Analytics Mania Blog
Hi, I'm Julius Fedorovicius, founder of Analytics Mania. I'm here to help you learn Google Tag Manager and GA. A blog dedicated to Web Analytics, mainly Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics.
Analytics Mania Blog
2y ago
If someone on your website lands on a page that does not exist, that someone gets a 404 error. As a website owner, you don’t want your visitors to appear in a dead end. It hurts your brand, your conversions, and in some cases, your search engine optimization efforts. But that shouldn’t be a problem anymore, because in this blog post I’ll show you how to track 404 errors with Google Analytics 4.
If one method (explained in this article) does not work, I will show you a workaround that also includes Google Tag Manager.
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The Premise
For the ..read more
Analytics Mania Blog
2y ago
Exits. You probably saw this metric somewhere in the Google Analytics 4 interface. But what does it mean?
The exit page is the last page of the session. Every time a page is the last page of a session, the Exits metric increases by 1.
Where to find exits in Google Analytics 4?
To view exits, you will need to build a custom report, a.k.a. Explorations.
Click Explore in the left sidebar of the Google Analytics 4 interface. Then choose either Blank or Free form.
Import dimensions and metrics
Add the Page path and screen name to the exploration. Alterna ..read more
Analytics Mania Blog
2y ago
Here’s a situation. You have implemented Google Analytics 4 on your website, and you started sending custom events. For example, events of successful form submissions. Together with that event, you are sending some custom parameter (e.g., a form name).
After waiting for 24 hours, you checked the reports, but you cannot see anything related to that parameter. Why is that?
In this blog post, I will explain how to view custom dimensions in Google Analytics 4 reports.
Custom parameters are not displayed in GA4 reports by default
This applies to any event parameter that you send to Goo ..read more
Analytics Mania Blog
2y ago
When you are configuring Google Tag Manager and something is not working, you are going to look for help. Maybe you will contact a more experienced coworker, maybe you will post a question in the Google Tag Manager forum, or do something else.
You can greatly increase your chances of getting help if you describe your issue in great detail with screenshots and a link to the preview and debug mode. I emphasize this a lot in this blog post.
However, some GTM beginners don’t know how to properly share the link to the preview mode. And that’s ok. We’re all learning.
In this quick blog post, I wante ..read more
Analytics Mania Blog
2y ago
When people talk about Google Analytics 4, they often compare it to its predecessor, Universal Analytics. How is GA4 better? Why should I use it?
If you have similar questions in mind, this blog post is exactly what you need. In it, I will walk you through the top benefits of Google Analytics 4.
But keep in mind that these Google Analytics 4 benefits are listed in no particular order. It does not necessarily mean that #2 is better than #17.
Ready? Let’s go.
Table of Contents
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#1. Explorations
#2. Ad hoc funnels
#3. BigQuery integration
#4. Audience triggers
#5 ..read more
Analytics Mania Blog
2y ago
After auditing and working with many Google Analytics 4 setups, I noticed that some errors occur more often than others. Some of them are the result of the unintuitive structure/interface of GA4, others might be considered a misunderstanding.
To help you with that, I have picked the 10 common Google Analytics 4 mistakes. In this blog post, I will explain what they are and how to fix/avoid them.
Table of contents
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#1. Missing currency
#2. Collect Universal Analytics events
#3. Always sending the debug_mode parameter
#4. Using the “Create event” feature when you ..read more
Analytics Mania Blog
2y ago
If you landed on this page, chances are that you are seeing two Link Click events in Google Tag Manager preview mode (even though there was just one click). In this blog post, I will explain why this happens and if this is a problem.
Why is happening?
The main reason why this happens these days is that you are probably using Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics 4 on the same website at the same time.
When you have at least one Just Links trigger enabled in your GTM container, you start seeing Link Click events in the preview mode. That is normal.
The 2nd click appears ..read more
Analytics Mania Blog
2y ago
Google Analytics 4 is capable of tracking additional events, not just page views. This is all possible thanks to Enhanced Measurement. But finding that data in GA4 reports is trickier than you might think. In this article, I will explain where to find video engagement data in Google Analytics 4.
Note: if you have configured GA4 video tracking with GTM (instead of Enhanced Measurement), this blog post will still apply to you.
Check if you have video engagement tracking enabled
First, go to the admin panel of your Google Analytics 4 property. Then (in the Property column) click ..read more
Analytics Mania Blog
2y ago
Google Analytics 4 is capable of tracking additional events, not just page views. This is all possible thanks to Enhanced Measurement. But finding that data in GA4 reports is trickier than you might think. In this article, I will explain where to find file download data in Google Analytics 4.
Check if you have file download tracking enabled
First, go to the admin panel of your Google Analytics 4 property. Then (in the Property column) click Data Streams. Select web data stream.
This will open the settings of your web data stream. Check if Enhanced Measurement is enabled. If yes, c ..read more
Analytics Mania Blog
2y ago
Google Analytics 4 is capable of tracking additional events, not just page views. This is all possible thanks to Enhanced Measurement. But finding that data in GA4 reports is trickier than you might think. In this article, I will explain where to find outbound click data in Google Analytics 4.
Check if you have outbound click tracking enabled
First, go to the admin panel of your Google Analytics 4 property. Then (in the Property column) click Data Streams. Select web data stream.
This will open the settings of your web data stream. Check if Enhanced Measurement is enabled. If yes ..read more