My Keto & Fasting Life
Keto and Low-Carb Lifestyle for a healthier life, with intermittent fasting, sprouting, smoothies & bulletproof beverages. Nissa Annakindt suffered from Type 2 diabetes and Chronic Kidney Disease so she changed her lifestyle to a low carb diet and lost 67 lbs in the process.
My Keto & Fasting Life
4y ago
Like this blog? I hope you do. But I find the Wordpress blogs easier to use in part because I can post the blog posts automatically to my Twitter & Facebook as I post. I seem to have more readers on my Wordpress blog, also.
So I've moved on. I am planning to move/update the posts from this blog and add them to the other blog. Go to My Lowcarb - Keto Life: https://annakindt.wordpress.com
I am still doing keto. Or lowcarb, using the more generic term. I'm still healthier than I was when I was eating 'crappy carbage' --- high-carbohydrate garbage food.
I hope you will follow me to thi ..read more
My Keto & Fasting Life
5y ago
The Lowcarb/Keto eating plan already restricts you from eating a lot of things which most people think of as ‘normal.’ As I have found now that I’m having to eat low-protein due to a bad kidney test, adding even more restrictions can be hard. In my case, it seems to be necessary for my health right now. It can be hard to cope.
The problem is to understand the reasons behind your restrictions so you can make good choices. The reason you can’t have two bananas for breakfast is not because bananas are evil or Satanic, but because they are high in carbohydrates. (If you utterly adore bananas per ..read more
My Keto & Fasting Life
5y ago
Like a number of lowcarbers, I keep chickens. I live in a rural area where chicken-keeping is even kind of expected. In the spring, we chicken-keepers get showers of eggs, some of which we can put in incubators to make new chickens.
Last year, all but one of my chickens died in a winter storm, and neighbor provided me with some fertile hatching eggs. They hatched out in good proportions— I have 5 hens and a rooster. They live with my gander, Attila, who protects them from predators and chases the cats away from the chickens. My shy little mommy-cat Moxie hisses right back at him, thoug ..read more
My Keto & Fasting Life
5y ago
As I mentioned on this blog before, I had some medical tests done and according to the non-doctor PCP I have, everything was ALL bad and my life was over and I had to make arrangements for an animal shelter to take in my pet cats when I go. And then the paperwork from my medical tests finally arrived.
I found that my non-doctor had lied to me. She claimed that I now had stage four kidney disease. The tests clearly show that I am still at stage three. Perhaps she exaggerated to force me to go to a nephrologist? I’d go if they ever get around to making the appointment, so long as they do ..read more
My Keto & Fasting Life
5y ago
Starting the lowcarb/keto eating plan without enough information can lead to bad results. Someone learns that eating lowcarb will lead to ‘quick weight loss,’ lower blood pressure and lower blood sugar, and so they get started. They’ve heard you can’t eat bread on lowcarb. So they eat pasta, or English muffins, or Froot Loops— all also high-carb foods.
Some people are so afraid of dietary fat they are afraid to eat any meat except an ounce or two of dry, lowfat turkey. They eat egg white omelets— and wonder why they get so hungry. Other folks pig out on bacon and won’t eat any salads b ..read more
My Keto & Fasting Life
5y ago
We live in a world where people are confused about what science is. Some people think they are being all sciency when they call people they disagree with ‘science deniers’ for not accepting things like global warming, evolutionist philosophy, or the diet-heart hypothesis by blind faith.
Science is not about blind faith. It’s about things we know by testing them out, often by double-blind experiments where not even the scientists involved know which patient is getting the shiny new drug and which is getting an inert pill (placebo.) We need to know the science behind our way-of-eating, even if ..read more
My Keto & Fasting Life
5y ago
Last Wednesday I got the results back on a kidney test and my results were worse. At least according to my PA. She wants me to eat less protein & less sodium. Since I need to be on low-carb to control my diabetes and I’m sure my very conventional PA presumes that everyone needs to be low-fat, that adds up to a food-free diet. Luckily I already have a couple books about that diet.
I have ‘The Complete Guide to Fasting’ by Dr. Jason Fung and Jimmy Moore, and ‘The Obesity Code’ by Dr. Jason Fung. Dr. Fung is a nephrologist (kidney doctor) and if fasting (or low-carb) were deadly for people ..read more
My Keto & Fasting Life
5y ago
This is a super-simple recipe you can make with canned broth, an egg, and a couple of optional spices. It’s rather similar to Chinese Egg-Drop Soup, only has more of a European soul-food tone to it. You can also make it with bone broth of various types, or home-made dashi (Japanese fish/seaweed broth.)
Einlaufsuppe - German Einlauf Soup
One can of canned broth, any flavor, or 2 cups home-made bone broth or dashi.
1 Tablespoon good fat (butter, ghee, EVOO, coconut oil, cold-pressed avocado oil, bacon fat)
1 egg (large, extra-large, jumbo, chicken or duck egg)
1/2 Tablespoon dried parsley (or ..read more
My Keto & Fasting Life
5y ago
One of the reasons our way of eating is often described as a ‘luxurious’ diet is that we can have steaks— really nice ones— and not have to have half portions or quarter portions because we are counting carbs and not calories and all steak is zero carb.
Burgers are also good food, especially if you can get some grass-fed ground beef from Walmart. It’s weird to eat them with a knife and fork, on a plate, instead of on those overly-sweet buns the fast-food places are pushing, but it’s a learning curve.
A lot of people who can’t cook anything else know how to take a steak and a fry ..read more
My Keto & Fasting Life
5y ago
The Wuhan coronavirus has taught us how many people are dependent on others to make their meals— they eat restaurant, including fast-food restaurant, meals not once or twice a month but once or twice a day. And for their other meals they have ready-to-eat or heat-and-eat stuff.
Being this helpless is no way to do Keto * Low-Carb. It’s like being in a prison where you don’t get to eat what you think is healthy but what a prison dietician thinks is healthy, and what the prison budget can handle. If you want to be a free ketonian rather than a carb-diet prisoner, it’s time to learn to mak ..read more