What Really Counts When Choosing a School?
Eversfield | Through The Classroom Door
1y ago
Robert Yates, Headmaster at Eversfield Preparatory School, reflects on the changing environment of schools and what really counts when it comes to meeting children’s differing emotional and educational needs. What do you remember about your primary school? Your teacher? Your friends? The small bottles of milk with straws? Perhaps a warm feeling of nostalgia of sunny days playing rounders and nature tables full of conkers. Of course, not all of us have happy memories. School can also be full of struggles such as the teacher we did not like, a bully that caused stress daily, difficult learning c ..read more
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Play in a Week: Bard's Great Tragedy
Eversfield | Through The Classroom Door
2y ago
To mark National Shakespeare Week, Form 5 have been observing a long-established Eversfield tradition – the staging of a Shakespeare play in just one week! This year’s performance of Macbeth comes as the culmination of just one week’s preparation: line-learning, blocking and intense rehearsal - as the children learn what it takes to get a play from script to stage. The nation-wide event is a celebration of Shakespeare’s rich legacy and provides children with their first opportunity to engage with the bard’s wonderful language and fascinating characters. Macbeth is one of Shakespeare’s darkest ..read more
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Eversfield’s Favourite Poems
Eversfield | Through The Classroom Door
3y ago
Thursday 7th October marks National Poetry Day. This is a relatively recent tradition, launched in 1994, to celebrate all kinds of poems and poets. It has also become a tradition at this time of year for people to vote for their favourite poem, and I decided to borrow this idea to celebrate National Poetry Day at Eversfield. Poetry regularly appears on the curriculum for all year groups, although only Form 2, who are writing seasonal poems, are scheduled to be studying it this week. As you can imagine, a considerable amount of skill and process is required for children to produce a worthwhile ..read more
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Live from the Lab: Investigating the Heart
Eversfield | Through The Classroom Door
3y ago
In a memorable and immersive science lesson, Form 6 dissected a sheep's heart which is the closest example to a human heart. They studied the structure and function, and identified the organs main vessels, values and blood flow. In a new innovation from Mrs Sliney, Subject Leader of Science, you can experience their lesson live from the lab using the QR code below or this link   WARNING: This graphic video contains scenes of live dissection. NOTE: The specimens used are a by-product of the food industry and adhere to the guidelines set out by the Food Standards Agency ..read more
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Poetry is Fun
Eversfield | Through The Classroom Door
3y ago
“That was so much fun!” These are some of the most gratifying words a teacher can hope to hear at the end of any lesson and, happily, they rang out frequently in Middle School last week as the children enjoyed their annual Poetry Week. Our special week has not been exactly as we would have liked it this year in that we were unable to invite parents to a grand poetry recital, as we have done in previous years. However, rest assured you were all with us in spirit and, to help you enjoy the event, Mr Newman kindly videoed the performances for each class and shared them on Seesaw. Having watched a ..read more
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Whatever the Weather
Eversfield | Through The Classroom Door
3y ago
Much has been said recently about the importance of fresh air. At Eversfield, we have been keeping windows open to improve ventilation and, where possible, we have tried to take our teaching and learning outside. On occasion, earlier in the year, it has certainly been a little bit chilly. For the children in Nursery and Kindergarten, however, the outdoor curriculum has always been a regular feature of their learning experience. It is a planned, timetabled part of the school day. This year, in order to maximise the effectiveness of the outdoor space, there have been some new and exciting develo ..read more
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Feed the Birds
Eversfield | Through The Classroom Door
3y ago
How many times have you been driven to distraction by squirrels stealing food from the bird feeders in your garden? They dart across washing lines, clamber up poles and perform extraordinary feats of gymnastics, all in an attempt to stuff their mouths with seeds and nuts intended for blue tits, sparrows and finches. To make matters worse, greedy magpies also like to get in on the act, struggling to perch on ledges designed for much smaller birds, and scattering food all over the ground to be hoovered up by pigeons. It’s extremely frustrating, but all I can say is don’t give up, for help is at ..read more
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Gifts Fit For A King
Eversfield | Through The Classroom Door
3y ago
We may not have had our usual nativities and carol concerts this year, but we still have the Christmas story, which the children have been studying in their lessons and assemblies. There also remains the thorny issue of choosing an appropriate Christmas gift for that hard to buy for person we may not know very well. Mrs Burnett managed to combine all of this in her recent RE lesson when she asked her class to choose the most suitable gift to give to Baby Jesus. The aim was for the children to identify and talk about their own priorities in terms of gifts and to broaden their thinking by consid ..read more
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Wired for Sound
Eversfield | Through The Classroom Door
3y ago
When Mrs Sliney planned Form 6’s science lessons for this half term, she was delighted to include lots of practical exploration of electrical circuits. Practical lessons enable children to develop their investigative skills, work collaboratively and, above all, to have fun. Perfect ingredients for learning but, for the teacher, it comes at a price. Where you have fun, you have noise and, as Mrs Sliney climbed the stairs to the science lab for 6PR’s lesson, she remembered this was the lesson with the bulbs and buzzers, and she had forgotten her ear defenders. Poor Mrs Sliney! Although the child ..read more
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The Vikings Are Coming!
Eversfield | Through The Classroom Door
3y ago
Why do people move from one country to another? What motivates them to pack up everything that is familiar and important, and leave their friends and family behind to travel to a different place of which they may know nothing? This question is as relevant today as it was more than one thousand years ago when the Vikings began to arrive on Britain’s shores. Mr Leonard started his history lesson with 4ML by asking the children to work with a partner to consider the motives behind migration in modern times. Noah immediately suggested natural disasters, such as hurricanes or tsunamis. Other sugges ..read more
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