Heroes With an Identity Crisis
The Dotabuff Blog
5d ago
Dota is an ever-evolving game and that is undeniably good. The current balance update drought might be a bit longer than we would like it to be, but even in the absence of updates, there are still new meta developments emerging here and there. Today, however, we are not going to talk about temporary trends and will instead concentrate on heroes who, in our opinion, lost parts of what made them unique ..read more
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The Busiest Season in Dota?
The Dotabuff Blog
1w ago
There is no such thing as too much Dota, right? The start of 2025 is unprecedented in how packed it is with third party tournaments and associated qualifiers, so today we would like to have a look at the next couple of months to help you navigate through the myriad of competitions and what they mean for the scene ..read more
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Qualifiers Meta Trends
The Dotabuff Blog
2w ago
There’s been a slew of announced tournaments and qualifiers since the start of the year. A lot of them had very notable teams, who didn’t secure direct invites, and as a result the quality of the games was very high. The meta developments seen during those qualifiers were also quite interesting, as it seems the pro players keep on innovating and coming up with new ways to play the old patch ..read more
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Other Games Dota Players Might Enjoy
The Dotabuff Blog
3w ago
With Crownfall coming to an end, we feel like all of us need a little break from Dota. While Valve is cooking the next update, be it a huge balance overhaul or a new content patch, perhaps it is a good idea to try out something different. Yes, other games exist ..read more
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New Year Wishlist
The Dotabuff Blog
1M ago
For the last two years Dota has been getting massive, fundamental updates in the early Spring and this got us spoiled. After a drastic map size increase two years ago and the Facet update last year, we are hoping for something similar in scope this year as well, and today, instead of concentrating on minor balance issues still present in the game we would like to dream big and start a conversation on what this year’s updates could bring to Dota ..read more
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Off-meta Ideas to Try in Pubs
The Dotabuff Blog
1M ago
The holidays are upon us and it is time for celebration, joy and some heavy experimentation. No one in your pubs is going to take Dota seriously for a while, so why should you? Today we are going to leave you with some crazy ideas about some of the least popular heroes in the current meta and how to make them work well enough to not end up on everyone’s naughty list ..read more
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Carry Meta Update
The Dotabuff Blog
2M ago
One of the biggest complaints in the last patch was the low carry diversity. The meta was dominated by Luna, Medusa and Dragon Knight — the flash-farming, scaling trio. Despite only getting a smaller letter patch, we are ecstatic to highlight that the position one meta is currently in a much healthier place, with several notable carries making it back into the meta ..read more
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Lessons from the International
The Dotabuff Blog
2M ago
The International playoffs have started and the meta is slowly solidifying. There are definitely some ideas that are slowly being discarded, while other heroes are only gaining in popularity. Today we want to have a look at the outliers — the heroes who are both popular and either very successful or seemingly weak ..read more
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7.37e Unexpected Trends
The Dotabuff Blog
2M ago
Dota is an incredibly complex game and seemingly small changes can have a massive impact on the meta. Today we are not going to go over heroes who got buffed and are much better off — for the most part this is expected and self-explanatory. Instead, we are going to focus on heroes who are suddenly getting a lot more popular and successful, seemingly out of nowhere ..read more
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Heroes to Explore
The Dotabuff Blog
2M ago
By this point, the most dedicated players have already finished Crownfall and are probably left with a question: “what’s next?”. It seems like the big balance patch is going to take some time to make it into the game, and diversifying your gameplay with off-meta heroes feels game losing. It doesn’t have to be this way, though, and today we are going to look at the heroes who went completely uncontested at the recent tournaments and qualifiers, but can work wonders in pubs, given specific setups ..read more
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