Learn From Autistics Blog
Covers autism interviews, parenting tips, and autism news. Learn from Autistics provides practical solutions for parents and families of children and young adults on the autism spectrum.
Learn From Autistics Blog
3w ago
Elliot Harper is Elliot Harper is a senior manager in the UK public sector, an autistic advocate, and a passionate blogger. Recently diagnosed with autism, Elliot shares insights on navigating neurodivergence in the workplace and life. He is also the Vice Chair of his organization’s Autism and Neurodiversity Network, where he advocates for inclusive environments.…
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The post Autism Interview #214: Elliot Harper on Late Diagnosis appeared first on Learn From Autistics ..read more
Learn From Autistics Blog
3M ago
Life can be A LOT. The whirlwind of daily expectations from others or ourselves can be overwhelming at times. As I’ve grown older, I’ve been better able to appreciate how complex managing a growing family truly is and give myself the grace to not be perfect. We are all faced with situations that smack us…
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The post The Grace to Grow appeared first on Learn From Autistics ..read more
Learn From Autistics Blog
6M ago
The end of my sophomore year was very difficult. I needed a break. In June, my oldest son was looking forward to transitioning to a different environment and schedule, having just finished his sophomore year of high school, which, according to him, “was noticeably hard.” Summer is often full of transitions for families, as schedules,…
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The post Learning Independence/Interdependence in the Cafeteria appeared first on Learn From Autistics ..read more
Learn From Autistics Blog
8M ago
Traci Neal is a poet, speaker, and public advocate. Neal’s writings are featured in The Elevation Review, 1619 Speaks Anthology, Sims Library of Poetry, Spoken Black Girl Magazine, The Art of Autism, Poetry X Hunger, Text Power Telling Magazine, Black Art Magazine, and many other media publications. She has been featured as a guest poet on National Public Radio (NPR) for Poetry Moment in Spokane, Washington to recite her original poetry. This week she shared her experience with obtaining an autism diagnosis as an adult and her passion for poetry and autism advocacy.
What made you deci ..read more
Learn From Autistics Blog
10M ago
Dave Bochichio is an Autistic financial advisor serving neurodivergent individuals, their families, and professionals supporting them. His mission is to help clients reduce uncertainty, stress, and time spent worrying about their finances. Aside from partnering on financial goals, Dave also serves to be a behavioral coach around money, a financial educator, and a family coordinator on sensitive money matters. Dave and his wife live in New Hampshire in the Lakes Region with their two cats and enjoy eating out at restaurants, spending time with family, and watching romantic comedies. This ..read more
Learn From Autistics Blog
1y ago
I have some exciting news to share! My incomparable writing partner, Dr. Jennifer Elizabeth Brunton, and I are clawing our way to the finish line of our second book, which focuses on advice for teens and young adults transitioning to adulthood. The book will be tentatively titled The #ActuallyAutistic Guide to Building Independence: Practical, Step-By-Step Advice for Teens, Young Adults, and Those Who Care About Them and will showcase advice from over 100 Autistic teens and adults on important life transitions.
For a variety of reasons, the journey to increased independence and adulthood-–in w ..read more
Learn From Autistics Blog
1y ago
“I want to find friends who really want to hang out with me. Not just people who are nice, but people who make me feel like an integral part of their group.”
Parents, teachers, and administrators teach kindness and inclusion in formal and informal ways. They encourage social interactions via playdates and birthday invites extended to entire classes or sports teams. They also might encourage the sharing of toys or lunch items. Schools also implement anti-bullying programs that administer negative consequences for harassment or exclusivity and positive rewards for inclusive actions. These are a ..read more
Learn From Autistics Blog
1y ago
Below is an article by Ari Winters originally published on May 14, 2023 on Medium. It is reprinted here with their permission.
Ari Winters is a professional facilitator and creator of The Relating Languages. Growing up, they were drawn to the complexities of human interaction, acting as a bridge between different social circles and communities. This sparked their fascination with facilitating discussions and fostering connections between people from diverse backgrounds. They have worked with organizations such as Google, Dell, Mindvalley, Rebel Wisdom, Kellogg, and the National Weather Servi ..read more
Learn From Autistics Blog
1y ago
Michael Fugate is a commercial driver and public speaker from Indiana. Fugate is passionate about mental health and helping others gain the confidence to improve their lives. He enjoys music, films, history, writing, guitar, traveling, studying the world wars, and Howard Hughes. He hopes to expand his role as a public advocate to serve those in need.
This week Fugate shared some of his experience as a public speaker and his passion for bridging the gap between the Autistic community and autism service providers.
Tell me a little about yourself. What are your hobbies/interests/work? What a ..read more
Learn From Autistics Blog
2y ago
Hanna Mashima is originally from Japan, a self-identified autist with OCD, Bipolar and Dissociative identity disorder.
Hanna builds her life around work and study, knowing the gap between her capabilities in professional capacity and private life.
Twitter: @hannamashima
This week she shared her path to self diagnosis, common misconceptions, and autism acceptance.
Tell me a little about yourself (your passions/work interests, etc.)
I am a professionally active, rule abiding, work dependent self-diagnosed autist (formerly my characteristics ma ..read more