Why Meditation Works
The Yogi Press
by Ked Suri
3y ago
“And it is only in this state that we have any control over the experiences that we have in life. Only when we're calm only when the mind is focused” We may be more comfortable than our forefathers, and this probably is the best time to be alive. But our minds are busier than ever before in the history of humanity. We are exposed to overwhelming amounts of data everyday, which directly affects our mental wellbeing. Anxiety and stress are common issues today. But did you know that these are usually just mental habits that we have learnt and created for ourselves? And that we actually have the ..read more
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What is Nonduality?
The Yogi Press
by Vic Shayne
4y ago
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author. They do not necessarily purport to reflect the opinions or views of the The Yogi Press. The mind fragments total consciousness into pieces for very practical reasons, chief of which is to navigate the world.   The mind is impressionable, conditioned, and likes to latch onto new ideas. Nonduality is one of these ideas, and a lot of people are now using the term. By the looks of articles, videos, and the lecture circuit, you would think the world is chock-full of enlightened sages. Many people have become very ple ..read more
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The Power of Journaling
The Yogi Press
by Mary Sara
4y ago
When we journal, we’re able to sift through our emotions far more effectively. We can quickly identify if we’re indulging in bad coping mechanisms and make any necessary adjustments or lifestyle changes needed.   Journaling. That act of scribbling down our deepest, darkest feelings and desires, spilling our hearts out about our relationships, our professional disappointments or making note of our daily experiences. Many of us kept a diary in our teenage years, but as we grew, we stopped writing and pushed the very idea of journaling to the back of our minds. Journaling has many proven b ..read more
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The 7 Most Anti-Inflammatory Spices in The World
The Yogi Press
by Mary Sara
4y ago
Chronic inflammation is most commonly caused by the foods we eat. In fact, most chronic diseases are caused by constant low-grade inflammation initiated by the foods we ingest.   Inflammation is an immune system response and is designed to protect us from things that could harm us, such as toxins, injuries, illness, allergies or infections. When any of these damages our cells, our immune system immediately responds by releasing antibodies and increasing blood flow to the injured area; a process which should last no more than a few days in the case of injuries, and a few hours when deali ..read more
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The Art of Letting Go
The Yogi Press
by Ajanta Suri
4y ago
The farmer tills his land, prepares the soil, plants and irrigates seeds. He works from dawn to sunset, toiling laboriously. But he well knows he can only do so much.   An ancient story tells us of three types of beings: the divine, the human and the evil. It goes on to tell us of each ones Achille’s heel, i.e: what inside traits can potentially destroy them, and then suggests the easiest path for growing out of these shortcomings.  The angelic or divine it seems are too fixated on beauty and pleasure and must learn self control, with some degree of asceticism.   The evil a ..read more
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Patanjali: The Father of Modern Yoga
The Yogi Press
by Gautama Singh
4y ago
Image: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International licence What is undisputed, is Patanjali’s contribution to Yogic science. His Yoga Sutras were unlike any text ever created in those times. They were the first writings that were free from literary grandeur and cultural tradition. Yoga has been practiced for millennia in ancient India, where it is believed to be initiated by Adiguru – the first guru – who many consider to be Shiva himself. There were many forms, branches and schools of yoga in Ancient India, but the world needed a new system of yoga that was free of all ..read more
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How to realize your true nature – From the 13 Pillars of Enlightenment
The Yogi Press
by Vic Shayne
4y ago
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author. They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of the The Yogi Press. Enlightenment is not a matter of accrual, but rather removal of all knowledge and thought. It is the fundamental underlayment of all that exists and that which itself is prior to existence. In the 1960s and early 70s, the Western world woke up to Eastern thought. Thousands travelled to India to sit at the foot of a guru and learn about the idea of enlightenment for the first time. The Beatles wrote songs inspired by ancient Indian teachings ..read more
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Beginning Meditation
The Yogi Press
by Ked Suri
4y ago
Through the practice of meditation, we ultimately realize that the source of all our perceived problems and disappointments lay within. They are effectively caused by our own inability to deal with the dynamics and happenings in our life.   Befriending the Mind The general misconception amongst meditators is that one needs to control the mind and force it to concentrate. This is a grave error, which will quickly prove futile as the mind cannot be controlled, only befriended and observed. Through our practice, we can only guide the mind, never force it. We call meditation a journey because ..read more
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130 Inspiring Quotes by Sadhguru
The Yogi Press
by Gautama Singh
4y ago
"There is No Planet B" by World Economic Forum is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 Here are 130 Inspiring quotes by Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev that will motivate your practice and change the way you see life as a whole. 130 Quotes by Sadhguru: “How deeply you touch another life is how rich your life is.” — Sadhguru “You cannot exist without the universe. You are not a separate existence.” — Sadhguru  “Learning is not about earning, but a way of flowering.” — Sadhguru “Without experiencing the joy of life, you cannot seek the source of life.” — Sadhguru “Don ..read more
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The Benefits of Chlorophyll
The Yogi Press
by Gautama Singh
4y ago
The sun is the primal source of energy on our planet, and the origin of all life. All living beings extract energy from the sun. Chlorophyll is supercharged with vitamins, antioxidants and has healing properties which are of great benefit to the human body. “It is a substance called Chlorophyll, the most wonderful substance in our world. A world without chlorophyll would be a world without the higher forms of life, and in such a world no life, save perhaps that of the lowest bacteria, could possibly endure. In fact, without this remarkable pigment the living world as at present constituted ..read more
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