The UK Speciality Coffee Blog
Discover coffees you've not tried, coffee shops you need to visit, brewing methods you can use to make better coffee & more.
The UK Speciality Coffee Blog
4M ago
This entire blog post is about the best travel mugs, really? Surely, a travel mug is a travel mug, how much is there to be said about something you put your coffee in and walk out of the door with? Actually, a heck of a […]
The post Travel Mugs re-write appeared first on Coffee Blog ..read more
The UK Speciality Coffee Blog
5M ago
So Ninja have made a coffee machine – the Ninja Luxe Cafe, and let me tell you – it's surprising! But its it surprisingly good, or surprisingly bad? Keep reading and you'll find out ;-). I love waffles, but if you don't – just click […]
The post Ninja Luxe Cafe Coffee Machine. Kev’s In Depth Review 2024. appeared first on Coffee Blog ..read more
The UK Speciality Coffee Blog
10M ago
If you're considering a home espresso machine, you're probably planning on starting off at the entry level price point as most people tend to do when just starting out. Jumping in with both feet with a professional espresso machine for home users is such a leap in the dark, as well as being difficult to afford and/or to justify.
There are just so many unknowns, is the home barista hobby really for you, is the particular setup you're looking at, the right choice for you?
What happens if there's a problem, are you going to be making a very expensive mistake? I know all of the fears as I was a be ..read more
The UK Speciality Coffee Blog
1y ago
I first bought the Sage Precision Brewer a couple of years ago initially to see what all the fuss was about, after all it's just a filter coffee machine, right, or “batch brewer” if you're more familiar with speciality coffee speak, how amazing can it be really, and is it really worth the cost?
You may find this surprising, but I'm going to answer these questions for you right now, in the second paragraph, truly breaking the mould for how blog post reviews usually go. So if you don't want to read this detailed review post, and you literally just want a quick answer from someone with a ..read more
The UK Speciality Coffee Blog
1y ago
Hopefully you landed on this post when searching for info on the new (at the time of writing, October 2023) Gaggia Espresso, although, I do think the choice of name is a bit of a problem for anyone trying to find reviews for a “Gaggia espresso machine” for obvious reasons.
I think Gaggia decided to use the “Espresso” name, simply because it was going spare. They launched the Gaggia Espresso in the 80s, it was one of the precursors to the Gaggia Classic, I've been trying to get my hands on one for ages, actually, as I think they look so cool, a bit like 80s & 90s Ferraris.
There are ..read more
The UK Speciality Coffee Blog
1y ago
Sage, flippin' heck, slow down will you? I've just completed my YouTube series on the Barista Express Impress, and now you're launching yet another model, the Sage Barista Touch Impress – so that's the next few months tied up for me, playing with this machine and creating videos about it!
I'm kidding of course, I'm looking forward to creating loads of content on the Touch Impress, and it's really not “work” is it ;-). When anyone tells me I appear to “work” quite a lot (every day, but I come in a bit later at weekends) I remind them that I'm not working, I'm playing, I'm just very fortunate to ..read more
The UK Speciality Coffee Blog
1y ago
I started reviewing espresso machines a couple of years after starting this blog back in 2015, and I began with the machines that caught my attention, the likes of the Sage Barista Express, Sage Oracle, Delonghi Dedica, Gaggia Classic, Rancilio Silvia, Bambino Plus, Sage Dual Boiler and so on, mostly machines I couldn't afford ;-).
If your first thought in reaction to that comment is that I only started the blog as an excuse to try to get coffee stuff that I couldn't afford, for free, how very dare you ;-).
Actually, being really honest, I never expected the blog to be anything but a hobby. I ..read more
The UK Speciality Coffee Blog
1y ago
Given that you've landed on this blog post about the best coffee machines from Lewis, I think it's safe to say that two things are true, firstly you're looking to buy a new coffee machine, and secondly, you want to buy this coffee machine from John Lewis. Wow, how intelligent am I? ;-). Not very, to be perfectly honest, but I do happen to know quite a bit about coffee machines, so you've come to the right place.
Before I give you some suggestions for what I think may be the best coffee machines from John Lewis specifically for you (because as you'll discover, there isn't a one size fits all ap ..read more
The UK Speciality Coffee Blog
1y ago
So I'm finally getting around to writing my Sage Duo Temp Pro review, only ten years after it was released, hehe ;-). It's one of the best-selling low-cost espresso machines on the market, and writing (and talking) about espresso machines is mainly what I do, so the fact I've not given this machine much thought until now probably seems strange.
All my life, I've been terrible for timekeeping, and it's a trait many of my family members are known for, “Lewis time” is the official title for this condition, so my dad tells me.
He doesn't have this affliction, he's always on time for stuff, b ..read more
The UK Speciality Coffee Blog
2y ago
The Sage Barista Express is one of Sage's game-changing espresso machines, and I say “one of” because this is what Sage tends to do, but the “game-changing” comment, where the Barista Express is concerned, comes from the fact that it was the first commercially successful integrated grinder traditional espresso machine.
But there are other similar integrated grinder espresso machines on the market now, including newer options from Sage (most interestingly, the Barista Express Impress – see below) so the goal of my Sage Barista Express review is to help you to decide whether the Barista Ex ..read more