Workplace Bullying – ask yourself ‘why’?
Personal Development – Clear Mind Personal Development
by Julie Crowley
5M ago
Getting the word out about workplace bullying (or any other) isn’t necessary. It’s stopping it happening that‘s required, even when companies have an ‘an anti-bullying policy’ that some people suggest referring to.  Bullying is too often seen as a management tool to maintain the power balance and sadly, boost some individual’s ego due to low... The post Workplace Bullying – ask yourself ‘why’? appeared first on Clear Mind Coaching & NLP more
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Psychotherapy Services
Personal Development – Clear Mind Personal Development
by Julie Crowley
7M ago
Psychotherapy incorporates a variety of emotional support models There are various support opportunities out there and this is one.  Psychotherapy describes a style of emotional support and development based on the mindset and where that arises from like childhood experiences, inherited beliefs and values and also traumatic events for the individual. Psychodynamic refers to the... The post Psychotherapy Services appeared first on Clear Mind Coaching & NLP more
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When there’s ‘something’ … but what
Personal Development – Clear Mind Personal Development
by Julie Crowley
8M ago
Often people struggle with the ‘not knowing’ when they come for help and support. People in my family have ADHD and I knew there was something different but no idea what or how to find out, where to look, who to ask. I didn’t think about differences other than personalities back then, before doing what... The post When there’s ‘something’ … but what appeared first on Clear Mind Coaching & NLP more
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How to make choices and decisions
Personal Development – Clear Mind Personal Development
by Julie Crowley
8M ago
Know your tendencies and values We all have parameters to meet in the form of our mental ‘filters’ – unconscious often, our mind filters incoming information (and there is a lot of it every minute of every day! 20,000 pieces of information apparently!) through our unique filters that have been created by our previous experiences.  ... The post How to make choices and decisions appeared first on Clear Mind Coaching & NLP more
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When abuse isn’t obvious
Personal Development – Clear Mind Personal Development
by Julie Crowley
8M ago
People are hurt in many ways and for many reasons when abuse happens, and yet it may not be obvious that it is, in fact, abuse. Parental influence and impact on children; other family members preying on the vulnerable in your midst; or outsiders that attack but are kept hidden and suppressed. Workplace abuse is... The post When abuse isn’t obvious appeared first on Clear Mind Coaching & NLP more
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Insights for living healthily and happily
Personal Development – Clear Mind Personal Development
by Julie Crowley
8M ago
Live for today Not just for today but accept there is only so far you can look and plan ahead.  Even then you cannot be sure it really will happen as you hope, intend, foresee but you can plan accordingly. The more you know about you, your circumstances and options, the more personal power you... The post Insights for living healthily and happily appeared first on Clear Mind Coaching & NLP more
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Managing Adversity
Personal Development – Clear Mind Personal Development
by Julie Crowley
9M ago
My perspective is that you don’t overcome adversity but manage it and learn from it. As with all experiences, this is what happens and why we can only really learn from mistakes we make. As with most things in life – managing events, situations, people and emotions for example, is what it’s all about –... The post Managing Adversity appeared first on Clear Mind Coaching & NLP more
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Developing your Integrity for business professionals
Personal Development – Clear Mind Personal Development
by Julie Crowley
9M ago
Integrity is one of my own personal values.  Doing, being, speaking and behaving congruently and honestly – they all match. It is also doing those things even when it isn’t public, just for and within yourself, living and acting transparently perhaps too. Honesty is part of living with integrity and is a key value for... The post Developing your Integrity for business professionals appeared first on Clear Mind Coaching & NLP more
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What is Mindset Management?
Personal Development – Clear Mind Personal Development
by Julie Crowley
9M ago
It is choosing what you think about and how you think about it. Yes, thoughts will pop into your head unexpectedly, unwantedly. But you don’t have to accept them or at that moment or how the present – you do have a choice. So you choose to manage thoughts, that influence feelings that in turn,... The post What is Mindset Management? appeared first on Clear Mind Coaching & NLP more
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ADHD – what is and how do you know it in children?
Personal Development – Clear Mind Personal Development
by Julie Crowley
9M ago
As it has arisen recently with clients and family again, I have revised this blog post from 2018 and other from 2021 too regarding ADHD. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder – a mouthful and a headful actually!  For you and for the people who struggle with it or excel because of it! It can be a... The post ADHD – what is and how do you know it in children? appeared first on Clear Mind Coaching & NLP more
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