Allen Archaeology Blog
Established in 2005, Allen Archaeology Ltd is an independent, professional commercial archaeological contractor and consultancy. Our experienced team can provide archaeological advice at an early stage in the design programme.
Allen Archaeology Blog
4y ago
By Alan Telford, Project Supervisor While he’s working from home, Al has been reading up about some of his favourite post-medieval archaeology! This blog is summarised from a longer piece that you can download here… Although parts of the county are currently some of the most heavily industrialised in the UK, Lincolnshire is often regarded ..read more
Allen Archaeology Blog
4y ago
By Rob Evershed, Project Officer (Geophysics) Due to the ongoing coronavirus situation I’ve found myself confined for the majority of my time to my home. I’m fortunate in so much as I can continue working on writing up various projects, but it’s still a little claustrophobic, a feeling I imagine a lot of people are ..read more
Allen Archaeology Blog
4y ago
By Matt Parker Wooding, Heritage Research Manager As the lockdown from the Covid 19 pandemic continues, taking breaks from managing the heritage research team, and seeing the outside world physically rather than through the window, takes on all sorts of importance – physical wellbeing and mental resilience being the main two. However, this has also ..read more
Allen Archaeology Blog
4y ago
My current role within the company is focused on GIS and survey. I am primarily based at our head office but from time to time I get released onto site to do some GPS or Total Station survey, or to provide some training in using our survey equipment to my colleagues in the field. Most ..read more
Allen Archaeology Blog
4y ago
This month’s find might not look like much. It is a pretty run-of-the-mill ‘willow pattern’ plate, and you probably noticed it’s also broken. So what makes it so special? Well, we’re currently writing up what we hope will be our first major monograph, on a post-medieval cemetery in Brentford, West London. This plate, along with ..read more
Allen Archaeology Blog
4y ago
I’ve been working at Allen Archaeology for the best part of four years. I started as a bright-eyed and enthusiastic PA (Project Archaeologist) then worked my way up to the role of Project Supervisor. As you can imagine having such a role has its pros and cons. With highs of being the one who holds ..read more
Allen Archaeology Blog
4y ago
Written by Michał Górzyński, Project Archaeologist (Heritage Research) During my studies and after graduation I worked on a number of excavations conducted by universities, museums and private companies in Poland. This gave me a basic understanding of the methods used in archaeological fieldwork and I then assumed that these methods would be the same elsewhere ..read more
Allen Archaeology Blog
4y ago
Our Northeast office has moved to new, larger premises in Chester-le-Street, with room for future expansion, meetings and a cafe too! After a few days of unpacking and building furniture, our Regional Manager for the Northeast and Scotland and Business Development Manager, Craig Huddart is all set. The opening of the new office is just ..read more
Allen Archaeology Blog
4y ago
I’ve been with Allen Archaeology for close to 4 years now, and have been working as a Supervisor for just over a year. My working life, like many others at Allen Archaeology, is split between periods in the office and periods out on site. On site, my job is essentially twofold – making sure ..read more
Allen Archaeology Blog
4y ago
By Chris Clay, Director Even after all these years in the job, every now and then you have the pleasant surprise of learning something new. Recently I was writing a specification for a geophysical survey in East Yorkshire, just outside Beverley, and came across an HER entry for ‘site of a medieval cross’. Not that ..read more