Life in Eight
Hi there! I'm Gaby author of Life in Eight, space where I blog about home decorating and organizing.
Life in Eight
4y ago
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2018 is coming to and end and I’m glad it is. This has been one of the hardest years of my life. In January my mum passed away after a year and a half battle with ovarian Cancer. She was an example of a warrior. She never ever gave up. Not even after all of the discouraging tests results. She loved her family and adored her grandchildren more than anything and wanted to spend as much time as possible with all of us. She never lost her smile even when her insides really hurt. She put us all first like she did all her life. On the 4th of January 2018 she passed away an ..read more
Life in Eight
4y ago
If you have a quick look around our home; you might notice that I’m a big fan of Scandinavian style. What you might not know is that I’m not the only one in Scotland! Wayfair have delved into their customer data, which shows that there is a diverse and distinct range of interior style preferences across the UK (check out the cool infographic at the bottom of this page ). They’ve identified some core styles – ranging from Scandi, to Glam and beyond – It was found that Scandi was the most adored style in Scotland (in 2017, Scottish customers ordered 44% more Scandinavian style interio ..read more
Life in Eight
4y ago
Our daughter’s current bedroom was once a nursery. We set it up before she was born when we didn’t know much about babies. To cut a long story short, she co-slept with us until she was 18 months old so the nursery never got used – not even to get her changed, so all the furniture was sold and we transformed the nursery into a toddler’s bedroom.
If you are about to make this change and like me wonder what a toddler needs in their new room, keep reading as I’ll share my experience with you and list a few suggestions that might come in handy.
Single Bed
We went straight for a single bed (and sk ..read more
Life in Eight
4y ago
It’s that time of the year again! The one when I share with you my FREE 2018 Calendar and Weekly Planner printable. The 2017 version has been downloaded a whooping 4000 times! So many of you have got in touch to share how useful you’ve found it and also pictures of the calendars right there in your homes. I absolutely love seeing them so please keep them coming I’ll be sharing your pictures of the calendars in my Instagram account.
In order to download them just click the image below. I really hope they help them to keep your family and home a tiny bit more organised in the New Year.
  ..read more
Life in Eight
4y ago
A few weeks ago the lovely people at AO.com got in touch to see if I wanted to take part in a fun gifting challenge. The idea was that I had to nominate a fellow blogger to receive an AO gift chosen by me and this person would do the same for me. (I told you it was fun!) After reading the e-mail I immediately knew I wanted to take part in the challenge and I had the perfect person in mind: my bestie and blogger at Life with Munchers, Pamela! I know her very well so choosing a present for her was going to be easy (or at least that’s what I thought!). A few days later AO sent me a list of ten it ..read more
Life in Eight
4y ago
As we grow older we tend to get better at identifying our likes and dislikes; we become more confident in our decisions and we learn to listen to our inner voice. In my case, this voice told me that our old dark and walnut furniture wasn’t “us” anymore. Quite likely this voice has been influenced by all these beautiful Scandinavian style houses that I keep drooling over on Instagram. It does makes sense to me that, in countries with very little day light for most of the year, people would try to use as many white and reflective pieces as possible in order to make the most of those very few ray ..read more
Life in Eight
4y ago
*****UPDATE! You can download my FREE 2018 CALENDAR and WEEKLY PLANNER from THIS POST.*****
I can’t believe 2016 is almost over. It’s been a pretty hard year at times here in the Eight household so I’m kind of relieved it’s coming to an end. Despite the fact this hasn’t been a good year, I’m looking into 2017 with renewed and hopeful eyes. I have so many exciting plans that I’ll hopefully be sharing with you soon as many of them involve this blog of mine and my passion for organisation and functional/ easy/ budget friendly home decor. One of my missions for this new year is to get our family ..read more
Life in Eight
4y ago
Our family kitchen truly is the heart of our home. It’s located in a central position at the back of our ground floor and it’s open plan with our dining room and sun-lounge. Even though we bought our house as a new build; the kitchen was already fitted by the time we decided to buy it so we didn’t get to choose any of it. And although I mostly love it, there are a few things that I would like to change. More on that further down
We have integrated double oven, microwave, fridge freezer and dishwasher. The washing machine and tumble drier are freestanding but they are located in our utility ..read more
Life in Eight
4y ago
Ikea Latt Kids table and chairs and their Bekvam Spice racks -come bookshelves- have become staples of kids bedrooms. They are affordable and durable, ideal for creating the perfect craft or reading area for children.
That’s exactly what I have had in mind for my little one’s big girl room for some time but as most mummies do, I kept putting off setting up this space for her mainly because I knew I would have to somehow protect the un-treated wood of the table and chairs and spice racks if I didn’t want them to end up looking grubby pretty quickly.
I’ve decided to go fo ..read more
Life in Eight
4y ago
If you find yourself living with bare walls because you just don’t know what to hang on them without messing up the rest of your decor, then this is the right guide for you. I’ve summarized a few simple steps and tips that will make choosing artwork for your home an easy-peasy (and more enjoyable) task.
Choose the right wall
Choose the most important walls in your home for hanging artwork but leave some of them blank as well. This “breathing space” will allowed your art to stand out.
Consider proportions
Have your ever seen a big wall with a tiny frame of a super cute kid’s school photo on i ..read more