Purchasing pleasure craft insurance provides more than the value of the boat.
Prof. Allan Manning's Blog
by Allan
3w ago
Today it is being reported in New Zealand that the skipper of a boat that collided with the Russel Ferry has been ordered to pay $132,200 in reparation and consequential loss payments. Besides damaging the ferry, the collision seriously injured the ferry’s skipper while a passenger was thrown overboard. As I understand it, the award does not include any amount for the injuries to those aboard the ferry. It is being reported that the person held legally liable is now required to take out a loan to make the payments that have been ordered. Most pleasure craft policies provide protection for such ..read more
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Important Update: Changes to Flood Cover in Home Insurance
Prof. Allan Manning's Blog
by Allan
2M ago
It has been noted that certain Insurers have changed their approach regarding Flood cover under their Home Insurance Policies. Where Flood was previously optional, it will become automatic for low to moderate flood risk areas for existing and new customers. For higher flood risk areas the approach varies depending on whether the existing customer previously opted to cover flood or not. As to the premium that would be required for automatic flood cover in high risk areas could make insurance as a whole cost prohibitive, the Insurer has opted to renew these policies without Flood cover. There is ..read more
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Please help make this year’s Mansfield Awards the best ever!
Prof. Allan Manning's Blog
by Allan
3M ago
The 2024 Mansfield Awards for Claims Excellence are just over 3 months away and we could really do with your help with ensuring the best of the best win. If you have had a claim yourself or are an adviser who has had a client or clients have a claim, we would really appreciate your taking a few minutes to rate the claims service. To do this please visit: https://survey.alchemer.com/s3/7253764/Claims-Comparison-Survey and have your say. Thank you in anticipation and if you are in Sydney on 25th July please come along. We will be introducing 3 new important categories for 2025 to honour those t ..read more
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Baltimore Bridge Collapse reminds us of the importance of Port Blockage coverage
Prof. Allan Manning's Blog
by Allan
4M ago
font-family: ‘SF Pro Text’, sans-serif; line-height: 28.8px;”> You're currently a free subscriber. Upgrade your subscription to get access to the rest of this post and other paid-subscriber only content. Upgrade subscription ..read more
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Question on an ISR extension of coverage
Prof. Allan Manning's Blog
by Allan
4M ago
The following question was asked of one of the LMI team who intern asked me to address it. Hi, Sorry –  another tech question.  Could you advise why the Steadfast Wording requires a sub-limit for Unabandoned Undamaged Portion of a Building.  Per the wording, the increase in sale value is regarded as salvage value taken by the insurer?  Does having a sub-limit benefit or is it a disadvantage to the Insured?  Await your advice Kind regards, [name and email withheld] It is a great question and I thought I would share my reply with readers so that it may help more than jus ..read more
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Beware of allegation of breach of copyright
Prof. Allan Manning's Blog
by Allan
5M ago
Earlier this week LMI received a contact us message from our website claiming that a photograph or photographs on our website were subject to copywrite. LMI have a strict rule around the publishing of photographs and we only use photos one of our team took, a customer or broker we know and trust took and gave us permission to use or stock photographs from a stock photograph company we have subscribed to for over 20 years. This is the message we received: Goodwin Law does appear to be a genuine firm with offices in several countries according to a Google search but to be sure I sent the messag ..read more
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Lithium Batteries a risk management issue.
Prof. Allan Manning's Blog
by Allan
5M ago
I read this morning that the NSW Fire and Rescue have today reported that there have been 45 fires directly related to lithium batteries since the beginning of the 2024 year.  Sadly also two people have lost their lives in the fires and possibly a third yet to be confirmed. The reality is that Lithium batteries are in many items today and we need to personally manage the risk. It appears to me that the majority of the fires occur in cheaper appliances where the battery management system is not what it ought to be. I do not leave any batteries on charge overnight and have things like power ..read more
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Time to review Gross Rentals Values
Prof. Allan Manning's Blog
by Allan
5M ago
One of the ever increasing costs of being a landlord, particularly in Victoria is land tax and property rates. The values of properties are being reviewed by state governements and/or local councils and it is going up year on year. Another trick that some States Governments have introduced, and I again use Victoria as an example is that the property owner only has 60 days in which to lodge an appeal. This is catching a lot of people out who find out the value being put on their property is way too high. So what is the implication for insurance and rental insurance in all its various forms. Wel ..read more
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Is the Indemnity Period long enough
Prof. Allan Manning's Blog
by Allan
5M ago
In the claims we are handling we are seeing more and more that the Indemnity Period runs out before the business returns to normal. This is due to a number of issues including but not limited to: Inordinate delays by local councils granting approvals. Often for the most ridiculous of reasons. This is magnified making it hundreds of times worse when a natural catastrophe hits. In some cases, I have seen it taking 5 years to get approvals. The shortage of builders and building materials. The claim process itself is just taking longer and longer and I welcome the ASIC enquiry into claims handing ..read more
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A reminder to review Sub-Limits
Prof. Allan Manning's Blog
by Allan
5M ago
I think we all know the importance of reviewing declared values, sums insured and or Limits of Liabilty every year. This is extremely important at the moment with construction costs escallating as much as they have in the past. The same issue is there for machinery and plant, other contents and replacement stock. In addition to this the Australian dollar has fallen in value with the United States dollar since 1 July 2023. While I am seeing some uplift in declared values etc., I fear sub-limits are not being uplifted anywhere near as much. In some cases, they have remained the same for the past ..read more
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