Six noteworthy initiatives we saw in the media industry this month | News, jobs, training and events for journalists
23h ago
New campaigns, courses and products are making journalism a better place more
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13 ideas for fresh news formats | News, jobs, training and events for journalists
3d ago
Forget the inverted pyramid, there are many ways to write a news story in the digital age more
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Black Ballad hits a decade: 'Our priority will always be our community' | News, jobs, training and events for journalists
4d ago
Co-founder Tobi Oredein says paying members do not just want content, they want fuller life experiences more
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Five podcast and newsletter lessons from leading publishers, with Media Voices | News, jobs, training and events for journalists
4d ago
News organisations of all sizes can dip into niche topics and tap into to specialist audiences by going direct to people’s inboxes and earbuds more
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Tool for journalists: Story SpinnerAI, for generating story angles based on user needs | News, jobs, training and events for journalists
1w ago
This chatbot can provide new content ideas to match the wants and needs of your audience more
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Recruiting for inclusion: a guide for media organisations | News, jobs, training and events for journalists
by Marine Furet
1w ago
Newsrooms must reform recruitment practices from the ground up, rather than expecting young journalists from marginalised backgrounds to be the agents of change more
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The maternity scandal: How journalists can work sensitively with bereaved parents | News, jobs, training and events for journalists
by Jo Healey
1w ago
Interviewing parents whose babies died following failures in hospital maternity care is highly sensitive work and not something journalists are traditionally trained to handle more
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From monologue to dialogue: How Sky News is revamping the modern live blog | News, jobs, training and events for journalists
1w ago
In a past few days full of breaking news - from the Trump shooting to Southgate stepping down - live blog editor Jimmy Rice details how the news organisation provides minute-to-minute updates and easy catch-ups more
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'I asked myself – why is he going public?': working with a Big Tobacco whistleblower | News, jobs, training and events for journalists
by Fin Johnston
1w ago
TBIJ journalist Fin Johnston lifts the lid on how an investigation about a money trail within the tobacco industry came together more
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How Dow Jones is building a framework to tackle AI copyright challenges | News, jobs, training and events for journalists
by Traci Mabrey
2w ago
"If we are to reap the rewards that GenAI technologies afford us, we need to be able to trace the origin of the information down to a sentence level," says Traci Mabrey more
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