Wisdom For Working Mums Blog
Wisdom for Working Mums is dedicated to sharing information that supports working mums like you to thrive. Empowering you to combine your family, work and life in a more successful and sustainable way.
Wisdom For Working Mums Blog
1y ago
We’re approaching the *most* time of the year.
The infamous song says, ‘It’s the most wonderful time of the year’.
And that’s true for some people, some of the time.
But not for everyone.
For some of us, it’s:
The most… busy time of the year
The most… overwhelming time of the year
The most… sad time of the year (grief of having lost loved ones)
The most…. triggering time of the year (relationship dynamics are heightened)
The most…..expectation for joy and perfection
There is an increase in the mental and emotional load.
With nativities, Christmas Fayres, trips to see Sant ..read more
Wisdom For Working Mums Blog
1y ago
A few weeks ago, I did something that surprised me.
It’s so simple that it seems silly that it surprised me.
But sometimes, the simplest things are the hardest to do. And I’ve learnt this the hard way.
I’m predisposed to burnout.
That’s what I’ve come to learn on my quest to understand how I burnt out over a decade ago.
It’s not that I’m genetically predisposed.
It’s that my personality and preferences are more likely to push me into the burnout funnel.
I’m driven.
I’m conscientious.
I’m open to new experiences (say yes more than I should!).
I have perfectionist tendencies.
I ..read more
Wisdom For Working Mums Blog
1y ago
As someone who has a tendency to be addicted to busyness, I have to keep an eye on when I’m crossing the line between living a full and healthy life into getting caught up in busyness.
It’s a question I constantly come back to as I think the lines between these two can get blurred, and it can be tricky to know the difference.
If you find yourself caught in the whirlwind of constant busyness, it’s time to recognize the signs that indicate you might be addicted to a frenetic lifestyle.
Busyness addiction refers to the compulsive need to stay busy and constantly fill our schedules, even whe ..read more
Wisdom For Working Mums Blog
1y ago
I love my work, but this week, I’ve found it hard.
You see, I get the privilege of sitting in confidential conversations with my clients – where they often share their innermost thoughts and feelings and the realities of their lives.
And it’s been hard this week to hear what my clients have been experiencing.
These are women who are doing incredible work.
They are smart.
They are hardworking.
They are talented in their respective fields.
But they are experiencing barriers in their workplaces that, quite frankly, in 2023, they shouldn’t be.
Barriers just because they are women.
Barriers b ..read more
Wisdom For Working Mums Blog
1y ago
I don’t know about you, but I’m the chief coordinator of activities in our house.
This summer, I coordinated the kid’s activities – cricket club, tennis club, horse riding…. and the list goes on.
But I did something unusual this year. I coordinated activities for myself too!
For a long while now, I’ve longed to play tennis.
I never properly learnt as a child how to play, and I thought the ship had sailed on learning.
But instead of listening to my mind that I now don’t have time or that I’m too old, I surrendered my mind in service of my deeper longing.
So I booked a lesson with my ..read more
Wisdom For Working Mums Blog
1y ago
As summer winds down, a significant event is on the horizon for many families – the back-to-school season.
For working parents, this time of year can be both exciting and challenging.
Maybe their child is starting primary school for the first time.
Maybe they are transitioning to secondary school, a new school or a new teacher.
Maybe their child is feeling anxious about their return to school.
Or maybe they just want to hold their child’s hand as they walk in the school gates.
If you’re a line manager, your role in supporting them during this transition is pivotal and can’t be unde ..read more
Wisdom For Working Mums Blog
1y ago
This year marks ten years of juggling work and summer holidays as a mum.
And I’ve been reflecting on that rollercoaster ride – it’s been filled with challenges, laughter, tears and plenty of valuable life lessons.
As I sit back and reflect on a decade of summers as a mother, I thought I’d share with you the ten most profound lessons I’ve learned along the way.
Because as the saying goes, our children can be our greatest teachers if we are humble enough to receive their lessons.
So here are mine:
Set Expectations Wisely
The wise Brene Brown once said that expectations are resentments waiting ..read more
Wisdom For Working Mums Blog
1y ago
If you’re a results-orientated and high-performing employee, you might suddenly be promoted into a managerial role without the appropriate support. You can find yourself becoming an accidental manager.
We might find ourselves in a managerial role unexpectedly. Maybe due to a promotion, organisational change or simply being in the right place at the right time. But becoming a manager without the proper training and preparation can be overwhelming.
When you’re an accidental manager, it can create an experience that is fueled by anxiety and imposter syndrome. Not only impacting ..read more
Wisdom For Working Mums Blog
1y ago
When I finally got diagnosed with burnout 10 years ago, I was shell-shocked.
I’d been looking after my health ever since my mum passed away suddenly seven years before.
Wellbeing had become a priority in my life…..or so I thought.
So when I was diagnosed with adrenal fatigue, I couldn’t understand how it had happened.
I then got fiercely curious – I *needed* to understand because if I didn’t, I wasn’t sure how I could stop it from happening again.
It turns out I’d been making some wellbeing mistakes.
And from working with my clients over the past decade, I know I’m not alone in these mistakes ..read more
Four things we can do as working mothers this Summer Solstice: A Time of Renewal for Working Mothers
Wisdom For Working Mums Blog
1y ago
I’m ashamed to say that I’ve lived out of sync with nature for most of my adult life.
But more and more, I’m drawn to the power of nature.
Only in recent years have I started to acknowledge the astronomical calendar – moon phases, eclipses, solstices and equinoxes. I was oblivious to them before, but I’m beginning to understand more about the power of Mother Nature in my life and work.
It helps that my brilliant business manager Lauren is *really* into this, so we often talk about how the eight moon phases affect the different activities we do in my business.
It also helps that this stuff that ..read more