Intentional Leadership: A Remedy for the Rise of 'Accidental Managers'
Alexandra Massey | Treatment Of Depression
by Alexandra Massey
9M ago
The prevalence of ineffective management in Britain's workplaces has reached new heights, as highlighted by a recent study from the Chartered Management Institute. The report reveals a concerning trend of 'accidental managers' — those promoted without the right skills or training — leading to negative work environments and high staff turnover. This underscores the need for a different approach: intentional leadership. The Role of Intentional Leadership Intentional leadership stands in stark contrast to the accidental manager phenomenon. It’s about leaders choosing to be proactive, skilled, and more
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3 种治疗抑郁症的天然情绪增强剂
Alexandra Massey | Treatment Of Depression
by Alexandra Massey
9M ago
在这个焦虑的嗡嗡声和抑郁的沉重已经变得像我们口袋里的智能手机一样普遍的世界里,令人惊讶的是发现天然的情绪增强剂常常被药物选择所掩盖。 诊所中有一半的患者出现抑郁症状,我们是时候翻开新的一页了。 我在这里与您分享的不仅仅是任何一片叶子,而是那些来自大自然的治疗手册,并以可靠的科学和个人见解为后盾的叶子。 1。 Omega 3 – 天然的脂肪灵丹妙药 Omega-3s 的故事并不是新的篇章;而是新的篇章。它与格陵兰岛的爱斯基摩人一样古老,他们靠富含这些脂肪酸的饮食而茁壮成长,抑郁症发病率显着降低。 快进到 20 世纪 90 年代末,哈佛大学的一项研究不得不缩短,因为结果太好了,无法等待 - 补充 Omega-3 的参与者报告抑郁症状大幅减轻。 我们的祖先天生就食用富含这些促进情绪的脂肪的饮食,也许现代人对此的偏离与抑郁症发病率的飙升有关。从银色的鱼群到金色的亚麻籽油,Omega-3 很可能是我们现代饮食中缺失的一块拼图。 2。锻炼——内啡肽引擎 当哈佛大学的迈克尔·克雷格·米勒博士将运动视为一种有效的抗抑郁药时,这是对身体催化一系列积极生物反应的先天能力的认可。 ‘跑步者的高潮’它不仅仅是一个都市神话——它是一种有科学依据的欣快感。但持续、低强度的锻炼方式的缓慢消耗也同样具有变革性,可以带来源源不断的神经营养素,使我们的大脑结构焕发活力。 3 more
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Off the Grid, On the Road: How a Year in a Camper Van Rebooted My Life
Alexandra Massey | Treatment Of Depression
by Alexandra Massey
10M ago
The Year That Changed Everything Hey friends, in case you've been wondering why I've vanished from your feeds, here's the scoop: I didn't just step back—I hit the road. Swapped the endless scroll for endless horizons. Bought a camper van, and let me tell you, it's been one hell of a ride. Why I Ditched the Digital Chaos Let's get honest, social media had become a circus, and I was tired of juggling. So, I chucked it all and chose freedom. No more FOMO, no more filters—just me, my van, and the open road. Personal Reboot This wasn't a getaway; it was a get-real. I cooked on campfires, navigated more
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Eight Signs You Were Raised In A Dysfunctional Family
Alexandra Massey | Treatment Of Depression
by Alexandra Massey
11M ago
What is a dysfunctional family? Well, there is a huge span when it comes to the term 'dysfunctional'. It ranges from mildly dysfunctional to completely nuts. There is really no guide when it comes to determining how dysfunctional a family is but, for the purposes of this article, we are leaning towards the 'completely nuts' end of the spectrum. 1.You feel guilty when you stand up for yourself. Do you buy something, get the incorrect change and assume it's your fault? Or, if someone steals your wallet, you feel like you did something wrong? A common sign you were raised in a dysfunctional fami more
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A Beautiful Mantra For 2022
Alexandra Massey | Treatment Of Depression
by Alexandra Massey
2y ago
Goodbye to 2021, another year that caught us ALL off guard. 2022: New Year, New Start? We certainly hope so. But, if we still have this pandemic…have to be in lockdown…anticipate more variants… hold off seeing loved ones, where is the new start? It can feel demoralising, frustrating and cause a ton of anxiety. In all honesty the only changes we can make will take place within ourselves. What transformed my life and still does, every day, is something that I learned when I studied with a Buddhist monk: Don’t Resist What Is A simple but powerful mantra for living an anxiety free life. But what d more
