Food Sensitivity Vs. Food Intolerance
Test Your Intolerance Blog
by Donna Mastriani, S.N.H.S. Dip.
4d ago
If you’re looking into food intolerance and sensitivity, you’re likely experiencing symptoms after consuming a specific food, and you need to know what could be causing these symptoms. Food intolerances or sensitivities are quite common and affect more people worldwide. These conditions cause many digestive symptoms and discomfort, which can affect one’s quality of life […] The post Food Sensitivity Vs. Food Intolerance appeared first on Test Your Intolerance more
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Keto: The Future Of Dieting?
Test Your Intolerance Blog
by Donna Mastriani, S.N.H.S. Dip.
5d ago
A Keto diet has become very popular over the years as more celebrities embrace it and show the rest how much weight loss can result from it. A ket diet involves consuming more fats, less protein, and even less carbohydrates. When it comes to your macros (protein, carbohydrates, and fats), carbohydrates are the ones you […] The post Keto: The Future Of Dieting? appeared first on Test Your Intolerance more
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How To Avoid Bloat During Christmas Festivities
Test Your Intolerance Blog
by Kate Knowler
1M ago
Ah, there’s nothing like the onset Christmas festivities – mince pies and chocolates on offer at every opportunity; Christmas drinks after work; indulgent meals; extra portions of rich desserts. But all too often, these seasonal treats come with a side portion of going to bed feeling heavy, bloated, and uncomfortable. What if you could enjoy […] The post How To Avoid Bloat During Christmas Festivities appeared first on Test Your Intolerance more
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Benefits of Being a Globetrotter, Even with Food Intolerance
Test Your Intolerance Blog
by Donna Mastriani, S.N.H.S. Dip.
2M ago
Food intolerance isn’t a reason for you to avoid travelling. Many people look forward to travelling the world, and just because you suffer from food intolerance, it shouldn’t stop you from doing it. There are many tactics you can learn around your food choices so that you can prevent suffering from intolerance symptoms abroad. When […] The post Benefits of Being a Globetrotter, Even with Food Intolerance appeared first on Test Your Intolerance more
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Navigating The Mcdonald’s Menu With Allergies
Test Your Intolerance Blog
by Donna Mastriani, S.N.H.S. Dip.
3M ago
When you have food allergies, they can tie you down in so many ways, even preventing you from dining outside of your home. This is especially true when it comes to fast foods because they tend to contain major allergen ingredients. However, there are outlets like McDonald’s that you can learn to navigate when dining […] The post Navigating The Mcdonald’s Menu With Allergies appeared first on Test Your Intolerance more
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Deciding Whether You Need A Gluten Intolerance Test?
Test Your Intolerance Blog
by Kate Knowler
3M ago
You’ve probably heard of gluten intolerance and know it has something to do with wheat in the diet. Restaurants and supermarkets all cater for the gluten-free population now, but how do you know if you need to avoid gluten? In this blog, I’m going to help you make an informed decision on whether you need […] The post Deciding Whether You Need A Gluten Intolerance Test? appeared first on Test Your Intolerance more
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Mistakes People Make When Dining With Food Allergies
Test Your Intolerance Blog
by Donna Mastriani, S.N.H.S. Dip.
3M ago
Food allergies aren’t to be taken lightly. While the majority of food allergies are mild, some individuals can experience anaphylaxis, permanent disabilities, and death. Even a mild food allergy will ruin an otherwise lovely evening. Nobody wants to spend a night struggling to breathe, itching all over, and managing a banging headache. Dining with food […] The post Mistakes People Make When Dining With Food Allergies appeared first on Test Your Intolerance more
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Create a Personalised Wellness Plan Using Your Test Results
Test Your Intolerance Blog
by Dr. Joseph Nightingale, MBBS, MSc
4M ago
Wellness and health aren’t the same thing. Yes, there’s some overlap. However, while health focuses on avoiding disease, wellness is a proactive approach to life. It covers fitness, diet, and even stress levels. Creating a personalised wellness plan involves taking account of your current fitness and health levels. As you evaluate your life choices, you […] The post Create a Personalised Wellness Plan Using Your Test Results appeared first on Test Your Intolerance more
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Why Should You Consider a Gluten Intolerance Test?
Test Your Intolerance Blog
by Dr. Joseph Nightingale, MBBS, MSc
4M ago
Gluten intolerance is increasing worldwide. What was a rare occurrence just a few decades ago is now fast becoming the norm. Those gluten-free diets and options aren’t a fad – they’re a reaction to the growth of gluten sensitivity and coeliac disease. What is behind this issue remains something of a mystery. Scientists have suggested […] The post Why Should You Consider a Gluten Intolerance Test? appeared first on Test Your Intolerance more
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How Leading Health Professionals View Intolerance Testing
Test Your Intolerance Blog
by Kate Knowler
4M ago
If you were to ask any health professionals view on intolerance testing their opinion on IgG antibody food intolerance testing, such as Test Your Intolerance IgG intolerance test, you’d find the responses as divided as if you’d asked whether they love or hate that thick, dark, salty yeast extract spread we all know that starts […] The post How Leading Health Professionals View Intolerance Testing appeared first on Test Your Intolerance more
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