LDR Magazine
A positive online community & digital magazine that helps LDR Couples take the distance out of Long Distance Relationships. Here you will find inspirational content, LDR gift ideas, activities & more to help you survive your LDR.
LDR Magazine
2w ago
Breakups are the worst. When a romantic relationship comes to an end, it’s a huge change & a huge loss to both people involved. It can be a really overwhelming period for you. You might feel like a huge part of yourself is gone, and now you’ve got to start fresh and figure...
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LDR Magazine
2w ago
Long-distance relationships can be beautiful, but they’re not always meant to last. Distance is a tough obstacle to face in a relationship and sadly, not everyone can cope with being far apart from the person they love for extended periods of time. Sometimes, no matter how much effort you put in, it becomes...
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LDR Magazine
2w ago
No one likes arguments, but they’re inevitable in every relationship. Fighting is natural and even necessary for growth. Through disagreements, you learn more about your partner and yourself. However, arguments in a long-distance relationship (LDR) come with their own unique challenges. Here are eight things NOT to do to keep your relationship healthy:...
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LDR Magazine
2w ago
It is no doubt that distance makes everything just a little bit harder, right? Fights seem to just pop up out of no where because you get stressed about distance. Then you have to think of ways to make things better but, once again, distance makes that difficult too. Without the ability to...
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LDR Magazine
2w ago
Congratulations on surviving another year (or perhaps the first year) of your long-distance relationship! Spending so much time apart is difficult, especially over the holiday season. But you have made it into a new year. This is a great opportunity for you to reflect on the year just gone—the good memories and the...
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LDR Magazine
2w ago
It’s your last day together, and everything feels like a countdown to those final moments before your trip, full of love and happy moments, comes to an end. Everything suddenly becomes “the last time.” The last kiss, the last hug, the last time you hold hands. It’s an emotionally draining and bittersweet time...
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LDR Magazine
2w ago
Long-distance relationships aren’t easy, but let’s be honest, they’re not all bad either. For the guys out there, there are a few perks to being in an LDR that you might secretly enjoy. It’s not about slacking off, but there’s definitely a little extra breathing room when you’re apart. Here’s a list of...
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LDR Magazine
2w ago
Everyone says, “Don’t stay in a long-distance relationship unless you have an end date.” And while that’s a practical piece of advice, it’s not always realistic for everyone. Every relationship is unique, and what works for one couple might not work for another. That said, if you can decide an end date in...
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LDR Magazine
2w ago
Being in a long-distance relationship is tough. You don’t have that everyday physical closeness, and sometimes, it feels like the miles just keep getting longer. But here’s the thing, you’ve got one superpower that can still connect you: your voice. Think about it. Your voice can comfort, excite, and wrap your partner in...
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LDR Magazine
2w ago
Long-distance relationships come with unique challenges, like missing the simple joys of watching a movie or sharing your favorite songs together. Thankfully, technology has made it easier than ever to share these experiences from miles apart. Here are 10 online ways to watch videos and listen to music together that will help you...
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