Celebrating a Year of Shed: Here’s Our Journey So Far!
Nicely Nourished by SHED | Everything Plant-Based, Lifestyle & Well being
by Shed
3y ago
This week marks a year since Shed opened its doors down at Cutlery Works. Since we served our first bowl, we’ve come a long way and learned invaluable lessons that we plan to take forward. With that in mind, let’s take a look at back our journey so far. Before opening our site in November last year, plans were already underway. Over the summer 2018, our close-knit team headed to festivals in the region. You might have spotted the self-confessed plant pushers at Tramlines in Sheffield and Eroica in Buxton. The experience gave the team a chance to test out exciting recipes. While many of you gu ..read more
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Plant-focused diet leads to improved health and environmental benefits, says Lancet report
Nicely Nourished by SHED | Everything Plant-Based, Lifestyle & Well being
by Shed
3y ago
A new Eat-Lancet report reveals the changes that need to be made in the next 30 years towards a healthy global diet. The document suggests that without action, the world could fail to meet UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It also outlines how we may achieve a planetary health diet for nearly 10 billion people by 2050.  “Transformation to healthy diets by 2050 will require substantial dietary shifts. Global consumption of fruits, vegetables, nuts and legumes will have to double and consumption of foods such as red meat and sugar will have to be reduced by more than 50%,” said Prof ..read more
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New Study Reveals How Following A Short-Term Plant-Based Diet Improves People’s Health
Nicely Nourished by SHED | Everything Plant-Based, Lifestyle & Well being
by Shed
3y ago
Your diet and health are intrinsically linked. At Shed, we take a plant-first approach to the food and snacks we offer. Put simply, we believe that plants are the foundation of a healthy diet. And we’re not alone—there’s a whole load of research that says the same thing. The latest study in the area sheds light on how changing your daily eating habits could impact your overall health. New research published in Diabetologia suggests that following a plant-based diet for a short-term period could lead to a range of benefits. As part of the study, participants followed a low-fat vegan diet for a ..read more
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Acts of Kindness Improve Staff Performance and Health, Says Study
Nicely Nourished by SHED | Everything Plant-Based, Lifestyle & Well being
by Shed
3y ago
Good will goes a long way in the workplace. While there’s evidence to suggest that toxic managers and employers could harm their staff member’s health, it’s worth looking at the other side of the coin. So, what happens when bosses surprise their team with random acts of kindness?  That’s exactly what a group of researchers from Penn State University wanted to find out. In a study, published in the International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, the team looked at how bus driver managers could improve the lives of their staff in China. The managers gave each of their employees ..read more
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Here’s Why We Should All Be Going Nuts… For Nuts
Nicely Nourished by SHED | Everything Plant-Based, Lifestyle & Well being
by Shed
3y ago
Packed with protein and healthful fats, the humble nut is an all around super-snack. Don’t believe us? Let’s take a moment to look at some of the undeniable reasons we should all be going nuts for these tasty little treats. Here’s what you need to know.  Eating nuts could lower risk of heart disease Heart disease affects 7.4 million Britons and is responsible for almost 170,000 deaths each year, according to the British Heart Foundation. With that in mind, doing all you can to keep your heart as healthy as possible is a must. One way in which you could improve your everyday wellness is by ..read more
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Here Are The Science-Backed Ways Your Mindset Affects Your Life
Nicely Nourished by SHED | Everything Plant-Based, Lifestyle & Well being
by Shed
3y ago
The mind and body are intrinsically linked. Looking after your mental well-being is as important as taking care of your physical health. In recent years, there’s been a wealth of research into how your mindset can affect both your health and the way you function on a day-to-day basis. Using this information, you can empower yourself to make positive changes that could have a major impact on your life. Here’s what you should know.  Mindfulness improves your attention and focus  There’s a lot of hype surrounding mindfulness but it’s more than a mere fad. While we already know that eng ..read more
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Workplace Wellness Programs Are Effective In Helping People Lose Weight, Says Study
Nicely Nourished by SHED | Everything Plant-Based, Lifestyle & Well being
by Shed
3y ago
There’s a lot of hype surrounding workplace wellness programs, but do they really work? Aiming to boost workers’ wellness through a range of interventions, these programs certainly have a range of advantages. What’s more, research suggests they could help people lose weight. Let’s delve deeper into this issue and take a look at the real facts.  The Problem: Obesity in the UK  Obesity rates among British adults have quadrupled in the last 25 years, according to national statistics. Currently, around a quarter of all adults fall into the medially ‘obese’ category, which means that they ..read more
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Unhealthy ‘Fast Food’ On Work Commute Linked To High BMI, Says Study
Nicely Nourished by SHED | Everything Plant-Based, Lifestyle & Well being
by Shed
3y ago
Think about your walk, cycle, or drive to work. What type of shops and cafes do you happen to see along the way? Believe it or not, the food vendors you pass on your commute could have an impact on your health, according to new research. The surprising study may change the way that we view the area around us and how it affects our overall health.  What the new study says… The enlightening research from Arizona State University looked at commuting workers and the food options available to them either near their home or commute. Researcher, Adriana Dornelles, reviewed at a wide range of inf ..read more
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Science-Backed Ways To Improve Workplace Wellness In The Healthcare Sector
Nicely Nourished by SHED | Everything Plant-Based, Lifestyle & Well being
by Shed
3y ago
Healthcare staff are supposed to look after the public—but what about their health? Keeping these people mentally and physically well is vital. With that in mind, let’s take a brief look at some of the science-backed ways in which managers can improve workplace wellness. 1. Simply saying ‘thank you’ to employees  Thanking a staff member for a job well done may sound like a small gesture but it could have a big impact on their health. Research from Portland State University suggests that being thanked at work improved nurses’ sense of job satisfaction. The study also suggested that this ch ..read more
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Food Waste Set to Rise by a Third by 2030 – Check Out The Remarkable Apps Battling The Problem
Nicely Nourished by SHED | Everything Plant-Based, Lifestyle & Well being
by Shed
3y ago
Worried about food waste? Perhaps you should be. A shocking 66 tonnes of food is thrown away every single second, according to a report from The Guardian. The article went on to state that the waste problem is set to rise by a third by the year 2030. Needless to say, we each have a responsibility to take steps in combating this issue sooner rather than later.  While being more conscientious about what we throw away is a part of the solution, technology may also play a role here. Smartphone apps could help connect people and lower their overall wastage in a smart, community-minded manner ..read more
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