December #SuperSnap
Snapshot Wisconsin Blog
by livgripko
1w ago
The December #SuperSnap goes to this unique family of raccoons strolling through a shallow creek in Manitowoc County. Raccoons are iconic in their appearance. They boast a black “mask” across their face, framed by white fur above the eyes and around their nose, a striped tail complete with four to six rings, and grayish-brown fur more
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November #SuperSnap
Snapshot Wisconsin Blog
by livgripko
1M ago
The November #SuperSnap goes to this Northern Flicker coasting through Bayfield County! This mesmerizing bird is one of eight woodpecker species that call Wisconsin home. At a glance, when stationary, the Northern Flicker appears to be rather neutral in color, mostly gray and brown tones with black speckles. But when they take flight, as you more
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New Research Project: Snow Stakes
Snapshot Wisconsin Blog
by Pharaoh Graham
1M ago
Snapshot Wisconsin is proud to announce a new project in collaboration with NASA and the University of Wisconsin – Madison, which will explore wildlife responses to seasonal changes! Through this project, a select group of Snapshot Wisconsin volunteers will be deploying snow stakes and temperature loggers to measure forest understories at their camera site. Specifically more
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October #SuperSnap
Snapshot Wisconsin Blog
by livgripko
2M ago
The October #SuperSnap goes to these two Barred Owls taking a dip in Trempealeau County! Just like us, birds take baths to wash away any dirt, bacteria, or parasites from their feathers. Most birds grow new feathers to replace old ones once or twice a year. In the interim, it’s important that feathers are kept more
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September #SuperSnap
Snapshot Wisconsin Blog
by livgripko
3M ago
The September #SuperSnap goes to one of Wisconsin’s prickliest residents, this porcupine captured in Vilas County! Porcupines are nocturnal creatures (active at night), so it’s a lucky capture seeing this one lumbering about in daylight. Ordinarily, your best chances of catching a glimpse of them during the day would be spotting one resting high up more
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August #SuperSnap
Snapshot Wisconsin Blog
by livgripko
4M ago
The August #SuperSnap goes to this stunning capture of a great blue heron in Door County! Great blue herons are the largest herons in North America, standing approximately four feet tall, and are thus commonly mistaken for Wisconsin’s other wetland-loving “big bird”, the sandhill crane (also around 4 feet tall). Both birds are grayish in more
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July #SuperSnap
Snapshot Wisconsin Blog
by livgripko
5M ago
The July #SuperSnap goes to this strutting turkey tom putting on a show in Iowa County! When thinking of a turkey, most people picture an image similar to this one: plump, puffed-up feathers, bright red wattle, and tail feathers fanned out, standing tall. However, this behavior, called “strutting”, actually only occurs occasionally throughout the year more
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June #SuperSnap
Snapshot Wisconsin Blog
by livgripko
6M ago
The June #SuperSnap goes to this September pool party of black bears in Eau Claire County! Black bears are mostly solitary creatures except during mating season in summer, or when in a family group (a female with cubs). This pool party is most likely a family group – a mother and her four yearling cubs more
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Snapshot Wisconsin Featured in Trailside Exhibit
Snapshot Wisconsin Blog
by mariejensen430
8M ago
In the Milwaukee area and need a break from the city or an educational way for your kids to stretch their legs? Check out this outdoor exhibition featuring Snapshot Wisconsin at the Forest Exploration Center (FEC)! FEC Community Trail Spur exhibitions celebrate Wisconsin’s rich forest heritage and explore our human connection to the land through trailside art, literature, and science under the theme All That Trees Provide. Until mid-July, “The Intersection of Art and Science” exhibition will feature a unique curation of original wildlife art submitted by Wisconsin artists, paired with real dat more
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May #SuperSnap
Snapshot Wisconsin Blog
by livgripko
8M ago
The May #SuperSnap goes to this committee of turkey vultures on a bank in Vilas County! Dating back to prehistoric times, these fascinating birds are often seen soaring high in the skies, riding heat thermals on their 6-foot wingspan. They’re easy to tell apart from other large birds while in flight as their wings form a distinctive “V” shape and they tilt from side to side as they glide through the air, unlike hawks and eagles which remain steady. As they ride the skies, turkey vultures scan for food with their keen sense of sight and smell. Their main sources of food are dead and decaying an more
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