Lemon Water and Tangerines
A Blog for Healing from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) , Rape Trauma Syndrome (RTS), Sexual Assault, Physical Abuse, Emotional Abuse.
Lemon Water and Tangerines
3M ago
There is an overabundance of groupthink stupid, especially in dealing with the reality that there are more rapes, sexual assaults, physical affronts, sexual harassments, and domestic abuse cases than anyone wants to admit here in America. There is a normalization of these activities as "culture" instead of as "crime". Adultery and emotional abuse are considered to be "culture". I have seen terms such as "rape culture". Abortion is considered a culture. It is never identified as the proof that the crime of rape has occurred. Instead, there is a warped interpr ..read more
Lemon Water and Tangerines
1y ago
It is easier said than done, but having the courage to stand by convictions of truth that you know you are speaking when surrounded by people who find your truths to be uncomfortable or have an agenda to shut you up and shut you down makes life even harder than it is already.
When I was in my 20s, I didn't have the courage of conviction that I have now in my 50s. In my 20s, when I tried to speak about anything that had happened to me, I was told that I was either lying or I deserved it and I didn't have the courage of conviction to stand up for my truth. It was too difficult beca ..read more
Lemon Water and Tangerines
1y ago
Tony Robbins was met with a huge backlash from the "Me Too" movement for his hostile rhetoric. He changed his position.
Megyn Kelly interviewed the woman that confronted Tony Robbins at his seminar about his mischaracterization of the "Me Too" movement.
Liberal lunacy on the left coddling criminals and shaming victims is horrible leftist ideology led by the Clintons and is one of the many reasons I left the left.
Real conservatives are tough on crime. Real conservatives want to protect women's 4th Amendment rights to be free from intrusions ca ..read more
Lemon Water and Tangerines
1y ago
Lemon Water and Tangerines
1y ago
Lemon Water and Tangerines
1y ago
One Large Flour Tortilla
Tomato Sauce
Onion Powder
Garlic Powder
Black Pepper
Shredded Mozzarella Cheese
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Put tortilla on sheet of foil.
Cover tortilla with thin layer of tomato sauce.
Sprinkle onion powder, garlic powder, oregano, and black pepper over tomato sauce
Cover with shredded mozzarella cheese.
Put Foil with pizza on it in the oven for 10 minutes.
Take out of oven and let it cool for 10 minutes.
Enjoy ..read more
Lemon Water and Tangerines
1y ago
This next video has been digital media manipulated. Originally, the video showed Joe Biden bragging that he had built what has to be the most corrupt election machine in the history of American politics, and he would win the election without any votes and the original video did not mention Obama.
Mr. Trump's theme song, "YMCA" had 150 million views just before the 2020 election. Before Mr. Trump adopted the song at his rallies, it had less than 1000 views. As of today, it has 280 million views.
According to MSNBC, Biden has a 90% disapproval rating ..read more
Lemon Water and Tangerines
1y ago
2 Tablespoons of Sugar
3 Eggs
1 Scoop of Natural Vanilla Ice Cream (No Preservatives or Additives)
2 Cups of Milk
Nutmeg (optional)
Cinnamon (optional)
One 20 oz. Glass
One Large Tablespoon
One Ice Cream Scoop
One Large Measuring Cup
One Small Bowl (for egg whites and shells to separate eggs)
One Butter Knife
Put one scoop of vanilla ice cream in the 20 oz. glass.
Put two cups of milk into the measuring cup.
Pour the milk from the measuring cup into the 20 oz. glass over the ice cream.
Add two tablespoons of sugar to the 20 oz glass over the milk and ice ..read more
Lemon Water and Tangerines
1y ago
This is a very simple recipe inspired from Emeril Lagasse. It will impress your toughest food critics.
One Week Before Holiday Meal
Get Ingredients Together
- One Whole Frozen Turkey
- One Large Bottle of Extra Virgin Olive Oil (enough to cover the turkey thoroughly)
- Rosemary (enough to cover the turkey thoroughly)
Get Cooking and Kitchen Materials Together
- One Large Roasting Pan (Big enough to cook the turkey, small enough to fit in the oven)
- Aluminum Foil (Enough to cover ..read more