Healing my “productivity dysmorphia” (and finding my *true* pace)
Nisha Moodley Blog
by Nisha
9M ago
Beloveds, For years (forever?! LOL), I have felt that I have what I call “productivity dysmorphia”… Which is to say that I consistently tend to believe that I can/should/will do more in the time allotted than I am likely to do. For some folks it’s the other way around, and they believe that they can accomplish less than they can. Either way, our relationship to time, our brains and bodies, and this earth seem to be… a little out-of-sync with reality. Healing this pattern has required me to sink in deeper to explore and honor my *true* pace, and has been a path of de-conditioning my relationshi ..read more
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The 4 things I am constantly encouraging
Nisha Moodley Blog
by Nisha
2y ago
Over a decade ago, I did my depth coaching training. My training was INCREDIBLE. We gathered for one weekend per month for a year – Friday-Sunday, from around 9am-midnight each day – to say we went deep and wide doesn’t do it justice.  Anywho, what I’m getting at here is that the training was awesome, and we really learned how to attune, respond, adapt, and shift with clients, in incredibly nuanced and wide-ranging ways. As a result, as a coach I’m quite fluid and adaptable. So when I find myself saying similar things to folks, offering the same encouragements over and over, I know that o ..read more
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Receiving through manufactured vs. underlying structures
Nisha Moodley Blog
by Nisha
2y ago
You know those videos online where people are posing with “tamed” tigers, and you’re just watching it like “Oh dear God, am I about to watch this person get their head bitten off?” They’re banking on a LEGITIMATELY UNSAFE thing being safe, because they really really want it to be true that it’s safe. So they decide to trust the tiger trainers, the fact that the people in line ahead of them still have their limbs, and their insatiable desire for a good pic for Instagram, to just do the thing that would most terrify their mother. In case anyone needs a mom to tell it to you straight: Snuggling w ..read more
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Cultivating resonance with/in your work / Ep. 21
Nisha Moodley Blog
by Nisha
2y ago
I have been feeling really fired-up lately about the ways that conventional business and conventional marketing uphold and proliferate dominance and supremacy, in both subtle and overt ways… Using tactics of scarcity and manipulation to sell Pushing past people’s boundaries to “handle their objections” in ways that subvert their knowing Infantilizing, distrusting, demeaning, and speaking-down to people Positioning ourselves as being above the troubles of life Positioning our work as the surefire solution to their challenges And insidiously… Taking us as creators further away from our work ..read more
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Dropping the Ball on Purpose / Ep. 20
Nisha Moodley Blog
by Nisha
2y ago
My father’s death anniversary was this week. I woke up feeling that the veils were very thin, and noticing that I had a full schedule, and hadn’t created the space to be available to what wanted to move with me – emotionally, energetically, and ancestrally. I wasn’t in the throes of grief, but I wanted to be available for whatever needed to come my way… So I did a thing that many wouldn’t dare to do, or would consider worthy of judgment: I rescheduled all my calls for the day. The next day, I picked up a microphone to talk more about this… Why I think more of us should do it when possible ..read more
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Anti-Hustle Business Growth w/ Jadah Sellner / Ep. 19
Nisha Moodley Blog
by Nisha
2y ago
It’s easy to wax poetic about being anti-hustle culture, but HOW do we actually build & tend (and re-build), without burning the candle at both ends, and burning out?   Especially as caregivers. Especially as folks with limited physical capacity. Especially as deeply passionate people. Especially as generous people who want to give so much. I brought these sticky, tricky considerations to my beloved friend, Jadah Sellner, and we talked about it. In this conversation, we discuss: Jadah’s distinction between “harmonious passion” and “obsessive passion”, and how passionate people c ..read more
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We’re back! (Life update w/ Becca Piastrelli) / Ep. 18
Nisha Moodley Blog
by Nisha
2y ago
How on earth does one come out of caregiving-induced-hibernation, when the tending is never ending? I have been wanting to restart my podcast for a while (a long, long while), but where to start?  So I called on the support of my dear friend, Becca Piastrelli, to sit down for tea and a chat… with our microphones on.  This conversation is the recording.  In this episode, we discuss: The dreams, challenges, and grief of being both mothers and creators, in a village-less “culture” My personal grappling with pressure to be “consistent”, and my growing inability to force myself to ..read more
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The Complexity of Consistency / Ep. 17
Nisha Moodley Blog
by Nisha
3y ago
Being in the first trimester of pregnancy in the depths of winter, while navigating huge changes for my family, has been a great opportunity to bash myself over the head with the word CONSISTENCY. I have not been consistent in many ways.I’ve felt the fear in that, the shame in that, the pressure in that.  …Which is WILD, when you consider that I have been consistently growing a human, caring for another human, showing up for my clients, and caring for my body. But I’m pretty sure capitalism doesn’t consider these to be benchmarks of consistency. All of the moments of fear, shame, and pres ..read more
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Exploring true (not toxic) ambition… / Ep. 15
Nisha Moodley Blog
by Nisha
4y ago
I don’t know about you, but the pandemic has brought me a huge opportunity to explore my ambitions on a deeper level…  Why do I want what I want?What do we want collectively, and why?Do I actually want what I say I want, really?What conditioning and wounding has impacted my longings?How can I even know whether my ambitions are truly mine?Is it even okay to hold these desires, when so many have so little? The questions of ambition are not questions we can neatly answer, but questions we’re invited to live in. But when we’re living in the questions, how can we keep creating? What are the co ..read more
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Facing the fear of being called-out / Ep. 14
Nisha Moodley Blog
by Nisha
4y ago
In these deeply divided times, where we’re expanding our awareness of the ways we’ve contributed to inequity and injustice, where social media enables a lightning-fast game of “telephone”, where assumptions are made based on optics, and where calls to “cancel” someone can take place of relational engagement… the fear of being called-out can be gripping. The fear of being called-out is natural, and rooted in the very primal human need to feel the safety of belonging. When that sense of safety-in-belonging feels threatened, it’s natural to find ourselves activated into states of fight-flight-faw ..read more
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