UK Scriptwriters Podcast
In this podcast Tim Clague and Danny Stack talk about the UK scriptwriting scenes film, TV and new media.
UK Scriptwriters Podcast
3y ago
A Danny free zone this podcast as we delve into the world of writing for computer games and interactive entertainment in general. We tried to get somewhere quiet at the London Screenwriters Festival and gather around a microphone. A bit hit and miss with the sound, but wise words all the same. Alongside Tim are: * Steve Ince (20 years writing games, stretching back to the original Broken Sword and In Cold Blood) * Rudolf Kremers (independent producer at OmniLabs whose EufloriaHD comes out for PSVita tomorrow!) * Tony Lee (multi format writer who is best known for comics and books but who work more
UK Scriptwriters Podcast
3y ago
Danny is back with the Red Planet Prize. But we also talk about the BBC Writers' Room, Video On Demand, and why writers could get more out of the London Screenwriters' Festival. And remember folks; wise up and be normal more
UK Scriptwriters Podcast
3y ago
Coming to you 'live' from the middle of the Med, this episode Tim and Danny are joined by 3 people who are all at different stages of graduating and looking for work? Was the degree worth it? What kind of work are they looking for? What plans are they putting into place more
UK Scriptwriters Podcast
3y ago
This episode we have a special guest; Mary Evans. Mary is a scriptwriter, but also has done a lot of research into self publishing books AND is also a writer for the TV Times. How does writing prose slot into scriptwriting more
UK Scriptwriters Podcast
3y ago
Danny just got back from the BBC Writers Room TV Drama Festival. He spoke to writers there and Tim asks him - is this a golden age for TV writers? Note: we recorded this episode outside, apologies for the windy audio experience more
UK Scriptwriters Podcast
3y ago
A business focus to this episode. Is freelancing for you? And are you fully exploring all forms of funding more
UK Scriptwriters Podcast
3y ago
Danny has a lively chat with Jo Ho, creator & writer of CBBC's Spirit Warriors. They discuss Jo's career, everything from how she got a series commissioned as a new writer, her writing insights, and what she's up to now. Enjoy more
UK Scriptwriters Podcast
3y ago
Tim and Danny answer ten common questions about the industry more
UK Scriptwriters Podcast
3y ago
Tim and Danny consider the demise of retail stores such as HMV, chat about characters and how to make them interesting and deliver some interesting news for writers on opportunities more
UK Scriptwriters Podcast
3y ago
Tim and Danny get stuck at the airport and so discuss: * News about film funding * Red Planet Prize update * Topic - time management * Topic - being a storyteller * Reviews - Royal Affair, Frankenweenie and Beasts of the Southern Wild more