Teacher Phili
English Language Tutor - originally from London but now living and working in Norwich, UK.
Teacher Phili
2w ago
This is part three of a series of what will probably now only be about four posts about my one remaining major ambition in life. This is to take part in the London Marathon on 27 April 2025. Having previously said that I would post once a month, I had to abandon that idea. This is because I ..read more
Teacher Phili
2M ago
Introduction On 21 October, I publicly announced that I was retiring from teaching English as a Foreign Language, a career which effectively began as a volunteer in Tanzania (2006-7). A few days later, following my last blog post about being a ‘pirate’, I retired from that, too, despite now owning a parrot. I’m 53 years ..read more
Teacher Phili
3M ago
Introduction This is part two of a series of what will probably be seven updates, once a month, on my intended ‘bucket list’ aim. This is to take part in the London Marathon on 27 April 2025. I will post something each month, finishing with one at the end of April, which hopefully will report on the event ..read more
Teacher Phili
4M ago
Introduction Earlier this month, I was rushed to the Norfolk and Norwich hospital. Despite having had chemotherapy on 7 October, I had to return the following day after a routine eye test at Specsavers revealed that I had a detached retina in my left eye. I had noticed something black and blurry in the top ..read more
Teacher Phili
4M ago
Introduction This is my 101st post. I have reset everything. This is the first of what will probably be seven updates, once a month, on my intended ‘bucket list’ aim. As you know from a previous post, this is to take part in the London Marathon on 27 April 2025. I will post something each ..read more
Teacher Phili
4M ago
Introduction “Why are we here, what’s life all about?Is God really real, or is there some doubt?” This is the 9th and probably final blog post in My Cancer Diary series. It is also my 100th blog post overall, so it’s a long one. I’ve reached a century of posts, even though I won’t get ..read more
Teacher Phili
5M ago
This is my 99th post and probably one of the shortest. It is about my third performance at True Stories Live, following appearances in September 2019 and the following January. I wrote about those two previous appearances and shared videos in February 2020. The following event held in March 2020, called ‘The Nature of the ..read more
Teacher Phili
6M ago
Introduction: When I’m 54 This is the eighth of my ongoing series of posts about my latest adventure – being diagnosed and treated for bowel cancer. It follows on from all the previous posts which started in October 2023. It covers my most recent consultation, a huge decision on treatment and being offered my biggest physical ..read more
Teacher Phili
8M ago
This is the seventh of my ongoing series of posts about my latest adventure – being diagnosed and treated for bowel cancer. It follows on from the last post published on 13 April, which was updated on 22 April. It covers my two most recent consultations, a treatment update, possible scenarios, immunotherapy research, a look at the costs involved and a fundraising update. As well as this blog, I have a cancer diary of 100 photos and videos collected from early November to May – only on my private Instagram for family and close friends. There is now a ..read more
Teacher Phili
10M ago
The Angel EP cover image – artwork by Hannah Nelson
My previous post – the sixth of my Cancer Diary series – was subtitled ‘Playing for Time’. I deliberately took this title from track 3 of Peter Gabriel’s i/o album, which was released in December 2023. Since my cancer diagnosis last October and especially since my first oncology consultation in Norwich on 5 December, I have felt that I might be ‘playing for time’. I have felt mortal for the first time in my life, even though I used to be petrified of death as a kid. As I alluded to in that previous post, I began to think about my ..read more