Hi! I'm Julia. I live in Arizona on 2.5 acres, with HOT summers, lots of cacti and amazing sunsets! A sinner saved by grace first and foremost, I'm also a homeschool graduate living with my family at home and serving the King, Jesus Christ, above all. I blog about my homesteading adventure here at ReformStead.com—everything homesteading for the glory of God.
1y ago
Growing air purifying plants indoors is so good for your health! Learn about all the benefits and start growing plants in your house today ..read more
2y ago
Goat raising on the homestead can be a very smart move. Goats can provide you with milk and meat and are a lot easier to keep than a cowl. Come learn goat raising 101 with me ..read more
5y ago
Here's a great natural bee themed baby shower cake you can make! I made this last week and it was a real hit! Gluten free, and all natural homemade food colors. #cake #beetheme #babyshower ..read more
6y ago
Desert gardening in the summers is a challenge. Arizona's desert is not inviting of lush green veggies. But there are things you can do and plant in the months of June and July all of you zone 9, low-desert gardeners. #arizonagardening #summers #zone9 #phoenix ..read more
6y ago
Start your poultry record keeping templates with this egg record sheet. Keep track of how many eggs your chickens are laying with this cute printable cheat-sheet. #backyardchickens #chickens #eggs ..read more
6y ago
How do you keep your chickens cool this summer? Great question! Here are some tips and tricks to help your flock handle the heat. #backyardchickens #chickens #homesteading ..read more
6y ago
There is a lot that goes into blogging. Here are a few of my favorite blogging tools I'm sure you'll love as well ..read more
6y ago
Did you know you can grow food for your chickens in your garden? In this article, I go over what you can plant for you chickens this spring. #chickens #gardening #homesteading ..read more