Episode 114 - Witchcraft Unplugged
The Fat Feminist Witch
by Paige Vanderbeck
2M ago
A warm and blessed Winter Solstice, my witchy friends! In the final episode of 2024 I am talking about connection, darkness, and the balancing act of real vs. not real that witches are having to perfect now more than ever. Connect with me: Website: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠thefatfeministwitch.ca⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Facebook: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠facebook.com/TheFatFeministWitch⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Threads: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://www.threads.net/@fatfeministwitch⁠⁠⁠ Instagram: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠@fatfeministwitch⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Patreon: ⁠⁠⁠⁠patreon.com/thefatfeministwitch⁠⁠⁠⁠ Buy me a Coffee: https://ko-fi.com/thefatfeministwitch Get stickers, mugs, journal ..read more
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Episode 76 - Skip to My LUGH!
The Fat Feminist Witch
by Paige Vanderbeck
2M ago
Hey witches, thanks for tuning in to episode 76 of the show! Today’s episode, Skip to my Lugh, is all about the August 1st pagan holiday of Lughnasadh, its ancient and mythological Irish roots, and modern themes for celebration. For those who love episodes featuring stories of gods and magical people, I’ve got the tale of Mad Sweeney, made very popular lately thanks to Neil Gaiman’s American Gods. I've also got a new SKETCHY HERB AND MAGIC ROCK FOR YOU! This antique segment from the show is back with the magic of Mulberry and Honey Calcite.      The Grimoire Journal: A Place to ..read more
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Fat Feminist Halloween Special 2024 - The Witch's Sacrifice
The Fat Feminist Witch
by Paige Vanderbeck
3M ago
HAPPY HALLOWEEN! This year we're talking about sacrifice - including human sacrifice so TRIGGER WARNING: death and child loss/sacrifice. Every Halloween we examine some of the myths and legends that make up the image of The Halloween Witch, and the ways it differs from real witchcraft. In this episode you'll learn what sacrifice and offerings mean to modern witches, how to make them in your own practice, and some of the interesting difference across cultures and religions. Then we get spooky - human sacrifice, and hurting children - is a big bad ugly part of the popular fiction about evil witc ..read more
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Episode 102 - American Whimsigothic
The Fat Feminist Witch
by Paige Vanderbeck
3M ago
Hello again my witchy friends! In this episode of The Fat Feminist Witch we are talking about whimsigothic fashion and design and how and why fashion can signal the arrival of witches in society... and how they can use it to make magic and communicate with each other. If you want real vintage plus size clothes that match a whimsigothic or just cool magical aesthetic, check out Bad Moon Vintage at http://shopbadmoon.com and http://instagram.com/shopbadmoon A special shout out to 3 of my Patreon supporters - Adriane, Carmen, and Dolores! Thank you so much for your encouragement and support! Be ..read more
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Episode 112 - Spiraling through the Autumn Equinox with Courtney Weber
The Fat Feminist Witch
by Paige Vanderbeck
5M ago
Hello again witches, seekers, and friends and thanks for tuning in to The Fat Feminist Witch Podcast on this Autumn Equinox weekend. Today I'm joined by Courtney Weber to discuss her new book Sacred Tears and how grief can impact and be impacted by our spiritual practice. Content warning: the book, and parts of this episode, mention pregnancy loss and fertility in all of its forms. If you liked this discussion with Courtney check out That Witch Life podcast and the So Mote That Con virtual conference in October where she'll be leading a workshop about Hekate and healing. The 2-day conference i ..read more
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Magical Mediumship featuring Melissa St. Hilaire
The Fat Feminist Witch
by Paige Vanderbeck
7M ago
Hello again witches, seekers, and friends, and welcome to The Fat Feminist Witch Podcast! Today I'm joined by professional psychic medium and witch Melissa St. Hilaire and we're talking all about her work, her magical life, and her new book 30 Real Signs from the Afterlife! Get the book at Amazon.ca or Amazon.com. You can find Melissa at her website americanwitch13.com, on instagram as @americanwitch13 and check out a web series called Secrets of the Craft where Melissa travels around Los Angeles and interviews different magical people about their practice on YouTube. Connect with me: Website ..read more
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Embodying the Goddess with Drag! Featuring author Andrew L. Erdman
The Fat Feminist Witch
by Paige Vanderbeck
8M ago
Hello again my witches, seekers, and friends and thank you so much for tuning in! Today's episode features Andrew L. Erdman, the author of Beautiful: The Story of Julian Eltinge, America's Greatest Female Impersonator! Andy's here to talk to use about Drag, Vaudeville, and how the different ways we play with gender have changed over the last century! This is not an episode about practical witchcraft, but of course magic is everywhere, so I also talk about glamour magic, and how drag is probably one of the most power glamour spells of all! Drag queen? Drag GODDESS! Order Beautiful from Amazon ..read more
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Episode 109 - The Wisdom of Wood
The Fat Feminist Witch
by Paige Vanderbeck
10M ago
Hello again witches, seekers, and friends, and thank you for joining me on today's episode of The Fat Feminist Witch! Today I'm talking about sacred trees in myth and history, and how to incorporate tree magic into your practice. Recommended reading! Green Witchcraft by Paige Vanderbeck The Healing Tree by Stephanie Rose Bird The Ancient Magic of Trees by Gregory Michael Brewer The Magic of Trees by Tess Whitehurst Tree Magic by Sandra Kynes Celtic Tree Magic by Danu Forest Beltane Rituals, Recipes & Lore for May Day by Llewellyn and Melanie Marquis Sacred Smoke by Amy Blackthorn Connect ..read more
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Episode 108 - The Hedonic Tone
The Fat Feminist Witch
by Paige Vanderbeck
11M ago
Hello again my witchy friends, and thanks for tuning in to today's episode of The Fat Feminist Witch! Today’s episode is a little different, because it’s actually the first episode of a new show I’ve created called The Hedonic Tone, all about the goddess Voluptas, hedonism, and magical pleasure. This is a show with lisenced music, which is exclusive to Spotify, so while the episode shared here is music free for all to enjoy, you can find the full episode at HERE! . Connect with me: Website: ⁠⁠thefatfeministwitch.ca⁠⁠ Facebook: ⁠facebook.com/TheFatFeministWitch⁠ Twitter: ⁠⁠@fatfe ..read more
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Episode 107 - Goddess Energy with Gabriela Herstik
The Fat Feminist Witch
by Paige Vanderbeck
1y ago
Hello again witches, seekers, and friends and thanks for tuning in to The Fat Feminist Witch! Today I'm joined by Gabriela Herstik - my favourite love goddess worshipping sacred slut! We're talking about working with the goddess, sex and love magic, and magical ways to subvert the patriarchy - all as outlined in her new book GODDESS ENERGY which comes out March 19th, the spring equinox! You can find my review of Goddess Energy and find all the links needed to get your own copy and find more of Gabriela's other projects including her books, essays, and Kink Coven play parties at the following ..read more
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