The joy and freedom of a solo holiday as an older woman | Letters
The Guardian » Vietnam holidays
by Guardian Staff
1y ago
Female readers reflect on their experiences of travelling alone in response to an article by Joanna Moorhead Thank you for Joanna Moorhead’s wonderful article on solo travel (Long lunches, casual friendships, no one to worry about: solo holidays are brilliant for older women like me, 5 March). I’m on my first ever solo holiday, after 52 years of marriage. When I arrived in Vietnam, the guide who met me asked: “Why are you travelling alone?” I felt taken aback, but gather that this type of direct question is a cultural norm. Much travelled but always with family, I feared that I might feel mela more
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The world is my office: why I chose to become a digital nomad worker
The Guardian » Vietnam holidays
by Greg Lea
6y ago
From copywriters to computer programmers, people with online-based jobs are seizing the chance to take their work on their travelsI dismissed the idea at first. Over a picnic in south London’s Brockwell Park last May my friend Tom asked whether I had ever considered leaving the UK behind and continuing my football journalism career abroad.“Nice thought, mate,” I replied. “But I can’t see it happening. How would I make it work? Besides, I’d miss you too much more
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