 95 and we come in at the tail end of the announcement of Brisc’s return and the apology by CCP. We promise you no more Rubal, but we did want to get the episode out since we went through all the trouble to get it to download. Thanks. ALOT. Discord. Pa ..read more
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HD 95: April Foolishness
High Drag Eve Online Podcast
by randommcnally
5y ago
https://highdrag.files.wordpress.com/2019/05/hd-95-april-foolishness-1.mp3April Foolishness Hey High Drag Listeners o/ Episode 95 was a challenge. We switched our recording medium from Mumble to Discord and I F**king hate Discord. Sorry. We recorded the episode and it vanished when we finished. Kind of tough to edit when you cannot find the file. We then got together and recorded episode 96 as a replacement and while we could find the file, we couldn’t download it. Not a very good start for Discord. However, not only did we manage to track down the errant episode 95, but we also down ..read more
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HD 94: Oh Captain, My Captain!
High Drag Eve Online Podcast
by randommcnally
6y ago
https://highdrag.files.wordpress.com/2019/04/hd-94-oh-captain-my-captain.mp3Oh Captain My Captain Hey High Drag Listeners! Episode 94 was our 2019 dart board episode where we had a ton of little things to touch on. From the opening lines from Ashterothi saying “now everything is happening”, we move on through with Grats to Katia Sae for her amazing tour of New Eden, Wars, the spring patch….Whew!! So many little things. Then, the bitter. CCP Guard announced that he was leaving CCP and Evesterdam would be his last event as a dev. Our shout outs at the end are a tribute to Guard and the p ..read more
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