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How Writing Helps Anxiety
Alexandra Massey | Treatment Of Depression
by Alexandra Massey
2y ago
Writing is a brilliant way of helping to speed up recovery from anxiety. Studies show that writing acts as a shock absorber against excessive thinking, which is something we all do when we’re anxious. Writing, instead of thinking, helps to get problems out of the mind and onto paper. This gives us a better perspective and helps us to find solutions. It also gives us reassurance that we can manage day-to-day problems. When you look back through your journal entries of even a few days ago, you will see that you got through a difficult period and this will give you the courage to continue. You ca more
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Cómo Reconfigurar Su Cerebro Para Ser Feliz - Demostrado Científicamente
Alexandra Massey | Treatment Of Depression
by Alexandra Massey
2y ago
Todos tenemos nuestras preocupaciones sobre el futuro y, en muchos casos, este tipo de preocupación es útil[1]. Como estar preocupado por esa fecha, puede animarte a ver lo mejor de ti mismo. Pero cuando esa preocupación natural se te escapa y se convierte en un tipo de ansiedad crónica, cambia -literalmente- la química de tu cuerpo. Es posible que te centres en las cosas negativas de tu vida, y esto es habitual en las personas, especialmente con problemas de ansiedad. Cuando llevas la preocupación a un extremo patológico, es tan intrusiva e incontrolable que puede producir una cantidad signif more
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Alexandra Massey | Treatment Of Depression
by Alexandra Massey
2y ago
写作是帮助加速从焦虑中恢复的一个绝妙方法。研究表明,写作对过度思考起着减震器的作用,而过度思考是我们在焦虑时都会做的事情。 写作,而不是思考,有助于将问题从脑海中释放出来,写在纸上。这给了我们一个更好的视角,帮助我们找到解决方案。它也给我们以保证,我们可以处理日常问题。当你回顾几天前的日记条目时,你会发现你度过了一个困难时期,这将给你继续下去的勇气。 你可以买一个你喜欢写的特殊笔记本,但要把它放在安全的地方,因为你不希望别人读你写的东西。它只适合你的眼睛。 有一种写作技巧我想告诉你,需要更多的介绍和解释,那就是非主导性写作。 非主导性写作 非主导性写作的目的是帮助你进入你可能已经忽略了多年的自己的那些部分。当我们焦虑的时候,我们与隐藏在内心深处的明智的、有时是脆弱的部分不相协调。 然而,我们的这个明智和敏感的部分充满了关于如何使我们的生活变得更好的智慧。随着年龄的增长,我们倾向于推开这些本能,在这个过程中,我们推开了我们的创造力,这是我们幸福的根本。我们都有应对我们所面临挑战的答案,当我们与生活中的问题作斗争时,就需要与我们隐藏的那部分重新结合起来,以帮助我们重新站起来。 非优势手写作是用你不写的那只手来写的。 如果你用右手写字,你的非优势手就是左手,如果你用左手写字,你的非优势手就是右手。你的非主导手与你的直觉和情感相连,而你的主导手则与你的意识、思考方面相连。 more
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What’s The Best Medication For Depression?
Alexandra Massey | Treatment Of Depression
by Alexandra Massey
2y ago
When we go to the doctor because we’re unable to cope with life, the doctor’s first treatment choice is antidepressants. Antidepressants are widely used for depression. However, doctors will admit that they although they may not cure depression, they could reduce symptoms like low mood or insomnia. There is definitely a difference in the way certain antidepressants work and you might find that you have to try one or two before you decide which one works best for your particular symptoms. The first time you use an antidepressant it may work fine but then again, it may not, in which case its im more
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What’s The Best Medication For Depression?
Alexandra Massey | Treatment Of Depression
by Alexandra Massey
2y ago
When we go to the doctor because we’re unable to cope with life, the doctor’s first treatment choice is antidepressants. Antidepressants are widely used for depression. However, doctors will admit that they although they may not cure depression, they could reduce symptoms like low mood or insomnia. There is definitely a difference in the way certain antidepressants work and you might find that you have to try one or two before you decide which one works best for your particular symptoms. The first time you use an antidepressant it may work fine but then again, it may not, in which case its im more
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