Marketing with Custom Skills
SoundUp Blog
by Adam Tech
3y ago
As smart speakers are becoming more integrated in homes and vehicles, this gives businesses another opportunity to market their brand to this audience.   Simply using voice commands can inform or entertain smart device users, they can control house lights, some appliances and listen to music.  They can also have a conversation asking for specific information or to play a game.  Businesses can create their custom skill with a great voice design to provide customers and potential customers with branded information delivered in a friendly conversation format.  For example, us more
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Voice Design for Alexa Custom Skills
SoundUp Blog
by Adam Tech
3y ago
A custom branded skill is another way for people to learn about your brand. Your brand website is usually designed to be visually appealing to visitors so they stay on your site and browse around. Your custom skill should be designed for #VoiceFirst interactions. It is very important to make sure your skill maintains a conversational and voice-friendly flow. Here are some key points to keep in mind when designing and building your custom skill. Remember, before your skill is submitted to Amazon to be published live in their store, TEST TEST and TEST! Make sure you test your skill from many more
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Brokers & Booze EP01 | Asking For Referrals ...
SoundUp Blog
by Chris Ward
3y ago
Brokers & Booze EP01 | Asking For Referrals & Michters Bourbon Brokers & Booze EP01 | Asking For Referrals Welcome to EP 01 of our new #podcast, Brokers & Booze! We drink, we discuss. Just three brokers and their love of the #realestate industry…and booze. Join us each week as we try and review some great beer, wine, liqours and discuss topics related to our industry and business in general. We are excited to connect with our audience so msg, comment, of contact us anytime! You can also participate (and make it onto the show) by engaging in conversation topics more
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How to check your Alexa Flash Briefing Skill Analytics
SoundUp Blog
by Sean McKenna
3y ago
How to check your Alexa Flash Briefing Skill Analytics September 6, 2019 By Sean McKenna Did you know you can check your Alexa Flash Briefing or Alexa Skill Analytics? They may be a little confusing for some to read, but getting to them is simple! Let’s get started! Step #1 Go to and login with your Alexa Developer Account Step #2 Hover over the Alexa link and select Alexa Skills Kit. Step #3 Find your Skill below and select Analytics. Step #4 And that’s it! We will go over all the different ways to read this but here’s what you more
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How to Auto Tweet New Episodes
SoundUp Blog
by Sean McKenna
3y ago
How to Auto Tweet New Episodes May 10, 2019 By Sean McKenna Things you’ll need: Account SoundUp Now Account Twitter Account Less than 10 minutes of your time    Step #1 For this tutorial we need to go to the dashboard and grab two links. I’m going to copy and paste them into my notepad so I can access them later. You could also just leave this tab open. The two Links I’m going to copy are: Podcast RSS Feed Public Station    The Podcast feed has the same audio files but formatted differently.     Step #2 Now head over to and let’s more
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Welcome to My Station
SoundUp Blog
by Sean McKenna
3y ago
Welcome to My Station April 30, 2019 By Sean McKenna Make sure you’re logged into   Edit Station Page Public Facing Station Page What does this page control and what are all the buttons?! 1. At the top you have a drop down menu. This let’s you view which station and feed your on. You can also choose the bottom option to Create A New Station. 2. Now we have your Cover Image and Station Logo. Look at the public facing page to get an idea how that will look. Cover Image: 1500 X 500 Station Logo: 1400 X 1400 The Station logo is also whats used as y more
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Updating your feed URL on Amazon
SoundUp Blog
by Sean McKenna
3y ago
Updating your feed URL on Amazon April 29, 2019 By Sean McKenna Let’s get started by logging in over at     Select “Stations“ And hit the green “copy” icon **YOU MUST USE THE FLASH BRIEFING FEED** Head over to Once you’re logged in hover over “Alexa” and select “Skills” Click “EDIT” on the duplicated Flash Briefing that’s in Development And on the next page click “EDIT” again on the feed.   Just paste the new feed here and click “add” at the bottom. Hit save once it redirects you back to the feed. Make sure you look more
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My Podcast Channel
SoundUp Blog
3y ago
The post My Podcast Channel appeared first on SoundUp Now - Alexa Flash Briefings & Skills more
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Marketing with Custom Skills
SoundUp Blog
by Adam Tech
4y ago
As smart speakers are becoming more integrated in homes and vehicles, this gives businesses another opportunity to market their brand to this audience.   Simply using voice commands can inform or entertain smart device users, they can control house lights, some appliances and listen to music.  They can also have a conversation asking for specific information or to play a game.  Businesses can create their custom skill with a great voice design to provide customers and potential customers with branded information delivered in a friendly conversation format.  For example, us more
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Voice Design for Alexa Custom Skills
SoundUp Blog
by Adam Tech
4y ago
A custom branded skill is another way for people to learn about your brand. Your brand website is usually designed to be visually appealing to visitors so they stay on your site and browse around. Your custom skill should be designed for #VoiceFirst interactions. It is very important to make sure your skill maintains a conversational and voice-friendly flow. Here are some key points to keep in mind when designing and building your custom skill. Remember, before your skill is submitted to Amazon to be published live in their store, TEST TEST and TEST! Make sure you test your skill from many more
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