Refreshing the Saints
Ethnos360 | Christian Missionary Blogs
by Matt and Karissa Long
2d ago
TUESDAY, July 23, 2024 “they have devoted themselves to the service of the Lord’s people…For they refreshed my spirit and yours also.” -1 Cor. 16:15b&18a I was recently reading this passage that talked about the household of Stephanas and how they deserve recognition for pouring their lives out to refresh God’s people.  I was so encouraged because that is our focus! Why was I recently belting out Bon Jovi’s “Living’ on a Prayer” in my kitchen with my sister-in-law?  Well, because singing is something that I love, but sadly am not very good at.  So, rather than more
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Ethnos360 | Christian Missionary Blogs
by Walter and Cheryl Spicer
2d ago
Walter was the speaker at the community worship Thank you for your prayers for us. Our last few weeks in the USA were busy as planned, but God worked out everything so well. It is never easy to say goodbye, but we are so thankful for our home assignment, seeing many friends and family–such an encouraging time. It was so good to go up to Medina, ND, Walter’s hometown. We were able to see so many of his friends. Over 350 people attended the school reunion where Walter was asked to do the invocation, and over 100 came to the combined church service where Walter joined the alumni choir, plus Walte more
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Faith lived out
Ethnos360 | Christian Missionary Blogs
by David and Robin Watters
3d ago
Bible Reading Neh 4-7 Ps 102 Philemon 1 Neh 4:8-9 They all made plans to come and fight against Jerusalem and throw us into confusion. But we prayed to our God and guarded the city day and night to protect ourselves. Nehemiah prayed, but he also guarded the city day and night. Nehemiah’s faith wasn’t passive. Not only was he active, but he also took precautions. He didn’t just say, “God is in control, just trust Him.” He took steps to protect themselves. The pressure Nehemiah and the people were under is crazy: Neh 4:10 the people of Judah began complaining – the workers are tired, there more
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July 20 2024 – Update on my Dad
Ethnos360 | Christian Missionary Blogs
by David and Robin Watters
5d ago
Hello everyone, Thank you all for continuing to pray for my dad.  Physically he continues to do very well.  He finished his radiation July 8th.  During the 3 weeks of treatment, he didn’t experience much negative side effects.  The week after, he did have a couple days of fatigue, and one day he was a little disoriented.  But otherwise, the side effects have been fairly minimal.  So, praise the Lord with us for that.  This week we had 2 appointments.  We had his ERCP, the procedure to replace his stints, and a consultation with his cancer doctor. ERCP more
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Thanks for Praying
Ethnos360 | Christian Missionary Blogs
by Paul and Andrea Wilson
6d ago
We wrote in our June update that our summer plans quickly changed when Paul’s dad, Marvin Blackburn, took a turn for the worse and was nearing death.  Once we made the decision that Paul needed to fly back to Kansas, a day later he was on a plane.  We asked you to pray for his tight connections and we wanted to share with you how God answered.  He made all his flights and we both were amazed at how quickly he got to Kansas.  Sadly, he did not make it to see his dad before he passed.  But Paul was glad he went to be there for his mom and the family.  She is still i more
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Reading, Listening, Obeying
Ethnos360 | Christian Missionary Blogs
by David and Robin Watters
1w ago
Bible Reading Proverbs 8 2 Timothy 3 What Spiritual Gift has God given for me to thank Him and praise Him for in worship today? (Rom 1:11) Prov 8:19 My gifts (wisdom) are better than gold even the purest gold, my wages better than sterling silver! I pray God’s word, His truth, wisdom from Him will be more valuable to you than anything else. May there be “Nothing you desire that compares with it (Prov 8:11). It’s so easy to fill our lives with other things and be distracted from simple devotion to Christ (2 Cor 11:3). What encouraged me in my faith? (Rom 1:12) 2 Tim 3:16 All scripture is i more
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Good News, Greater Commission (#2)
Ethnos360 | Christian Missionary Blogs
by Joel Potter
1w ago
It’s time for another edition of Good News, Greater Commission and this time around we’ve got sweet news from the Philippines, a prayer request for a team serving all the way up in the Arctic Circle, and a brand new event starting here in Florida just a month from now. Let’s roll… PRAY For the last few years, Ethnos Canada has been exploring how to share the gospel and plant churches in a culturally relevant and sensitive way with the people groups in their own country. Instead of steamy jungles and tropical mountaintops, imagine permafrost and seals and a written language that appears to be more
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More Than Ever Before
Ethnos360 | Christian Missionary Blogs
by Stephen and Ginger Jordan
1w ago
Within the next few days, we will be hosting the 7th Sports Bible Camp in our location.  “Sports,” basketball and volleyball, are the means that get teens to the camp where they will hear the Gospel according to the “Bible.”  This year the theme of the Gospel message is:  “Are You a Good Person?” Over the last two weeks, 105 players have already registered for camp!  We will leave registration open and hope to get as many as 144 players.  In the past, we have only had 65 teens.  To be able to include 144 players, we have also opened this camp for the entire villa more
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Stand Firm in Prayer
Ethnos360 | Christian Missionary Blogs
by David and Robin Watters
1w ago
Bible Reading (July 13) 2 Chron 32-33 Proverbs 6 1 Tim 5 What Spiritual Gift has God given for me to thank Him and praise Him for in worship today? (Rom 1:11) 2 Chron 32:7-8 “Be strong and courageous! Don’t be afraid or discouraged because of the king of Assyria or his mighty troops, for there is a power far greater on our side! He may have great troops, but they are merely men. We have the LORD our God to help us and to fight our battles for us!” Hezekiah’s words greatly encouraged the people. 2 Chron 32:9-19 Sennacherib mocked Hezekiah in front of the people. He told them Hezekiah was lyi more
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Give your complete attention
Ethnos360 | Christian Missionary Blogs
by David and Robin Watters
1w ago
Bible Reading (July 12) 2 Chronicles 30-31 Proverbs 5 1 Tim 4 What Spiritual Gift has God given for me to thank Him and praise Him for in worship today? (Rom 1:11) Prov 5:18-20 Let your wife be a fountain of blessing for you. Rejoice in the wife of your youth. She is a loving deer, a graceful doe. Let her breasts satisfy you always. May you always be captivated by her love. Why be captivated, my son, by an immoral woman, or fondle the breasts of a promiscuous woman? My wife is such a gift. In Proverbs 5 Solomon warns men to avoid the immoral woman. In today’s world there are so many ways w more
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