We Like Dota
We Like Dota is a podcast about the casual Dota 2 scene, with segments such as the Hero and Item of the Week, E-Sports coverage, and Noobs Ask Noobs questions.
We Like Dota
1y ago
Jim is joined Sam ThePlaidPirate again to discuss absolutely dragging their kids, the premiere of WLDL 2024 and its full format this year, and Jim’s team “Natural Born Phyllis Dillers,” all in a sweet new ride. Check out the discord or wldleague.us to follow along ..read more
We Like Dota
1y ago
Jim is joined by Sam thePlaidPirate to discuss the ebb and flow and life and Dota, being rusty and relearning the game We Like, Carry Greg (a new role established by Valve), talk a little bit about WLDL (registration end date extended until 1/14 at wldleague.us), and put on their coaching hats to answer hard-hitting question from Noobs ..read more
We Like Dota
1y ago
JIm is joined by Charlene and Matt to describe their respective way of enjoying the international in person in seattle and via a superbowl-style multi day remote watchparty. They then reflect upon the state of the game and where it may be heading ..read more
We Like Dota
1y ago
Jim is joined by Charlene to discuss Dota in podcast format for the first time in a while. Trying to bring sense to senseless emojis and patch changes, they discuss the strong supports of patch 7.34 as well as the recent showmatch against podcast hosts of yore ..read more
We Like Dota
2y ago
Elihu is joined by his 14-year-old son SavageCake to discuss the thrills and frights of adolescent biking, growing up with modern Dota, forays into the WLDL (Ian’s first was when he was 9: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZQZobeWSR4&t=880s), the joys of Rubick steals, and use their family noob lineage to answer important questions from our discord ..read more
We Like Dota
2y ago
Sam The Plaid Pirate monologues about the ridiculousness of Ogre Magi’s lore ..read more
We Like Dota
2y ago
Sam (strilling) is joined by WLDL captain Math (SweetPooMagoo) of Pupps Pals, who patiently listens to Mummer-related complaints, in addition to having unstructured conversations about weeks 1 and 2 of WLDL, in-game names, drafting across divisions, Lina, and their hopes for the next patch ..read more
We Like Dota
2y ago
Sam the Plaid Pirate monologues about family, our WeLikeDota family and Kunkka ..read more
We Like Dota
2y ago
Jim is joined by Sam (strilling) to discuss/announce the new WLDL format, their new teams, Razor Bloodstone, Underlord Aghs, DPC shuffles, the plight of NA, superpowerful teams in Europe, and complain about team names ..read more
We Like Dota
2y ago
Jim is joined by WLDL caster/God Juvu to talk shop about what was happening on the ground in Singapore. They then discuss some of the finals matches, the new hero announced at TI, and take questions from our audience ..read more