Unions and Inequality over the Twentieth Century: New Evidence from Survey Data
AFSCME Information Highway | Income Inequality/Gap Blog
by afscme
3y ago
Source: Henry S Farber, Daniel Herbst, Ilyana Kuziemko, Suresh Naidu, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Volume 136, Issue 3, August 2021 (subscription required) From the abstract: U.S. income inequality has varied inversely with union density over the past 100 years. But moving beyond this aggregate relationship has proven difficult, in part because of limited microdata on union membership prior to 1973. We develop a new source of microdata on union membership dating back to 1936, survey data primarily from Gallup (N ≈ 980,000), to examine the long-run relationship between unions and inequa ..read more
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Job-Hopping Toward Equity
AFSCME Information Highway | Income Inequality/Gap Blog
by afscme
3y ago
Source: Boris Groysberg, Paul Healy, and Eric Lin, MIT Sloan Management Review, July 14, 2021 Changing employers can help narrow the gender gap in executive compensation. For managers and executives, changing employers has been linked to larger increases in pay. So we set out to explore whether women — particularly those in senior roles — can use external moves to increase their own compensation and perhaps narrow the gender pay gap. Existing survey-based studies suggest that gains from switching employers are less pronounced for women than for men. These studies broadly compare leavers versu ..read more
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Out of Work, Taking on Care: Young Women Face Mounting Challenges in the “She-Cession”
AFSCME Information Highway | Income Inequality/Gap Blog
by afscme
3y ago
Source: Shengwei Sun, Institute for Women’s Policy Research, IWPR #C498, Briefing Paper, April 2021 From the abstract: Longstanding inequities in access to quality jobs and affordable care, along with uneven caregiving responsibilities, create unique challenges for young women of color during this prolonged pandemic recession. Young women (aged 16 to 24) were more likely to lose their job than young men and workers of other age groups in the initial months of the pandemic recession, largely due to their concentration in industries and occupations that have been hit the hardest by the economic ..read more
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Mobility, Inequality, and Beliefs About Distribution and Redistribution
AFSCME Information Highway | Income Inequality/Gap Blog
by afscme
3y ago
Source: George Wilson, Vincent Roscigno, Carsten Sauer, Nick Petersen, Social Forces, Advance Access, May 10, 2021 (subscription required) From the abstract: Classic theory has long been interested in mobility, but with limited attention to the implications of intergenerational movement for inequality-specific beliefs. In this article, we introduce a dynamic conception and modeling of the impact of intergenerational occupational mobility on inequality orientations generally and distributive and redistributive beliefs in particular. The diagonal models we employ using 2008–2010 General Social ..read more
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How to Ensure Pay Equity for People of Color
AFSCME Information Highway | Income Inequality/Gap Blog
by afscme
3y ago
Source: Michael A. Tucker, HR Magazine, Spring 2021 Employers are scrutinizing their pay policies to eliminate racial disparities. ….That slow progress and the United States’ bloody legacies prompt a fundamental question when the issue of pay equity and race is broached: How can the U.S. value the work of people of color if it doesn’t value people of color?… The post How to Ensure Pay Equity for People of Color appeared first on AFSCME Information Highway ..read more
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Impact of Compensation on Inclusive Organizations
AFSCME Information Highway | Income Inequality/Gap Blog
by afscme
3y ago
Source: Muhammad Irfan, Omar K. Bhatti, Rashida K. Malik, Compensation & Benefits Review, Vol 53, Issue 3, 2021 (subscription required) From the abstract: Discrimination in compensation for minority groups and individuals with regard to gender, physical disability, religion, and culture affects inclusion in an organization. This study is a combination of two studies and endeavors to verify our initial inference that compensation gaps are significantly related to inclusion. A mixed method approach has been adopted; in first part of the study, compensation data obtained from 32 organization ..read more
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Beyond Wages: Effects of the Latina Wage Gap
AFSCME Information Highway | Income Inequality/Gap Blog
by afscme
3y ago
Source: National Partnership for Women & Families, Fact Sheet, March 2021 …Even as Latinas have entered the workforce in record numbers – now with more than 12 million workers – they continue to face the largest wage gap among women. Latinas in the United States are typically paid just 55 cents for every dollar paid to White, nonHispanic men. Overall, all women employed full time, year-round are typically paid 82 cents compared to every dollar paid to the general population, both men and women, employed full time, year-round. The post Beyond Wages: Effects of the Latina Wage Gap appeared ..read more
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Gender Wage Ratio by Congressional District
AFSCME Information Highway | Income Inequality/Gap Blog
by afscme
3y ago
Source: National Partnership for Women & Families, March 2021 Comparison of Median Annual Wages for Women and Men Working Full Time, Year-Round The post Gender Wage Ratio by Congressional District appeared first on AFSCME Information Highway ..read more
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Black Women and the Wage Gap
AFSCME Information Highway | Income Inequality/Gap Blog
by afscme
3y ago
Source: National Partnership for Women & Families, Fact Sheet, March 2021 …Today this means that Black women in the United States who work full time, year-round are typically paid just 63 cents for every dollar paid to white, non-Hispanic men. The wages of Black women are driven down by a number of current factors including gender and racial discrimination, workplace harassment, job segregation and a lack of workplace policies that support family caregiving, which is still most often performed by women. Overall, women employed full time, year-round are typically paid 82 cents for every do ..read more
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Asian American and Pacific Islander Women and the Wage Gap
AFSCME Information Highway | Income Inequality/Gap Blog
by afscme
3y ago
Source: National Partnership for Women & Families, Fact Sheet, March 2021 …Today this means that Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) women who work full time, year-round are paid as little as 52 cents for every dollar paid to white, nonHispanic men, as Burmese women are. Asian American women overall are paid just 87 cents for every dollar paid to white, non-Hispanic men. The wages of AAPI women are driven down by a number of current factors including gender and racial discrimination, workplace harassment, job segregation and the devaluing of jobs dominated by women, and the lack of ..read more
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