Accessible walking holidays: trails around the UK have been improved so people of all levels of mobility can enjoy the great outdoors
Arthritis Digest
by Iona Walton
2M ago
Spending time outside in the open air is fundamental to quality of life. We no longer have to restrict ourselves to pavements as areas of coastal paths and national parks are finally geared up for people with mobility challenges.   Lake District Exploring England’s largest national park is as challenging as you want it to […] The post Accessible walking holidays: trails around the UK have been improved so people of all levels of mobility can enjoy the great outdoors appeared first on Arthritis Digest more
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Hand care for people with arthritis
Arthritis Digest
by Iona Walton
5M ago
Read on for our top tips and useful products for people with joint pain and stiffness that makes hand care difficult Top tips for caring for stiff and painful hands Keep nails short so they are easier to maintain. Massage hands to improve circulation and flexibility. Do hand exercises to maintain mobility. Use a hand […] The post Hand care for people with arthritis appeared first on Arthritis Digest more
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Precision medicine research offers hope that future patients will be placed on the most effective medication to alleviate their symptoms explains Ricky Chotai
Arthritis Digest
by Iona Walton
5M ago
I was diagnosed with lupus at the age of 25 years old. Unlike many, who wait an average of seven years according to a survey of LUPUS UK members, I was fortunate to receive my own diagnosis within a few months. Unfortunately, my mother wasn’t as lucky, experiencing a similar diagnosis in her twenties but […] The post Precision medicine research offers hope that future patients will be placed on the most effective medication to alleviate their symptoms explains Ricky Chotai appeared first on Arthritis Digest more
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Sugar and artificially sweetened drinks associated with lupus
Arthritis Digest
by Iona Walton
5M ago
Women with high ultra-processed food intake have a higher lupus risk compared to those who avoid such foods, says data in Arthritis Care & Research. And sugary or artificially sweetened beverages are most strongly associated with lupus. Ultra-processed foods in this study include: ready-to-eat products; packaged savoury snacks, sweets and puddings; and sugar-sweetened and artificially […] The post Sugar and artificially sweetened drinks associated with lupus appeared first on Arthritis Digest more
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Long COVID more likely in autoimmune disease patients
Arthritis Digest
by Iona Walton
6M ago
Nearly 30% of people with autoimmune disease seem to be affected by long COVID after infection, says data in The Journal of Rheumatology. Joint pain, brain fog and fatigue are the most common symptoms reported. A team recruited 1,615 adults with autoimmune diseases who had received at least one COVID vaccine. Questionnaires assessed the persistence […] The post Long COVID more likely in autoimmune disease patients appeared first on Arthritis Digest more
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Red wine compound resveratrol may not reduce knee arthritis pain
Arthritis Digest
by Iona Walton
6M ago
A compound found in red wine – resveratrol – did not reduce knee pain in people with knee osteoarthritis says a new trial published in PLoS Med. The evidence  calls into question previous suggestions that red wine has anti-inflammatory properties. Resveratrol is a polyphenol found in berries, peanuts and skins of red grapes. Polyphenols are […] The post Red wine compound resveratrol may not reduce knee arthritis pain appeared first on Arthritis Digest more
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Drug finding gives optimism to millions with osteoarthritis
Arthritis Digest
by Iona Walton
6M ago
Methotrexate, a medication already used for autoimmune conditions, can also relieve the pain and stiffness caused by knee osteoarthritis, says a new clinical trial funded by Versus Arthritis. The discovery offers hope to millions of people across the UK suffering with chronic pain and stiffness caused by osteoarthritis of the knee, and is published in […] The post Drug finding gives optimism to millions with osteoarthritis appeared first on Arthritis Digest more
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Some arthritis drugs may relieve long COVID symptoms
Arthritis Digest
by Iona Walton
6M ago
The cause of long COVID inside lung tissues has been discovered by researchers – leading to identification of a potential treatment to take on the respiratory symptoms, they report in Science Translational Medicine. Experts found that COVID-19 can cause sweeping changes in immune cells inside lung tissues, promoting scarring and driving ongoing inflammation even after […] The post Some arthritis drugs may relieve long COVID symptoms appeared first on Arthritis Digest more
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Prunes preserve bone density and strength
Arthritis Digest
by Iona Walton
7M ago
Dairy isn’t the only food that’s good for bone health. Eating prunes every day also slows bone loss connected to osteoporosis says a new trial. Published in Osteoporosis International, the findings suggest that daily prune consumption slows the progression of age-related bone loss and reduces the risk of fracture in post-menopausal women. This is because […] The post Prunes preserve bone density and strength appeared first on Arthritis Digest more
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High intensity workout boosts health for people with fibromyalgia
Arthritis Digest
by Iona Walton
7M ago
A groundbreaking study reveals that high-intensity aerobic and strength training significantly enhance the physical and emotional well-being of people with fibromyalgia and other musculoskeletal disorders. Based on 73 people with unspecific musculoskeletal disorders, aerobic high-intensity interval training and strength training improved the participants’ peak oxygen uptake and strength. This in turn led to better physical […] The post High intensity workout boosts health for people with fibromyalgia appeared first on Arthritis Digest more
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