Summer Garden Evaluation Planning Ideas and Tips
eGardenGo | Gardening Blog
1y ago
My garden is small. Because of that, I’m always on the lookout for ways to continue my ongoing experimentation with plants and planting design. The lazy days of summer are the perfect time to plan for the upcoming changes, edits, and renovations that I'll make after the weather cools. In this post, you'll find tips and ideas to consider as you're evaluating your summer garden more
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Use These Early Bloomers to Add Months of Enjoyment to Your Garden
eGardenGo | Gardening Blog
1y ago
Winter fading into spring leaving your garden looking bleak? No worries! Those bare patches are a golden opportunity for adding some bulbs and/or spring ephemerals! Don't let any corner of your garden plot go to waste! Early spring is a great time to add new layers of beauty to your garden more
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Shape and Texture Study for Front Entry Garden
eGardenGo | Gardening Blog
3y ago
Sketching to visualize plant shapes and textures more
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20+ Plants That Will Create a Strong Foliage Foundation
eGardenGo | Gardening Blog
3y ago
Evergreen shrubs are the sturdy foundation upon which gardens are built. In addition to year-round structure these selections have additional merits such as fabulous foliage, decorative berries or blooms. Use the eGardenGo site to get ideas for what to plant with them more
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Landscape Ideas for Front Yard Gardens with No Grass
eGardenGo | Gardening Blog
3y ago
In this post, I'll be showing you alternatives to the traditional grassy lawn. I hope that these landscaping ideas that will open your eyes to ways you can design a grass-free front yard landscape. Of course, many of these landscaping ideas for your yard translate to backyard landscapes as well more
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The Best Plants for Creating Colorful Winter Containers
eGardenGo | Gardening Blog
3y ago
Creating an eye-catching and spirit-lifting winter container can be quick and easy. Taking the time to freshen the container plantings at your front entry will reward you all winter long and brighten your spirits every time you come home. This post is full winter planter ideas to help you get started more
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How to Create Garden Compositions That Shine in Winter
eGardenGo | Gardening Blog
3y ago
Let’s presume that you’ve selected a plant that puts on a show in winter to add to your garden. Now what? How do you go about rounding out the scene and creating a pleasing garden composition that holds together for rest of the year more
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Savor the Relaxed Beauty of a Graceful Demise
eGardenGo | Gardening Blog
3y ago
In this post we're going to single out plants that have merit based on their dead and dying foliage—plants I value for their graceful demise more
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Osteospermum Purple Mountain® Sun Daisy
eGardenGo | Gardening Blog
3y ago
This content is for subscribing members only. To learn more about membership more
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Garden Design Deliberations for the Dog Days of Summer
eGardenGo | Gardening Blog
3y ago
This time of year I’m inclined to be less about “doing” in the garden and more about “being” in the garden. Over the years, I’ve grown increasingly willing to make edits to my garden. This year in particular I am eyeing plants that have been poor performers in the high heat more
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