Dynamic Code Blocks | Microsoft Dynamics GP & .NET technical Blog
Tim Wappat is experienced with Dynamics GP ERP system, developing and integrating using various technologies, including eConnect and Visual Studio Tools. This site is mostly blogging on .NET and Dynamics GP.
Dynamic Code Blocks | Microsoft Dynamics GP & .NET technical Blog
2y ago
“The designer could not be shown for this file because none of the classes within it can be designed. The designer inspected the following classes in the file: DynamicsGPForm1—The base class ‘Microsoft.Dexterity.Shell.DexUIForm’ could not be loaded. Ensure the assembly has been referenced and that all projects have been built.”
When using the visual studio add in template extension for Dynamics GP with Visual Studio 2022, you may experience the above error. This is noted in the following community posts:
Building an application with VS 2022 fails when attempting to add Dynamics GP form ..read more
Dynamic Code Blocks | Microsoft Dynamics GP & .NET technical Blog
2y ago
Attempting to send email from Dynamics GP using multi factor authentication (MFA) results in an error, after selecting a user in the Office authentication window.
An Unknown Error Occurred
There is no explanation as to what the error actually was. In the case I was investigating some users could email and yet others could not. This is strange when the machines that they were using originate from the same base image.
After logging is turned on, it turns out the error underneath is that the following file does not exist:
c:\Users\{userID}\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Business Soluti ..read more
Dynamic Code Blocks | Microsoft Dynamics GP & .NET technical Blog
2y ago
You can’t delete an item because another user is editing this item message pops up.
This is due to a lock in the SY_ResourceActivity table (DYNAMICS..SY00801).
Check the table for the item number in RSRCID field, you can list all the records locked in the system with following SQL statement…
To resolve, remove the rows that are for the item in question.
DELETE FROM DYNAMICS..SY00801 where rsrcid='{insert item number}'
You should of course check the user is not editing the item, in this support case, the user themselves could not delete the item due to a sys ..read more
Dynamic Code Blocks | Microsoft Dynamics GP & .NET technical Blog
2y ago
When using document attach in Dynamics GP from Version 2016, it is not possible to attach a document if it is open in another application.
If a user has a document open and then attempts to attach it, the error is:
The document is in use and could not be attached.
I think this is a positive change, although it can require users to change working practices, just a little, to accommodate it.
I have the feeling this is to prevent data loss. If user attaching a document, such as word or excel, that is both open and has unsaved changes in it, then they mistakenly may believe they have safely st ..read more
Dynamic Code Blocks | Microsoft Dynamics GP & .NET technical Blog
2y ago
Payment run failed after GP upgrade
On upgrading to GP: Version 18.4.1361 (2021) everything worked great except for making EFT payments.
On printing the EFT payments, the following error popped up.
A unique document number could not be found. Please check setup.
Although it could be clicked through the first time, attempting further subsequent EFT payments resulted in another message box.
An error occurred. Contact your system administrator to verify data.
This was annoying as this prevented any further EFT payments, although manual payments were absolutely fine.
Diagnosing the problem
I ..read more
Dynamic Code Blocks | Microsoft Dynamics GP & .NET technical Blog
2y ago
After performing SQL migration I had this top level list of things I had to think about, so this is just a private list put here of things that you might need to think about when migrating from one SQL server to another. This is for my environment, if you use clustering and other features of SQL server, then you will have some more to add to the list. However hopefully this will help me next time and may provoke some thoughts to others working on a similar project.
In this case reporting services is co-hosted on the server as is eConnect service and some IIS API end points.
They are in random ..read more
Dynamic Code Blocks | Microsoft Dynamics GP & .NET technical Blog
2y ago
Application folder for Dynamics GP moved
The default installation package location moved for the Dynamics GP application to
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics\GP
for releases after GP2018. Previously it was in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics\GP2018, where the GP2018 was replaced with the version of GP. As the versions are no longer linked to years this was dropped as a folder naming pattern.
Create installation package utility
The Create Installation Package utility, found on the GP installation media main menu, did not get this memo about the folder change, or it introduced ..read more
Dynamic Code Blocks | Microsoft Dynamics GP & .NET technical Blog
2y ago
After upgrading a Dynamics GP system from GP2015 => GP2016 => GP(18.4) the following error occurred on opening some enquiry windows in GP;
A get/change operation on table ‘syWindowDefaults’ cannot find the table.
Invalid object name ‘SY01407’
The above window is used for the “The Default Inquiry Sort options for Payables, Receivables and Bank Reconciliation”, a feature introduced in 18.4 version of Dynamics GP.
According to the linked documentation, this feature saves some of the field settings and window sizes for windows:
Receivables Transaction Inquiry ..read more
Dynamic Code Blocks | Microsoft Dynamics GP & .NET technical Blog
2y ago
Interesting issue with upgrading Microsoft Dynamics GP.
The upgrade stopped at the above step
Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities install/upgrade failed
Turns out this was linked to deleting companies from this instance of GP, and the delete leaving orphaned records in the DYNAMICS..SyCompanyImages table.
The syComanyImages table holds the images used by word template reports, that are uploaded using the form below:
Reports>>Template Configuration>>[Images] button
There was an orphaned record from the deleted company in the table that is used to back that form. The ..read more
Dynamic Code Blocks | Microsoft Dynamics GP & .NET technical Blog
2y ago
After moving to from Office 13 to 365 the following error appears when users export from Dynamics GP smart lists to Excel.
We found a problem with some content in 202222-1232S9.XISX. Do you want us to try to recover as much as we can? If you trust the source of this workbook, cick yes
Followed by
Excel was able to open the file by repairing or removing the unreadable content.
Repaired Records Format from /xl/styles.xml part (Styles)
The file generated as a log says pretty much the same thing
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<recoveryLog xmlns="http://sch ..read more