Stars Over Washington
Stars Over Washington is a common-good political astrology blog about US politics and Washington DC. Get the astrological comments on America, on Washington DC, and on the politicians who infest them...with a gentle sprinkling of world events.
Stars Over Washington
3d ago
By Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good As you've probably heard, Congress' March 14, 2025 Funding Deadline Nears and failing to pass an agreement for FY2025 (Fiscal Year 2025) will result in a partial government shutdown and the threat of low income housing and other vital federal programs being blocked. Republicans' are using threats of homelessness, hunger, and illness to hold the ..read more
Stars Over Washington
5d ago
by Jude Cowell Amidst printer-scanner malfunctioning this afternoon, I managed to print and save an image of El Salvadore's 1821 Horoscope, Campion #94. The country is in the news because of its offer of prison cells but I don't want to type anymore about the difficult circumstances, not today anyway. Here's the chart in case anyone should require it ..read more
Stars Over Washington
1w ago
by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good Having run out of time to type a bunch concerning the following bi-wheel of horoscopes, I'm publishing the image anyway replete with astro-notes squooshed on which hopefully you can make out. The point is, Pluto-Chiron = Plutocracy and Plutocrats such as the Gang of Robbers who've taken control of our government. Therefore, the inner horoscope shows ..read more
Stars Over Washington
1w ago
by Jude Cowell, partisan for common decency DC Horoscope: Summer Solstice 2025 June 20, 2025 10:42:13 pm EDT Washington DC shown, below: ASC 4AQ28 rises with Pluto @3AQ20 Rx, planet of purges, transformation, power, spying, manipulation, death, and obscene wealth: Pluto/ASC uses power to try to remake circumstances; MC (The Goal) @25Sco24 conjunct Mr. T's natal IC; radical reactionary Uranus at a ..read more
Stars Over Washington
1w ago
by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good On October 9, 2024, transit Jupiter, the planet of banking, politics, military, corporatism, broadcasting, and religion, turned retrograde ("Rx") @21Gem20, stationing directly upon America's 1776 Mars while squaring 1776 Neptune in Virgo. This activation of our foggy Mars-Neptune square of rationalization brought our country a period of good fortune ..read more
Stars Over Washington
1w ago
by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good Here are two images of DC Horoscopes of America's Solar Return 2025: one based on the Horoscope of America July 4, 1776 5:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, the other issuing from the "US Powell Horoscope" of July 1, 1776 7:09 pm LMT (first vote; upper right): Some basic astro-notes are penned on the dual image along with the July 5th date of US Jupiter Return ..read more
Stars Over Washington
1w ago
Dual DC Horoscopes: Feb 2025 Lunations by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good February 12, 2025 (chart with notations shown lower left) brings first a Full Moon @24Leo06 and perhaps uncovers a few inconvenient facts or scandalous secrets (as a Lunar Eclipse often does; plus, a culmination of something planned around the time of the prior New Moon of January 29 @9AQ51). Additionally, this ..read more
Stars Over Washington
2w ago
by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good From the category of Historical Horoscopes, and ancient ones at that, we can hardly do better than a natal chart for Alexander the Great, namesake of Alexandria, Egypt, and a fabled leader born July 19, 0356 BCE in Pella, Macedonia where his father, Philip II, was born. Its antiquity means that labeling the chart "speculative" is advised. Note: Try as ..read more
Stars Over Washington
2w ago
by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good Perhaps you noticed that on Inauguration Day 2025, Mr. T. in his speech referred to the occasion as "liberation day" for America, which is a typical ploy of a "thunder stealer" like he-who-shall-not-be-named-in-this-post. January 20, 2025 was also Martin Luther King Jr Day 2025, as you know, and shabbily a connection to Dr. King and what he stood for ..read more
Stars Over Washington
2w ago
by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good As you know, there are multiple potentials (quite a mixed bag) that can express via the Saturn-Neptune pairing. Within their 33-to-36-year cycle, the two planets meet once again in Great Conjunction on February 20, 2026 @00Ari45, the Aries Point of World Events. Their current cycle began in 1989 with three exact conjunctions in the Zodiacal range of ..read more