Tesco Labs
Tesco Technology is made up of people from several different backgrounds with a shared interest in harnessing innovations in technology. Tesco Labs is here to help you experience the future. We are here to envisage, design and create the future Tesco.
Tesco Labs
6y ago
The teams
had 24 hours to come up with an innovative technology solution to one of these
business challenges:
How can we use our customers’ data
to serve them better?How can we simplify in-store
operations/routines?How can we help our customers be
more eco-friendly?How can we optimise our transport
either for distribution or for Grocery Home Shopping delivery?Come up with an idea that will save
the business over £10m in year oneCome up with an idea that will
generate over £20m revenue in year one Jo Hickson,
Head of Tesco Labs said: “The Hackathon is a great way for us to pull in
brilliant ..read more