Field & Stream
Field & Stream Magazine aims to instruct and entertain American hunters and anglers, and to work for the conservation of wild life and wild places. Check out the latest hunting, fishing & survival tips from the experts. Don't miss the latest gun reviews, outdoor gear, rut reports, and much more.
Field & Stream
7M ago
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Spyderco is known for its high quality, long-lasting blades ideal for everything from everyday carry to hunting and survival. Whether you’re a long-time fan of the brand or want to try it out for the first time, now is a great time to snag a Spyderco knife at a discount. Amazon is currently having a major sale on Spyderco knives, with some of the most popular styles marked down up to 35 percent off.
Get nearly $100 off the iconic Para Military 2 folding knife or snag the highly r ..read more
Field & Stream
7M ago
A river smallmouth caught on a fly. Max Inchausti
First, a disclaimer: You can’t talk about fishing in low, clear river and stream conditions without discussing whether you should be fishing in them at all. Some species are highly sensitive to high water temperatures. This is especially true of trout and walleyes. Serious muskie anglers often take a break when water temperatures rise above 75 degree for fear of fatally stressing the fish. If your main targets are species that thrive in cooler water, giving them a rest during the hottest months is a smart move. But there are also plenty of spe ..read more
Field & Stream
7M ago
Montana is home to over 2,100 grizzlies. Pixabay
A Montana man recently survived a harrowing grizzly bear attack. The 72-year-old man, whose full identity has not been revealed, was picking huckleberries in the Flathead National Forest, 2 miles from the town of Columbia Falls, on Thursday, July 18, when the attack occurred.
According to a Montana Fish, Wildlife, & Parks (FWP) press release, shortly after the man encountered the bear, the bruin charged at and attacked him. Thankfully, he escaped a worst-case scenario by shooting and killing the grizzly bear with his handgun. The FWP did no ..read more
Field & Stream
7M ago
Jace Bauserman
While trail cameras are great tools for patterning whitetails and locating turkeys, many hunters don’t realize how effective these devices are for western big game scouting. And I don’t just mean setting cams over watering holes and wallows to capture images of elk, pronghorn, and muleys. There are plenty of other strategies for snapping pics of big bulls and getting a bead on local herds. You just need to know how and where to place your trail cameras in the backcountry.
For starters, western trail cam tactics differ from setting cams in the East and Midwest due to rugged terr ..read more
Field & Stream
7M ago
Caption. battler / Adobe Stock
As we walk toward the inn, I can hear the occasional creaking of rocking chairs from the long front porch. It’s an old-fashioned kind of place; a horseshoe pit out back and a rolling lawn leading to boat docks out front, where I can see the shimmer of a northern bass lake through an ancient stand of white pines.
First things first. Right after we check in, I mosey into the dining room. Breakfast comes out at 6 a.m., and dinner service stops at 10 p.m., which means we can fish early and late, the best times for summer bass, without missing a meal. Perfect.
My w ..read more
Field & Stream
7M ago
Sabastian “Bat” Mann
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The Mossberg Patriot has always been a very affordable and reliable bolt-action rifle, and I’ve done a lot of hunting with it in its various forms. In fact, I took one of the first Patriot rifles to Africa in 2014. Since then, I’ve hunted across the United States and in Mexico and Canada with a variety of Patriot rifles. Currently, Mossberg lists seven variations of the Patriot and will soon be adding an eighth—the Patriot Predator SF (Suppressor Friendly). B ..read more
Field & Stream
7M ago
Scott Haugen
It was 4:30 a.m. when I texted my hunting buddy that we were switching to plan B. I’d just received a notification on my phone from the Moultrie Mobile app. It revealed big groups of wigeon had moved in to feed on green grass near the edge of a pond. I put the Edge Pro trail cam there four days prior and it paid off. We shot our limit in under 30 minutes.
Four years ago, I started running non-cellular trail cams for ducks. And while it was helpful for understanding duck behavior and migration patterns, I was always one step behind the birds. Last season, I switched to using ..read more
Field & Stream
7M ago
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On day two of ICAST 2024, we combed the floor for the best new fishing reels. While there weren’t as many new reels as new rods, we still found a few models worth noting. Below are six freshwater reels, three saltwater reels, and one fly reel that we think anglers should be on the lookout for.
All of these models caught our attention, whether for innovation design, pursuit-focused applications, or for just being pretty darn cool. In fact, we both chose different reels as ..read more
Field & Stream
7M ago
KOTO/Adobe Stock
In my hometown of North Bangor, New York, when the folks meet up on their front lawns or at the post office, they always chat a while. Usually, they talk about each other’s vegetable gardens, or the farmers ask when it’s going to rain or stop raining, but they all tend part with the same words: “Okay, take it slow.”
The other day I was sitting on the grassy bank of Bakers Creek waiting for a hatch of sulfurs to pop up. Across the Meadow, Mr. Bombard was putting his heifers out to pasture, and I was gazing with a wide-angle stare toward the head of the pool where a rusty bar ..read more
Field & Stream
7M ago
G. Loomis
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We are in Orlando for the annual ICAST fishing trade show to find the best new gear released this year. After the first day, it’s clear this is one of the biggest shows in recent memory. There are more vendors, manufacturers, and gear to comb through than in years past. We spent most of day one searching for innovative rods in both the fresh and saltwater categories. We even had the opportunity to test some of the new products leading up to the launch here at ICAST. Bel ..read more