Tipping Point Nutrition Podcast
The Tipping Nutrition Podcast is a show for those who want to take control of their health through living better, eating well and moving more. Joanne and Krishn share health and wellness information, guest interviews and in-depth conversations on how to optimize your performance, life and well-being.
Tipping Point Nutrition Podcast
3y ago
In episode #53, Joanne speaks with her friend, Krista Watson.
Krista has had an incredible health journey and shares:
Her lifelong battle with digestive issues, leading to a diagnosis of Crohn's & Colitis in 2012.
How despite heavy medication, her condition worsened and in 2013 she underwent surgery to remove over 3 ft of her bowel.
What she was feeling after the surgery failed within 3 months & her Crohn's flared (resulting in her being put on even heavier drugs with more intense side effects.)
As if extreme digestive issues weren't enough, Krista shares how her health began to furth ..read more
Tipping Point Nutrition Podcast
3y ago
In episode #52, we're winding down summer talking about:
How phones and electronic devices are changing the human skeleton.
The physical affects of space travel and challenges astronauts face upon return to earth.
The impact of social media on youth.
Why ages doesn't have to equal poor/declining health.
The pharmaceutical ties to med schools and the potential role it played in the opiod epidemic.
The benefits of allowing your kids to be bored and entertain themselves.
+ so much more!!
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Tipping Point Nutrition Podcast
3y ago
In this episode, Joanne and Krishn open up about the recent loss of their baby towards the end of the first trimester, touching on:
The many physical changes and emotional effects of experiencing a miscarriage.
Reasons many families grieve in silence.
The importance of couples coming together and openly communicating during difficult times.
Why its imperative to honour and acknowledge the pain that comes with a loss at any stage of pregnancy.
Telling our 4 year old about the loss.
Getting out of the comparison trap in order to heal your own heart.
Why distancing yourself from social media can ..read more
Tipping Point Nutrition Podcast
3y ago
In episode #50 of the Tipping Point Nutrition Podcast, Joanne and Krishn are discussing:
Mark Hyman's recent docu-series, Broken Brain 2
Genetically Engineered Salmon and Fish Fraud
The Healing Power of Tears + more!
The Healing Power of Tears
Fanshawe College Class Uncovers Fish Fraud After Testing
Minister Approves First Commercial GM Fish Factory
Broken Brain 2 ..read more
Tipping Point Nutrition Podcast
3y ago
In episode #49 Joanne & Krishn catch up on a variety of topics including:
- The importance of balance and proprioception (our sense of self-movement and body position.)
- The body and brain's need for movement and how crappy movement patterns affect quality of life.
- How Centurians in 'Blue Zones' live differently than in the west.
+ More ..read more
Tipping Point Nutrition Podcast
3y ago
In episode #48 we're diving into:
Good news stories - the social media #trashtag challenge & the CEO of Qantas Airlines response to a 10 year old wanting advice for starting his own airline.
The documentary STINK! and the latest news regarding Johnson & Johnson + Claires products contaminated with asbestos.
The importance of being your own advocate & lab testing.
Overhaul of Ontario's math curiculum and the need to go 'back to the basics' in many aspects of education.
+ so much more! Resources:
STINK! Movie
US Regulators Warn of Asbestos in Claire's Makeup
Johnson & Johnson to ..read more
Tipping Point Nutrition Podcast
3y ago
In episode #47 we're talking:
Marie Kondo + how clutter affects productivity, stress levels and overall mindset.
The importance of kids being involved in household activities such as tidying up, prepping meals etc.
How our childhood influences/experiences affect our financial blueprints and beliefs around money (even if we don't think they have.)
Our need for social connection and why in a world where we're 'connected' more than ever before, we're the loneliest we've ever been.
Clutter is a trigger of stress and anxiety
Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, T. Harv Eker
War of Art, St ..read more
Tipping Point Nutrition Podcast
3y ago
In episode #46, Krishn & Joanne discuss a range of topics including:
The importance of phytonutrients & biodiversity in food.
Recent lawsuits involving unethical practices used by Perdue Pharma and Insys that helped to fuel North America's opioid crisis.
Eating on the Wild Side, Jo Robinson
Oxycontin Family Made Billions On Opioid As Crisis Raged, CTV
The Opioid Crisis Hit Barrie Ont With A Painful Shock, Globe & Mail
  ..read more
Tipping Point Nutrition Podcast
3y ago
In episode #45 Krishn & Joanne discuss:
The documentary, 'Root Cause' + the connection between oral health & chronic disease.
Why quality supplements matter.
How canola oil is produced + why you need to avoid it.
Joanne's experience and overall thoughts on the celery juice trend.
The growing number of people demanding oversight and changes to the way medical devices/implants are tested, regulated and approved.
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Tipping Point Nutrition Podcast
3y ago
In episode #44, Joanne and Krishn are catching up on recent health news including:
Health Canada's decision to uphold approval of glyphosate (despite revelations of the Monsanto Papers.)
How Cleveland Hospitals found delaying baths for newborns significantly increases breast feeding rates.
The recent update to the Canada Food Guide.
Why some hospitals are revamping hospital food and medical schools are incorporating cooking lessons into the curriculum.
+ More!
Resources mentioned throughout show:
Health Canada Upholds Decision to Keep Glyphosate Products On the Market
Tipping Point Nutritio ..read more