Reading Agricultural Consultants Blog
Reading Agricultural Consultants are providing expertise & advice on agricultural, environmental & countryside issues across the UK. Read the latest RAC news, with a multitude of topics from agriculture to farm research & development.
Reading Agricultural Consultants Blog
3y ago
…is how the authors of an independent report setting out a roadmap for farming in Scotland described where we need to be to tackle the climate and nature emergencies. The Scottish Government is also committed to a net zero impact by 2045.
The report sets out a pathway to 2032 and on to 2045 delivering transition along a route set by farmers. The visionary outcome will deliver reductions in each of the three key greenhouse gases:
For carbon dioxide there will be some efficiency savings in the next ten years, in preparation for total decarbonisation of farm machinery in the 2030s.
For methane re ..read more
Reading Agricultural Consultants Blog
4y ago
The UK’s arable soils have lost 80% of their original total carbon stock over the past 80 years, seriously affecting their capacity soil to retain nutrients and water, resist erosion, or support crop performance during times of stress. The implications of this loss are considerable.
Future Food Solutions has co-ordinated the creation of the Good Soil Guide https://soilguide.co.uk/ as a platform for discussion, innovation and technical support for farmers and land managers looking for the sustainable, environmentally positive management practices that can reverse decline in soil quality, regene ..read more
Reading Agricultural Consultants
5y ago
Over the last few months life has changed for all of us, the Covid-19 lockdown restrictions have presented challenges for everyone, not least the farming community.
In early March, shoppers across the country were faced with the reality of a significantly disrupted food supply chain; panic buying and largely empty supermarket shelves. On 23rd March the UK went into lockdown, only allowed out to shop for essentials or once a day for exercise.
Suddenly, Britain developed a passion for walking. For farmers everywhere this presented something of a challenge with many people either ignorant to the ..read more
Reading Agricultural Consultants Blog
5y ago
Defra has published an evaluation of four ongoing Pioneer Projects designed to trial the natural capital approach advocated by the Government’s 25 Year Environment Plan.
This evaluation looks at the ways in which the different projects approach environmental management and the tools and methods that they apply to deliver net environmental gain.
Something to learn from as we move into a new landscape of different expectations from society and government.
Download the report here.
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Reading Agricultural Consultants Blog
6y ago
Round 2 of the Countryside Productivity Small Grant scheme is now open.
Farmers can apply for funding of up to £12,000 towards specific items of equipment listed at Annex 3 of the Countryside Productivity Small Grants scheme Round 2 handbook – subject to restrictions.
All the items are intended to help achieve improvements in:
technical efficiency
animal health and welfare
resource efficiency, or
nutrient management.
If you would like help making an application for funding under this scheme, contact RAC.
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Reading Agricultural Consultants Blog
6y ago
The global food system is at a crossroads. Whilst agroecology may be perceived as how traditional agricultural systems function, it does in fact cover the whole food agrifood system, embracing the scientific and technical aspects of farming together with the social, environmental, economic and political dimensions of the complex reality where we live.
The FAO’s High Level Panel of Experts for Food Security and Nutrition has published a report on Agroecological and other innovative approaches for sustainable agriculture and food systems that enhance food security and nutrition to provide a st ..read more
Reading Agricultural Consultants Blog
6y ago
Peter Danks has worked with AHDB Pork to produce a report introducing the use of slurry cooling and associated heat recovery in the reduction of ammonia emissions from stored pig slurry.
When combined with the heating of pig accommodation on a fully integrated farm, the use of slurry cooling to reduce emissions offers an attractive option for consideration when expanding a unit, meeting compliance targets and reducing energy costs.
Cooling reduces ammonia emissions and energy used for ventilation, while heating with renewables reduces heating costs and attracts the Government’s Renewable Hea ..read more