We’re (Likely!) Going Out of Business Sale
Nia Shanks Blog
by Nia Shanks
1M ago
It’s been years since I’ve written an article or filmed a video. My time has been spent pursuing another venture. I gave everything I could to helping women use strength training as a tool to help them become the best versions of themselves for almost two decades. And it’s no longer a passion or something […] The post We’re (Likely!) Going Out of Business Sale appeared first on Nia Shanks ..read more
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You Must Love the Process
Nia Shanks Blog
by Nia Shanks
3y ago
You can listen to this article. Use the player below, download the MP3, or use iTunes. I never expected to have the desire to deadlift 225 pounds for 20 reps, let alone actually achieve that goal. But today, I finally did it. A quick aside for those who will say, “ThiS DoeSN’t couNt beCauSE the BaR didN’t COme to a dEaD sTop,” allow me to respond. First, I don’t care. Second, I’m not a competitive powerlifter, so I don’t have to pull each rep from a dead stop. This goal was for fun. It was for me. I’ve shared in prior articles that I like the touch ‘n go style for higher rep sets because I d ..read more
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Titan Fitness Linebacker Squat Landmine Attachment Review
Nia Shanks Blog
by Nia Shanks
4y ago
I’ve had the Titan Fitness Linebacker Squat Landmine Attachment and Landmine Stand for a couple years. Because I’ve received numerous questions about them when people see them in my workouts, I thought it was time to give a proper review. Please note I purchased this equipment and I was not asked by Titan Fitness to write a review. Affiliate links are used for the products discussed here.  Why the Titan Fitness Linebacker Squat Landmine Attachment and Landmine Stand? The primary reason: I was looking for a space-saving piece of equipment that would allow me to train my legs in ways I cou ..read more
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“Feeling Like It” Isn’t a Requirement
Nia Shanks Blog
by Nia Shanks
4y ago
You can listen to this article. Use the player below, download the MP3, or use iTunes. Most of the time I look forward to my workouts. Not only do I enjoy the physical challenge they present, but they’re meditative. When I start a workout, I shove everything else out of my mind and focus on the task at hand. It’s a welcoming breath of fresh air that allows me to decompress. And then there are periods like the past few weeks. I do not want to work out. There are other things I’d rather be doing and other tasks where I’d like to focus my attention. But as the Lift Like a Girl coaching group has ..read more
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Health and Fitness Should Make You Feel Good About Yourself
Nia Shanks Blog
by Nia Shanks
4y ago
You can listen to this article. Use the player below, download the MP3, or use iTunes. A health and fitness regimen should make you feel good about yourself. Yes, that sounds like a common sense statement, however … Obsession; deprivation; frustration; guilt. Those are not words that make you feel good about yourself, and we certainly wouldn’t choose to experience those feelings. But they do, unfortunately, describe the health and fitness journey of many people. Are you one of them?  If so, you’re not alone. I’ve been in this game for over 16 years, and I still hear the same stories from ..read more
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Titan Fitness Seated Leg Curl and Extension Machine Review
Nia Shanks Blog
by Nia Shanks
4y ago
It’s always exciting to add a new piece of equipment to my home gym. It can be a bit less fun when you spend your hard-earned money on something that ends up being a disappointment, and even more fun when something turns out to be better than expected. Which one was the Titan Fitness seated leg curl and extension machine? You’ll find out in this review. Please note, I purchased this machine and Titan Fitness did not ask me to write a review. All opinions are my own. Affiliate links are used. Let’s start from the beginning …  As is the case with all Titan Fitness products, delivery was fr ..read more
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You Don’t Have to Love Every Part of Your Body
Nia Shanks Blog
by Nia Shanks
4y ago
You can listen to this article. Use the player below, download the MP3, or use iTunes. The health and fitness industry profits off the insecurities of women. Conveniently, many people and companies eagerly offer to sell us the solution. “You hate that fat on your body? Take this pill!”; “Unsightly cellulite on your thighs? Try this cream and simple procedure!”; “Hate seeing yourself in the mirror, in a swimsuit because of unsightly flaws? Try this rapid fat loss diet!” Some people say the solution is simple: “Just love your body,” they say. “If women loved their bodies, then no one could prof ..read more
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Struggling with Nutrition? Try This.
Nia Shanks Blog
by Nia Shanks
4y ago
You can listen to this article. Use the player below, download the MP3, or use iTunes. Nutrition. It can be confusing. It can be tremendously frustrating.  If you’re currently caught in the wake of a diet-gone-wrong or you struggle to adhere to nutrition guidelines, try this simple exercise.  For the next seven days, write down everything you eat and drink. And by “everything” I mean every single thing, no matter how small. All snacks, beverages, trips to the candy dish … all of it. If it goes in your mouth, it goes into the nutrition log. (You don’t need to include calories, macros ..read more
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It’s Not Just About Workout Performance
Nia Shanks Blog
by Nia Shanks
4y ago
You can listen to this article. Use the player below, download the MP3, or us iTunes. Something must be made clear. As much as I love hitting personal records, steadily improving workout performance, and answering the “What else can I do?” question, do not forget that wins come in many different forms. They are not exclusive to performance improvements and personal records, changes in bodyweight or measurements, or other things commonly associated with nutrition and fitness “success.” Many wins can’t be displayed in photographs or a training log. This is crucial to understand because what if ..read more
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You Should Ask Yourself “What Else Can I Do?”
Nia Shanks Blog
by Nia Shanks
4y ago
You can listen to this article. Use the player below, download the MP3, or use iTunes. “What else can I do?” That’s one of my favorite questions to ask about my body’s abilities. And discovering the answers through consistent hard work is a rewarding, and empowering, experience.  A couple years ago I set a deadlift personal record when I pulled 250 (double bodyweight) for 10 reps. After a years-long hiatus from deadlifting, that was a fun milestone to hit. Afterwards I wondered, “What else am I capable of doing?” That led to the creation of short- and long-term goals I wanted to achieve ..read more
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