Mother's Heartbreak
After losing her son to addiction, Mary Beth started writing their story in a form of a blog to let parents know addiction is nothing to be ashamed of and now advocate for better treatment.
Mother's Heartbreak
5d ago
Matt, January was a tough month for me. First it was losing Scarlett right after Christmas, then your tenth anniversary, then my CT scans were all piled up on my literally breaking shoulders. I felt so overwhelmed. My heart kept racing or skipping beats. That familiar tightness in my throat found me again. I became ..read more
Mother's Heartbreak
1M ago
Matt, 6:23 on January 2nd 2015 was the last time I heard your voice. I called you in Florida as you were on your way home from work. You were headed back to your sober house and planned to just relax. We talked about your day. How in just a few weeks we ..read more
Mother's Heartbreak
1M ago
Matt, yesterday we lost our precious Scarlett. She started to get sick 3 weeks ago and it just went downhill so quickly. I’m still in shock. I feel like it’s losing another piece of you all over again. I remember getting the call about a little dog who had been set ..read more
Mother's Heartbreak
1M ago
Matt, Today I was assembling backpacks for a homeless Christmas outreach and of course I’m thinking of you. I’ve been doing A Hug From Matt ever since you left me behind. I do this ministry for the homeless to keep your memory alive and to honor your life. As I was going through ..read more
Mother's Heartbreak
1M ago
Matt, today I go to drop off toys to a single mom with 3 boys. I was once a single mom and know how tough the world can be but it’s so much harder during the holidays. I have found that giving to others really helps my grieving heart especially this time of year. These ..read more
Mother's Heartbreak
1M ago
Matt, Christmas is in 14 days and I feel like I’m trudging through quicksand. Going through the motions while shaking inside. Once again the Hallmark Christmas movies are playing daily portraying the perfect family and of course the perfect holiday season. No one talks about the real life reality that not ..read more
Mother's Heartbreak
3M ago
Matt, These last couple of weeks have just been so hard. Halloween was 10 days ago and all those memories of you and Mike as little boys running around in costumes waiting for it to get dark enough for you to grab your bags and run down the path into the neighborhood. I ..read more
Mother's Heartbreak
4M ago
Matt, It’s October 3rd 9 years and 9 months since you left me. I think of how long it’s been since I’ve seen your face or heard your voice and it still takes my breath away. The trees are changing color. The geese are flying past the house honking as if to say ..read more
Mother's Heartbreak
6M ago
Matt, I finally understand. The need to escape the world in which we have nothing but pain and stress. Until it happened to me I could never comprehend how chronic pain could suck the joy out of life. I could never understand the power of the anxiety that walks hand in hand ..read more
Mother's Heartbreak
9M ago
Matt, When I learned the circumstances of your death, I knew I could never stay silent. What I really wanted to do was fly to Florida and punch the owner of your shoddy sober home in the face. I wanted him to hear your name and see the face of your grieving mother and then ..read more