Write Off in Microsoft Dynamics GP
Belinda Allen | Dynamics GP Blog
by Belinda Allen
3y ago
Originally Posted on 1/19/2011- This is a reposting as my blog URL has changed since it was originally posted. This video shows how to write of part a posted invoice in Microsoft Dynamics GP Payables Management ..read more
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Dynamics GP VCR buttons?
Belinda Allen | Dynamics GP Blog
by Belinda Allen
3y ago
Originally Posted in 2012- This is a reposting as my blog URL has changed since it was originally posted. Yup!The buttons in the bottom left corner of Microsoft Dynamics GP are like buttons on your VCR (or DVD Player). They show you the next record, the last record, the previous record and the first record. This window shows how I can change the sort to “by Journal Entry” then the VCR buttons will toggle me through the unposted GL transactions by Journal Entry number. This makes finding the last JE a lot easier ..read more
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Dynamics GP Receivables NSF Feature
Belinda Allen | Dynamics GP Blog
by Belinda Allen
4y ago
Originally Posted on 2/3/2011 – This is a reposting as my blog URL has changed since it was originally posted. This video shows what is necessary to use the NSF feature in Microsoft Dynamics GP Receivables and how to use this benefit ..read more
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Free 1-Hour Power BI Training for Dynamics GP Users.
Belinda Allen | Dynamics GP Blog
by Belinda Allen
4y ago
Join me today at 1pm EDT for free Microsoft Power BI Training for Microsoft Dynamics GP. This will be Class number 1 with a new class each month! Register Here ..read more
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What is owed to me, in Microsoft Dynamics GP?
Belinda Allen | Dynamics GP Blog
by Belinda Allen
4y ago
Originally Posted on 2/7/2011 – This is a reposting as my blog URL has changed since it was originally posted. This video shows how to create Microsoft Dynamics Customer Billing Statements, including the steps necessary to run prior to creating statements ..read more
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Dynamics GP Customer payment applied to the wrong invoice?
Belinda Allen | Dynamics GP Blog
by Belinda Allen
4y ago
Originally Posted on 2011- This is a reposting as my blog URL has changed since it was originally posted. OK, a customer called me on Friday when they realized that a payment from a customer was entered, applied to an invoice and posted in Microsoft Dynamics GP. Later they realized that it was applied to the wrong invoice. Could they correct it? If the payment AND invoice has the status of OPEN (opposed to HIST or WORK), the payment can be reapplied to another OPEN invoice. If either the payment or the invoice is anything other than OPEN, you cannot change how the items are applied. If both a ..read more
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Summarize what is owed to me from Microsoft Dynamics GP, in Excel Please
Belinda Allen | Dynamics GP Blog
by Belinda Allen
4y ago
Originally Posted on 2/8/2011 – This is a reposting as my blog URL has changed since it was originally posted. This video shows how to create a Microsoft Dynamics GP Summary Aged Trial Balance using Excel Refreshable Reports ..read more
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You’re past due, now pay.. Sincerely yours, Microsoft Dynamics GP
Belinda Allen | Dynamics GP Blog
by Belinda Allen
4y ago
Originally Posted on 2/15/2011 – This is a reposting as my blog URL has changed since it was originally posted. This video how to use the Microsoft Dynamics GP Letter Writing Wizard for Microsoft Office Word to create Collection Letters for past Due invoices from the Receivables Management Module ..read more
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Using Excel, give me the detail from Microsoft Dynamics GP
Belinda Allen | Dynamics GP Blog
by Belinda Allen
4y ago
Originally Posted on 2/10/2011 – This is a reposting as my blog URL has changed since it was originally posted. This video shows how to create a Detailed Aged Trial Balance for Microsoft Dynamics GP Receivables Management using Excel Refreshable Reports with Pivot Tables. Watch this when you have time, it’s about 15 minutes long ..read more
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Prove the Cash Balance in Microsoft Dynamics GP
Belinda Allen | Dynamics GP Blog
by Belinda Allen
4y ago
Originally Posted in 2011 – This is a reposting as my blog URL has changed since it was originally posted. Need to balance the cash as of the last day of last month? Use the Microsoft Dynamics GP  Checkbook Balance Inquiry window. Enter the date range BEFORE entering the Checkbook ID. Data begins populating as soon as the Checkbook is entered, and if there is a lot of transactions, you might end up waiting before having the opportunity to enter the date range. In the top right hand corner is the Current Checkbook Balance, which is what Bank Reconciliation has as of no ..read more
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