Gardening 4 Kids Blog
Australia's largest online range of Kids Gardening Tools and Equipment. Gardening 4 Kids Blog is a site full of gardening activities, ideas and tools to inspire little green thumbs.
Gardening 4 Kids Blog
5M ago
Join us for a free, fun-filled children’s gardening experience with Gardening 4 Kids! Little ones can let their creativity bloom as they plant organic sunflower seeds into biodegradable pots. Decorate the pot, carry bag, and bamboo plant label to make them uniquely theirs. Then, take the potted seeds home and watch as beautiful sunflowers grow....
The post Spring School Holidays Activity at Queen Vic Market – Melbourne appeared first on Gardening 4 Kids ..read more
Gardening 4 Kids Blog
1y ago
One of our most popular products are our Planet Eco Patch Kits
My grandchildren E,W and M tested out all three varieties, Vegie, Herb and Flower.
The Grandkids live in Far North Queensland and I live in Melbourne, so it was wonderful to share my gardening passion with them.
E, W and M all worked together to plant the seeds and write labels on the bamboo plants tags. When I visited them a few weeks after planting, the seeds had sprouted and were being watered at least once a day, probably more as I think each kid was watering them separately!
All of the seeds within the Planet Eco Patch Kits ..read more
Gardening 4 Kids Blog
2y ago
Life Ed are encouraging young people to get gardening, growing edible plants and learning healthy eating habits or creating a healthy class room environment with indoor plants.
Help create a classroom of thriving students! Together with Yates we’re encouraging young people to get gardening, and learn healthy habits – from the ground up!
Thanks to Yates, Healthy Harold and Life Ed are giving away $11,000 worth of grants. Schools, preschools and community groups are invited to apply for one of 10 garden grants valued at $1,000 each.
This year our friends at Yates are a ..read more
Gardening 4 Kids Blog
4y ago
Passionate gardeners from across Victoria will be lining up to take guided tours of some of Darebin’s abundant and productive food gardens and getting expert advice from local horticulturalists during the annual Backyard Harvest Festival this May.
Across 19 sustainability-focused garden tours and workshops, talented hosts will provide tips on a diverse range of subjects, including seedling propagation, keeping chickens, quails and bees, fruit tree maintenance and grafting and natural pest management.
Four new gardens have been added to this year’s program, along with two workshop ..read more
Gardening 4 Kids Blog
4y ago
200 grants of up to $1,000 are currently up for grabs for schools, childcare centres and youth groups in Victoria looking to work on a sustainability or environmental project in 2018.
Following a successful first year, which saw more than 24,000 students engaged in 245 projects, the Powerful Youth Projects program is rolling out across the state again. Momentum Energy is funding the program through its partnership with Junior Landcare, and applications are open until 22 March via the Junior Landcare website.
Funding is available for a variety of projects such as vegie gardens, bush tucker gard ..read more
Gardening 4 Kids Blog
4y ago
Guest Post written by Sarah-Jayne McCreath from Backyard Chicken Coops.
Chickens make the best pets for your growing children. A flock of chooks provide love, a sense of responsibility and teach our kids the importance of compassion and care. They are super cute and affectionate and make great backyard pals for toddlers to teenagers and all in between. If you want your kids to have the best when it comes to pets – check out our top 5 breeds to choose for your kids below and get cluckin’ on that family flock!
These heavy-set, fluffy and cuddly ladies are super friendly p ..read more
Gardening 4 Kids Blog
4y ago
Indoor Herb Garden ready to useGarden Time is an automated grow system that makes indoor gardening super easy and we’ve got 4 kits to give away!
When we were contacted by Garden Time to ask if we would like to do a review of their product, I’ll be honest, I thought it would be some new fangled gadget, BUT I was pleasantly surprised.
When our kit arrived, the kids were super excited and helped me assemble it. We used the best quality potting mix that we had, and planted some basil and coriander seeds, as well as plucking a few self germinated seedlings from the garden, parsley and ch ..read more
Gardening 4 Kids Blog
4y ago
SNAILS and SLUGS – How to control them with kid-friendly products!
Gardening can often seem like a constant battle between snails and the gardener, but here is a terrific blog written by Jade and Amy from Growing Green Thumbs. They are 2 very enthusiastic school mums who spend their days volunteering at their children’s primary school in Bonbeach, Melbourne. They share their gardening enthusiasm with parents, students and our wider community, learning along the way as they grow fruit, vegetables and flowers whilst making it fun to pl ..read more
Gardening 4 Kids Blog
4y ago
Peas Growing the Wrong Way There are many myths and superstitions associated with leap years and especially around 29th February. According to legend, 29th February is the one day every four years that a woman can propose to a man (and the man willed be fined if he declines!), there are also a few garden and farming myths connected with leap years.
Russian farmers believe that leap years will never be good for crops and farming. In particular for beans and peas, which will supposedly grow the wrong way round! The leap year clearly hasn’t had on impact on this youn ..read more
Gardening 4 Kids Blog
4y ago
Adult Cabbage Moth Cabbage Moths were accidentally introduced into Australia during the 1930’s. Since then, the Cabbage Moth caterpillars have been merrily munching their way through vegie patches across much of the country.
In this blog, we’ll explain some kid friendly ways to remove and control them in your patch.
The first signs of a cabbage moth infestation will either be small white moths fluttering around the garden or lots of holes in the leaves of your prized vegies. Cabbage moths usually lay their eggs on the underside of the leaf so this is where the little green caterpil ..read more