Can Dogs Predict The Future? 
FitBark Blog
by FitBark
1y ago
A recent survey found that 25% of people believe that humans have psychic abilities. Being able to predict the future is a special power that could certainly make life a lot easier, and of course everyone dreams of knowing those winning lottery numbers! Throughout history, humans have tried lots of different methods to try and predict the future, from tarot cards to crystal balls... Source more
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How to Start a Dog Training Business: A Complete Guide
FitBark Blog
by FitBark
1y ago
See yourself as a bit of a dog whisperer? Looking for a way to combine your love of dogs with earning an income? Then starting your own dog training business could be a lucrative option. This guide will explore the pros and cons of starting your own dog training business and will explain the fundamentals of setting up for long-term success. It’s important to look at the current landscape of the... Source more
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Human Foods that Your Dog Can and Cannot Eat 
FitBark Blog
by FitBark
1y ago
As humans and dogs both have different metabolism, they also need to consume different foods. This is why food that is healthy and natural for humans might prove hazardous for your dogs. If your dog consumes some specific human foods, they might suffer from serious poisoning. In worst-case scenarios, they may face death. On the other hand, numerous human foods are perfect for your dogs and they... Source more
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Tips to Keep Your Furry Friend in Great Physical & Mental Health
FitBark Blog
by FitBark
1y ago
Pets are an excellent source of joy for people who love animals. Dogs are a man’s best friend. They are the most trusted and faithful companions that you can ever have. You can enjoy unconditional love and experience happiness in the little things of life. According to Forbes, 70 percent of households in the United States have a minimum of one furry friend in the family. Moreover... Source more
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How Therapy Dogs Can Improve Students’ Mental and Physical Health
FitBark Blog
by FitBark
1y ago
The relationship between humans and dogs goes back many centuries. Dogs have long been our best companions. Through domestication and natural selection, they have gradually become skilled in their interactions with us. In addition to companionship and their guarding role, dogs have been found to have the ability to improve our mental and physical health. Research has revealed that therapy pets... Source more
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Can AI Learn to Understand Our Pets?
FitBark Blog
by FitBark
2y ago
People often talk to their pets, and of course, they would like to get feedback. Mutual understanding can help solve many everyday problems with our smaller brothers. Sure, many of our readers would likely want to have Dr. Doolittle’s skills. Imagine what your dog would tell you if he could talk. And maybe you’ll find out about it soon enough. Since AI advances by leaps and bounds, it won’t be... Source more
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Tips for Introducing a New Puppy to Your Family
FitBark Blog
by FitBark
2y ago
Getting a new puppy can be an exciting time for any family, but for those who already have young kids or another dog, it can suddenly be a challenge. As cute as they are, puppies are sensitive and reactive, and how you introduce them to your home can set the tone for how they’ll act in the future. If you have a new puppy in your life that you’re anxious about introducing to your family... Source more
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Top 6 Tips To Make Your Dog Baths Easier! 
FitBark Blog
by FitBark
2y ago
Do you wish to make dog baths easier? I bet you do. Dogs are good at cleaning themselves, but giving a bath to your puppy is still very important. We need to provide them with a tub whether they live in your house or go outside. Bathing dramatically improves the quality of your puppy’s life. Moreover, training your dog to behave during a bath and stay clean is essential. Training is the best way... Source more
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FitBark GPS Review: Is FitBark GPS A Good Value? (Our Expert’s Opinion)
FitBark Blog
by FitBark
2y ago more
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Top Creative Post Ideas for Your Pet Business
FitBark Blog
by FitBark
2y ago
Most business owners in different industries underestimate the necessity and profit of having a blog on their websites and actively growing their social media profiles. A website blog is considered to be one of the most effective ways to promote your brand organically, meaning you invest only in the salaries of the marketing manager and copywriters who you can find on the custom writing service... Source more
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