Sweet Homestead Alaska
We are a Christian family homesteading in interior Alaska. We started moving from AZ in 2009. We have joined forces with longtime Alaska resident Donna Scott who is allowing us to set up camp on her established homestead turning into a small farm community nestled into the remote Alaskan interior.
Sweet Homestead Alaska
3y ago
Our joint honey venture was a total success! From our one hive we got 10 gallons of honey. So 5 gal for Steve and Ann and 5 gal for us. I've been slowly working on filtering and jarring our beautiful fresh organic raw honey. I learned a lot and definitely hope to do it again next year either with Steve and Ann again or on our own if their not up for it. It was so amazing to see the different colors of honey created by the different types of flowers that they were getting their pollen from. The early honey from when we had them in Manley by the bath house was mostly from the dandelions and w ..read more
Sweet Homestead Alaska
3y ago
Well some things in life can be a little on the fishy side. For those of us in interior Alaska that's usually a good thing. Our friend Steve who is the same person teaching me about Bee keeping took us out and showed us how to net fish for Salmon. Joey Redington Jr allowed us to use his spot for the day.
Saturday morning we collected the honey from the bees Steve, Ann and I pulled all the frames. Saturday evening we set the fish net.
Tanana River
Steve and Ken taking the net out of the box
Ken tying off the boat and the net
The net and buoy
I said ..read more
Sweet Homestead Alaska
3y ago
Hello All,
I would like to share a story with you of one of my readers that I think needs to be brought out in the open more. It has to do with a type of cancer and how this amazing woman survived it against overwhelming odds. If you have the time please read her story.
Here is her message to me. Again if you have the time please click on the above links for more about Heather and Mesothelioma.
Hi there Sarah!
Thanks for getting back to me! I am 44 and a mother to a quirky little 7 ..read more
Sweet Homestead Alaska
3y ago
WOW! It seems like it's been forever since I've posted. For those of you that don't know my hard drive on my computer crashed. I took it into Geek City in Fairbanks and had them do a data recovery and put in a new hard drive. It took a little while to get it back but they were understanding of our situation and were able to fix it in about a week and a half. We were able to drop it off when we picked up Ken's mom from the airport and pick it back up when we took her back. Soooo, now that I'm back up and running lets see if I can get you caught up a bit. So much has happened that I'm sure I ..read more
Sweet Homestead Alaska
3y ago
I figured out why spring wasn't coming. I had left up my winter welcome sign. So I took the sign down and winter got the hint packed up and headed out of town. The only problem being that spring must have still been sleeping so Summer just went ahead and took over. We went from cold and snowy to hot and sunny. May has been a busy month of starting seeds and raising baby chicks. We got 25 meat chickens this year and 13 laying hens. It was 14 but we lost one. We also got 2 turkeys this year which is our first attempt at turkeys. The kids named them Bob and Larry after the Veggie Tales charact ..read more
Sweet Homestead Alaska
3y ago
The Elliot Highway from Manley Hot Springs heading home to Eureka
Well it' supposed to be spring but someone forgot to tell the snow clouds because it's still snowing.
I have started my seeds and started digging out the greenhouse. We're ready for Spring even if it's not ready for us.
The Manley Hot Springs Spring Carnival was again a lot of fun. I even won the toilet seat toss (women's) this year and came in second in the women's ice golf. Ken took first place in the men's ice golf.
Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your fa ..read more
Sweet Homestead Alaska
3y ago
Again I find myself well behind in updates. There is always plenty to do around here and little time for posting. We did some dog sitting so we had three extra sled dogs here and I got to run 7 dogs. That was really fun and a little scary. A lot more power than 3 dogs.
We had a good Christmas this year. The kids were spoiled as always.
For New Years we had some friends over and we had a small camp fire and set off some small fireworks. We put a pack of “Funky Flames” in the fire and it made the flames some pretty cool colors. It w ..read more
Sweet Homestead Alaska
7y ago
You step out side and pull in a deep breath of air, filled with a whirling mix of aromas only found on a farm. You gaze up and search the sky. Another cloudy day. Your mind can't help but start to wander to all of the different things that need to be done today. The never ending list that seems to wrap tightly around you. Sometimes it brings comfort, but some days you feel like your being squeezed a bit too hard, you start to sweat a little and it becomes hard to breath. You can't move and you don't even know were to start. Close your eyes, quiet your mind and pray for the peace that only Go ..read more