Everything Birth Blog
Everything Birth is a blog on midwifery, attachment parenting, cloth diapers and more.
Everything Birth Blog
2y ago
When a new baby arrives, the focus – usually – is on mom and the new bundle of joy.
But there is also another person in the picture. And that’s dad!
It isn’t always easy for dads to jump into parenting, but if you have a new dad in your life, here are some ways to support him as he transitions to fatherhood.
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New dads need to learn how to be new dads, and there are some books out there for them. But really, any book or article about how to be a new parent can be beneficial for a dad to read – especially if mom is nursing.
There are also classes geared toward new dads, so they ..read more
Everything Birth Blog
2y ago
If you’ve had a medication-free birth with a midwife or doula, you might have had your hips squeezed.
Having “the hip squeeze” is a way to relieve pain naturally and this comfort measure is used by doulas and midwives alike. But it can also be used by any birth partner to give comfort and pain relief during the labor process.
So, what is the hip squeeze and why does it work?
The proper term is Hip Counter Pressure and it is a great way to manage pain. It acts as a sort of massage and can feel really good because it helps relieve the pain and pressure as baby moves down the birth canal. There c ..read more
Everything Birth Blog
2y ago
If you have given birth, or if you are pregnant, you might be worried about tearing. Even though you understand the vagina is meant to stretch to let baby ease out during birth, there are things you can do to help the process.
Enter perineal massage: A technique that can help your perineum (the area between your vagina and rectum) be more pliable during birth and less prone to tearing or damage.
You can prepare your perineal area for childbirth with some simple massage and you can also ask your birth workers to help you during birth to make things go more smoothly – and hopefully make for an e ..read more
Everything Birth Blog
2y ago
You might have heard the term “rainbow baby” but maybe you aren’t quite sure what it means.
A rainbow baby is a child born to parents who have experienced a pregnancy loss or infant death – like miscarriage or still birth.
Rainbows for many people symbolize hope, rebirth or renewal and for parents who have experienced loss, the birth of a child can help them connect and celebrate their new baby – while honoring the child or children lost.
Rainbows, after all, are the beauty that comes after a storm.
And rainbow babies come after a rainbow pregnancy, which – despite the nice sounding name – can ..read more
Everything Birth Blog
3y ago
It is finally spring, yay! That means time outside, fresh air and lots of fun. It also means spring cleaning.
Spring is a great time to freshen up your space and it can be a (relatively) fun activity for the entire family if you do it right. Not all spring cleaning tasks ARE fun, but some of them can draw in even the littlest family members.
Here are some spring cleaning tips for families. Read on:
Baseboard washing
When was the last time you wiped down your baseboards and woodwork? Was it the holidays? Last year? Never? We get it; it isn’t always a priority. But little hands can help wipe dow ..read more
Everything Birth Blog
3y ago
Earth Day is on April 22 every year and it’s a great time to show your children how to care for Mother Earth.
If your family doesn’t celebrate Earth Day, make this the year you start the tradition, and we bet you will make some amazing memories.
Here are five ways to show your children how to care for Mother Earth. Read on:
Plant a tree or garden
One of the best things you can do with your children to celebrate Earth Day is to plant a tree or even a small garden. If it’s too cold where you are, start some seeds indoors or visit a nursery or botanical garden to admire all the plants.
Planting a ..read more
Everything Birth Blog
3y ago
It’s World Down Syndrome Day! We are marking this day by sharing some facts about this condition.
Learn about Down Syndrome today and remember to share the knowledge with others.
What is Down Syndrome?
Down Syndrome, named after a British doctor John Langdon Down, is a genetic disorder where a person has three copies of the 21st chromosome instead of two. It is the most frequently occurring chromosomal disorder in the world.
The cause of Down Syndrome remains unknown.
It is usually diagnosed at birth and is based on physical characteristics and then confirmed through a chromosome study. Many p ..read more
Everything Birth Blog
3y ago
March is Women’s History Month and over the course of history, many women have contributed to modern U.S. medicine.
From the first woman to receive a medical degree to women who made advances in midwifery and obstetrics, here are a few of note.
Elizabeth Blackwell
Elizabeth Blackwell is one of the best-known women of U.S. medical history. She’s the first American woman to earn a medical degree. She helped train Civil War nurses and she also worked to start a clinic for women and children in New York. She helped establish a medical school for women in Great Britain as well.
Rebecca Lee Crumpler ..read more
Everything Birth Blog
3y ago
Many people think that once baby is delivered, there isn’t really any more health worries for mom, but in fact, there is a potentially deadly heart condition that can arise after birth: Peripartum cardiomyopathy.
Peripartum Cardiomyopathy, or PPCM, can occur in the last weeks of pregnancy or in the months after birth. It is a disease of the heart muscle and it can be fatal if left untreated.
PPCM weakens the heart muscle which means less blood is sent out – so your organs don’t get enough oxygen.
Only about 1,000 women develop PPCM annually in the United States.
It can be tough to diagnose PPC ..read more
Everything Birth Blog
3y ago
Pregnancy can be a stressful time and it isn’t always easy to know what you can and cannot do – especially when it comes to dental care.
Can you get your teeth cleaned? Should you keep up with your checkups? What about X-Rays or fillings?
The fact is, most dental care is safe during pregnancy and pregnancy can impact your oral health in a few key ways – so it’s important to keep up with your checkups.
It can be hard to know what to do, however, but here are a few things you need to know about dental care and pregnancy.
Pregnancy impacts your oral health
During pregnancy, hormones can have an i ..read more