Will These Communication Tactics Save Your New Hire?
SalesFuel Blog
by Kathy Crosett
10h ago
If you are hiring, chances are you are ignoring the resumes from Gen Z candidates that come your way. Data indicates that Gen Z employees have about a 50% chance of being terminated during the first year of employment. Would better communication tactics improve this outcome? SalesFuel - Sales Intelligence | Marketing Research | Sales Hiring | Credibility | Sales Enablement ..read more
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AdMall’s AI Idea Generator Helps Close Real Estate Digital Ad Campaign
SalesFuel Blog
by Adam Ambro
10h ago
Ben Mendoza, an eight-time Sell Smarter Award! winner from KKTV, has leveraged multiple AdMall sales tools to close many sales over the years. From Local Account Intelligence Reports, to AudienceSCAN profiles and to Consumer Expenditure data to Advertising Response statistics, Mendoza has used it all. However, this time, when he approached a local business, he turned to one of AdMall’s newest tools, the AI Idea Generator, to assist him with crafting a real estate digital ad campaign. SalesFuel - Sales Intelligence | Marketing Research | Sales Hiring | Credibility | Sales Enablement ..read more
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Focus on This Content Marketing Cycle for High Growth
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by Kathy Crosett
1d ago
As you pitch your services and media space to prospects, let them know how high growth accounts succeed. These businesses are dedicated to increasing sales and profits. Their laser focus on their content marketing cycle explains some of their success. SalesFuel - Sales Intelligence | Marketing Research | Sales Hiring | Credibility | Sales Enablement ..read more
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How Can Sellers Build Strong Customer Relationships in Sales?
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by Jessica Helinski
1d ago
It’s essential to continually invest in customer relationships in sales, especially in the B2B world. SalesFuel - Sales Intelligence | Marketing Research | Sales Hiring | Credibility | Sales Enablement ..read more
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Google Ads Advice Leads to Better Paid Search Management
SalesFuel Blog
by Kathy Crosett
4d ago
If you’ve been managing search marketing for your accounts, you may be checking out the recommendations from Google Ads. Google advice alerts you to new features and suggests ways to optimize results for your accounts. Does that advice lead to better paid search management? SalesFuel - Sales Intelligence | Marketing Research | Sales Hiring | Credibility | Sales Enablement ..read more
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Manage Smarter 271 — Viking Code Leadership with Anders Indset
SalesFuel Blog
by Audrey Strong and C. Lee Smith
4d ago
In this episode, Anders Indset, author of 'The Viking Code: The Art and Science of Norwegian Success,' explores the intersection of Viking philosophy and business. He discusses micro ambition, self-trust, and the importance of collective progress. Discover how these principles can enhance leadership and management, offering a fresh perspective on success in today's world. Join us for an insightful conversation with this influential thinker. SalesFuel - Sales Intelligence | Marketing Research | Sales Hiring | Credibility | Sales Enablement ..read more
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How to Apologize, Assume Responsibility and Save the Account
SalesFuel Blog
by Tim Londergan
5d ago
No B2B salesperson wants to be on the receiving end of customer dissatisfaction. But when commercial transactions go wrong there’s plenty of anger and blame to go around. That’s why knowing how to assume responsibility and when to apologize is an essential sales skill. SalesFuel - Sales Intelligence | Marketing Research | Sales Hiring | Credibility | Sales Enablement ..read more
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What Are the Top Secrets of the Best Online Shopping Apps?
SalesFuel Blog
by Kathy Crosett
6d ago
Are your accounts asking about the secrets of the best online shopping apps? They should be, because online sales continue to grow. But new data from the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) suggests many retailers are having app trouble. SalesFuel - Sales Intelligence | Marketing Research | Sales Hiring | Credibility | Sales Enablement ..read more
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Leverage the Best B2B Prospecting Tools for Sales Success
SalesFuel Blog
by Jessica Helinski
6d ago
Adopting the best B2B prospecting tools available can help tackle one of the toughest parts of sales: Prospecting. SalesFuel - Sales Intelligence | Marketing Research | Sales Hiring | Credibility | Sales Enablement ..read more
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Why is Self-Control One of the Top Sales Manager Skills?
SalesFuel Blog
by C. Lee Smith
1w ago
Leaders who are hiring for their open sales management positions can’t afford to make a mistake. Finding the best candidates means focusing on top sales manager skills such as self-control. Psychometric assessments can help managers learn which candidates have those skills. SalesFuel - Sales Intelligence | Marketing Research | Sales Hiring | Credibility | Sales Enablement ..read more
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