Marguerite Pilates
Marguerite Galizia is a dance artist and Pilates teacher. She trained at London Contemporary Dance School and has a BA(Hons) in Contemporary Dance and an MA in Choreography. Since graduating in 2007 Marguerite has built up a wide network of clients and classes in the North West and Central London areas. An eye for detail and a genuine love for movement combine into the rich, detailed approach..
Marguerite Pilates
4y ago
Few things are more humbling for a movement teacher than an injury. If ever I needed a reminder that, despite several years of moving and teaching, I too am constantly learning, then this is it. Like so many of you, I seized on the extra hours that the lack of commuting time afforded, by up-ing ..read more
Marguerite Pilates
4y ago
My guess is that we’ve all been in a position, as a child or even in our adult lives, when someone in a position of authority has made us crumble with fear. In the dance world, ridiculing students was a common practice and one that often got passed from generation to generation, as students picked ..read more
Marguerite Pilates
4y ago
What is the kind of knowing in which competent practitioners engage? How is professional knowing like and unlike the kinds of knowledge presented in academic textbooks, scientific papers, and learned journals? In what sense, if any, is there intellectual rigor in professional practice? – Donald Schön These questions preface Donald Schön’s seminal book ‘The Reflective ..read more
Marguerite Pilates
4y ago
As a new term dawns, I thought I should take a moment to put together a list of suggestions to help you get the most out of your online Pilates classes. I know that some of these points will seem unnecessarily pedantic, and that you might not be able to get your head around it ..read more
Marguerite Pilates
4y ago
The thoughts I offer here are not meant to advise or provide any kind of treatment. These are personal reflections based on my research and practice, which I share here as a way of thrashing out my own ideas and expanding my teaching in class. If you are experiencing any kind of physical or emotional ..read more
Marguerite Pilates
5y ago
In my beginner’s course last week I was looking at the Psoas muscle. The Psoas is a deep layer of muscle that has two portions. Both parts start from lesser trochanter, the nobly protrusion that’s just on the inside of the thigh bone. From there, one section, the illiopsoas, draws up into the front surface ..read more
Marguerite Pilates
5y ago
It’s been almost three weeks since the UK went into lockdown, or as close to lockdown as is possible. Governments have responded in more or less helpful ways, studios and gyms have been shut and we’re all just staring at the slowly declining reserves in our bank accounts wondering how long it will all last ..read more
Marguerite Pilates
5y ago
Amongst all the Covid-19- isolation related facebook posts out there, I came across one particular observation that caught my eye the other day: “If you’re wondering what company is likely to be worth investing in after this crises: specsavers, we’re all going to need some by the time this is over.” The thinking goes that ..read more
Marguerite Pilates
5y ago
“Your contribution towards a solution to many problems, whether they’re related to illness or finances or loneliness or boredom or feeding the underfed or freeing the oppressed, can often be “move more”. Small and large issues alike can feel overwhelming, but often this is a result of trying to solve problems without changing anything about ..read more
Marguerite Pilates
5y ago
Forget about New Year’s resolutions. When it comes to your health and wellbeing those kinds of hard and fast goals just don’t work. And the reason is that you are a constantly shifting, emotional, reflective and responsive being, working within and sometimes against the constant flux that life brings. Holding fast to one goal is ..read more