The Omega 3 Edit: Learn How to Balance Your Omega 3 and 6 Essential Fatty Acids
Keto Supplements Blog
by Sara
1y ago
You must have heard about how crucial it is to get enough Omega 3s and to reduce Omega 6s in your diet. But what does that actually mean? And where do Omega 3s and 6s come from? Before the introduction of seed and vegetable oils (sunflower, rapeseed, soy, chia seed oils, etc) into our diet in the 1900s, humans actually ate very few processed seed products. Seeds and seed oils are very high in Linoleic Acid, the principle Omega 6 which becomes very inflammatory when we consume too much–particularly if the oil has been oxidised, heated or chemically processed.  The increase in seed oi more
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Keto Festival UK: Round up of the Birmingham Show
Keto Supplements Blog
by Sara
1y ago
I love the Keto Festival Have any of you been to a Keto Festival in the UK? I’m honoured to speak at the conference and exhibit too. I absolutely loved speaking at the Keto Festival on Sunday in Birmingham. What an incredibly friendly and enthusiastic crowd and so many brilliant keto friendly brands. It really is wonderful getting to meet so many of you in person. I discussed an important talk titled: “Keto 101: The Good, the Basics and the Ugly. Everything you need to know to follow a healthy keto diet.” Because following a high fat, low carb diet sounds simple but it can be a confusing more
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Three types of Ketone Substances In a Nutshell: Do you know the difference between 1-3 Butanediol, a Ketone Ester and D Ketone Salts?
Keto Supplements Blog
by Sara
1y ago
Ketone IQ Review, Delta G, Real Ketones Elevate and Vault 3 Ketones Compared: 1 3 Butanediol, Salts & Esters  When there are so many ketone supplements around, how can you identify the healthy and effective ones verse the unhealthy and ineffective ones?  It is important to know the differences between them as well as the positives and negatives. I recently co-hosted a podcast with Bonnie on the Power of Perseverance in which we discuss the main ketone substances. Listen to the podcast here to learn even more details on the scientific papers and research. Here we h more
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An Ancestral Diet: A New Approach to the Ketogenic Diet
Keto Supplements Blog
by Sara
2y ago
Here is An Ancestral Diet Approach to the Ketogenic Lifestyle: This text is based on my presentation at the Keto Festival in Bristol from March 2022.  How we can use ancestral wisdom to cultivate a healthy, flexible and wholefoods approach to the ketogenic diet: an ancestral diet, and by wholefoods I do not mean grains.  The secret to cultivating true health can be found in the wisdom of our ancestors. I am challenging the strict ketogenic view and encouraging you to consider a more flexible approach. By exploring ancestral, geographical, circadian, and seasonal patterns of eating an more
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Seed Oils: A Sinister Ingredient. How do you choose healthy fats for the keto diet?
Keto Supplements Blog
by Sara
2y ago
There’s something ubiquitous in our foods, a sinister ingredient prevalent in almost all processed foods, often labelled as heart healthy, vegan, gluten free and even keto friendly. It’s insidious and we unwittingly consume it while it rusts us from the inside out and disrupts our DNA. What I am talking about is seed oils. This article is based on my talk presented at the Keto Festival in London, 2022. You can view the full talk here: Introduction:  I am Sara Alam, a health anthropologist, sports nutritionist, and the founder of Keto Supplements—one of Europe’s first ketogenic websites t more
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When Not to Follow a Ketogenic Diet: Is the Keto Diet For Everyone?
Keto Supplements Blog
by Sara
2y ago
Is Keto For Everyone? Pros & Cons of the Keto Diet Hi there, I’m Sara Alam, an Anthropologist, Sports Nutritionist and Low Carb Enthusiast. I founded Keto Supplements in 2017, initially sourcing supplements to alleviate a loved one’s epilepsy. I am passionate about fusing the best of ancestral wisdom with modern day medicine to optimise health. Today, I’ve been asked to explain what a ketogenic diet is, how it could benefit you and when it might not be a good idea to go keto for Planet Organic. Use code 15SARA for 15% off at Planet Organic. What is Ketosis? In a nutshell, ketosis more
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Keto Chocolate Orange Pudding: A Heart Warming Recipe
Keto Supplements Blog
by Sara
3y ago
Keto Chocolate Orange Pudding: Written by Guest Blogger: Laura Brookes When it comes to sweet treats, nothing is as heart warming as a Terry’s Chocolate Orange.  So if you are craving this winter favourite but looking for a healthy alternative, we have your sorted with this low carbohydrate pudding that is simple to make and delicious. Sugar free and full of healthy fats, this recipe allows you to enjoy all the full flavours of winter without the negative effects on your blood sugar. Sugar free and full of healthy fats, this recipe allows you to enjoy all the full flavours of winter witho more
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Keto Baked Cheesecake: Deliciously Crunchy on the Outside and Creamy on the Inside
Keto Supplements Blog
by Sara
3y ago
Oooh, now we may be in the New Year but you can stick to your low carb diet guilt free with this phenomenal recipe…that was a happy accident! Like all the best things in life! I made this on New Years’ Eve in a hurry and it turned out beautifully! Far, far better than I had anticipated. Will be a go to healthy dessert for me this year! Nothing beats a homemade, healthy treat that is so easy to make and so pleasing for guests…it’s a win win! For the Keto Baked Cheesecake filling, you need: 200ml Mascarpone Cheese 180ml Sour Cream 4 Tbsp Powdered Erythritol 1 Tablespoon Vanilla essence 3 Eggs 1 more
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Easy Anti-Ageing Habits: It is all about Cellular Regeneration
Keto Supplements Blog
by Sara
3y ago
Did you know that we are exposed to at least 700,000 up to 2,000,000 environmental toxins each day? These toxins can be found in the foods we eat, the water we drink, the air we breathe and the products we put on our skin.  Combined, the toxins cause cellular degeneration, the process of aging and causes us to age faster: inside and out. The good news is we can protect ourselves from these damaging toxins and use a host of techniques to slow down aging and even reverse it with these Easy Anti-Ageing Habits I am Sara Aguilar; the health anthropologist and keto diet specialist and I more
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Lazy Keto Brunch Recipe: Baked Eggs in Coconut Milk with Rainbow Chard
Keto Supplements Blog
by Sara
3y ago
Enjoy this Lazy Keto Brunch Recipe with a cup of Antioxidant Rich Purity Coffee Baked eggs in coconut milk with rainbow chard. Looking for Sunday brunch inspiration? This is a delicious Sunday brunch feast perfect for sharing with your loved ones. Nourishing, hearty and comforting this is sure to be enjoyed by the entire family. Eggs are incredibly nutritious. They are an excellent source of protein and they are a complete food in themselves. They are rich in the antioxidant lutein which is good for your eye health, rich in vitamin B12 and are a great source of amino acids too. Coconut is ri more
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