Flourishing Kitchen
I healp health conscious women move over to a more plant-based raw and living diet by creating recipes, training's and courses.
Flourishing Kitchen
3w ago
Discover how to make sea moss gel in three easy steps. Add it to your homemade smoothies and juices, and use it as a thickener for your raw vegan recipes. Sea moss gel makes a great raw vegan alternative to agar agar, cornstarch and gelatine in some recipes and is rich in nutrients. With its smooth texture […]
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Flourishing Kitchen
3w ago
A simple kale and quinoa sprout salad with creamy avocado, pine nuts, fresh herbs and a tangy lemon dressing. It’s fantastically wholesome, nutritious and ready in 10 minutes, (excluding sprouting time). I use fresh quinoa sprouts in this recipe, which are easily swapped with cooked quinoa if preferred. For my raw food loving friends ?, […]
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Flourishing Kitchen
3w ago
A tasty and light brussel sprout and apple salad that’s packed with flavour and goodness. It's simple to make with only a few ingredients. Brussel sprouts paired with sweet, juicy diced red apples and salty, tangy green olives. Toss them all together in a deliciously light dressing made with lemon zest and extra virgin olive […]
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Flourishing Kitchen
3w ago
A naturally sweet and creamy apple banana smoothie recipe. Quick, easy and delicious, it’s perfect for weekday mornings or an afternoon lift when your sweet tooth calls. If you could get a hug in the form of a smoothie, this would be it! Honestly, I know this apple banana smoothie looks a little simple, but […]
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Flourishing Kitchen
3w ago
For Autumn flavours try this pumpkin banana smoothie. It's smooth, creamy, sweet and tangy. Made with fresh almond milk, raw pumpkin, banana, cinnamon, dates, and ginger. This pumpkin banana smoothie is just filled with Autumn cosy goodness. I added pumpkin seeds scooped out from the pumpkin middle, for added nutrition and protein. Smoothies aren't just […]
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Flourishing Kitchen
3w ago
A tasty pumpkin quinoa salad with diced pumpkin, pomegranate arils, pumpkin seeds and pecans, all lightly tossed with quinoa sprouts and a tangy maple vinaigrette. This seasonal pumpkin quinoa salad makes a beautiful lunch or light dinner served with leafy greens and is super easy to make. This is such a gorgeous and tasty salad […]
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Flourishing Kitchen
3w ago
Find out how to grow sunflower microgreens without soil so that you can start growing your own. Sunflower microgreens are so fun to grow! And you can harvest them in about 10-14 days. Add them to salads, sandwiches, smoothies, sushi, rice paper rolls and as a garnish to many savoury dishes. In this blog post […]
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Flourishing Kitchen
3w ago
Grow sunflower sprouts at home in 1-3 days and add to smoothies or blend into salad dressings, patés, sauces, raw vegan cheese, and more. Sprouted sunflower seeds are small and tender, with a mildly nutty, earthy flavour and delightful sprinkled over salads or your morning cereal for added nutrition. Sunflower sprouts are just sunflower seeds […]
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Flourishing Kitchen
3w ago
A quick tutorial for sprouting mung beans at home in three easy steps. Mung beans are a superfast legume to sprout. Fresh, crisp and slightly sweet in flavour, they’re also really versatile. Enjoy them as a tasty snack, or add them to almost anything from salads and stir-fries to soups, wraps, and more. In this […]
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Flourishing Kitchen
3w ago
A super tasty hummus salad dressing made with only 4 ingredients. This is a fantastic little hummus dressing you can throw together when you need something quick and have hummus in the fridge. It's creamy and light with that hummus flavour you'd expect. I like adding lemon juice, then date paste or maple syrup to […]
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