Tense Moment A Fisherman On A Kayak Encounters A Great White Shark
Wide Open Spaces » Fishing Saltwater
by stephanieheath
3d ago
Shutterstock Image Whenever you go out into the ocean you are taking a risk. After all, you are stepping into the marine animal's domains so you need to be prepared to encounter them. This is especially true when you are kayaking fishing in a shark hotspot like New Zealand. This footage captures an insanely tense moment when […] The post Tense Moment A Fisherman On A Kayak Encounters A Great White Shark appeared first on Wide Open Spaces ..read more
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Beloved Pastor Mauled To Death By Shark While Spearfishing
Wide Open Spaces » Fishing Saltwater
by Matthew Wilson
1M ago
Image via Shutterstock A beloved pastor is dead after a spearfishing trip turned deadly. A shark attacked and mauled the youth pastor while he was in the water, fishing with friends and family. The incident happened off Humpy Island in the Keppel Bay Islands National Park in Australia. Tragedy struck on Saturday with a shark fatally mauled 40-year-old […] The post Beloved Pastor Mauled To Death By Shark While Spearfishing appeared first on Wide Open Spaces ..read more
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3 Great Christmas Gifts For The Saltwater Fisherman In Your Life
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by kylebarnes
2M ago
Shutterstock / Piotr Wawrzyniuk As Thanksgiving has passed, and Christmas is now right around the corner, it is time to start searching for gifts for the outdoorsmen in your life. For those of you lucky enough to have a saltwater fisherman or two in your life, finding the perfect Christmas gift can feel daunting. While it can certainly be an […] The post 3 Great Christmas Gifts For The Saltwater Fisherman In Your Life appeared first on Wide Open Spaces ..read more
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Fishermen Pull The Haul Of Their Lives When They Accidentally Catch U.S. Nuclear Submarine
Wide Open Spaces » Fishing Saltwater
by Matthew Wilson
3M ago
Photo by David Nagle/U.S. Navy/Getty Images Several Norwegian fishermen got the shock of their lives when they made a routine fishing expedition. They ended up capturing the largest haul of their lives — a U.S. nuclear submarine.  This isn't the sort of espionage story that would grace the covers of James Bond.  At any one time, there are at least 72 […] The post Fishermen Pull The Haul Of Their Lives When They Accidentally Catch U.S. Nuclear Submarine appeared first on Wide Open Spaces ..read more
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Fisherman Just Won More Than $1 Million For Massive Marlin Catch
Wide Open Spaces » Fishing Saltwater
by kylebarnes
5M ago
Shutterstock / kelldallfall A New Jersey boat crew won 1.13 million dollars last month after catching an almost 800-pound blue marlin. According to nj.com, the boat is Ocean County-based, and named "Deadicated." The vessel is captained by Matt Asplundh, and their winning the Mid-Atlantic Tournament is a feat they won't soon forget. Asplundh and crew caught their prize-winning […] The post Fisherman Just Won More Than $1 Million For Massive Marlin Catch appeared first on Wide Open Spaces ..read more
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Rare 1-In-30 Million Lobster Accidentally Shipped To Red Lobster
Wide Open Spaces » Fishing Saltwater
by Matthew Wilson
7M ago
RLS Photo/Shutterstock One diner almost had a very rare meal indeed. A rare 1-in-30 million lobster almost ended up in the pot after someone accidentally shipped the crustacean to Red Lobster. The lobster is orange-colored thanks to a very rare genetic mutation. However, that almost didn't save it from ending up on one hungry diner's plate at Red Lobster. However, I have to question in the grand scheme of things why this lobster was saved from the boiler. Sure, it's an incredibly rare specimen thanks to its color, but outside of that, it's still a lobster. Does that mean other crustaceans are ..read more
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Fisherman Almost Impaled By Swordfish In Close Call
Wide Open Spaces » Fishing Saltwater
by kylebarnes
7M ago
Shutterstock / kelldallfall A fisherman nearly escaped disaster on Monday, as a blue marlin launched into his boat in the Gulf of Mexico. The incident was captured on video, and has garnered millions of views in the days that have since passed. According to the NY Post, The fisherman was one of seven onboard the Jubilee as part of the Fairhope Fishing Company's expedition. The clip shows the fish leap out of the water, and into the Jubliee, as it was being reeled in. In the blink of an eye, the monster fish nearly pierced the neck of the man standing near the edge of the Jubilee. The fisherman ..read more
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Fisherman Gets More Than He Bargain For After Hooking Shark, Now In Critical Condition
Wide Open Spaces » Fishing Saltwater
by Matthew Wilson
8M ago
Photo by Ryan Pierse/Getty Images What's going on in Florida this year? Shark attacks, or at least stories about them, feel more prevalent than ever. And it's not even Shark Week! Maybe, Jaws was right about staying out of the water. Of course, this fisherman wasn't actually in the water. Okay, so he was in a boat in the water, but semantics! This fisherman got a little more than he bargained for when he ended up hooking a shark on his fishing expedition. The shark took getting a bite to a whole new meaning when it clamped down on his right forearm. Sadly for the fisherman, the bite proved to ..read more
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A Mystery Disease Is Killing Sawfish (and Tarpon, Snook, and Grouper) in the Florida Keys
Wide Open Spaces » Fishing Saltwater
by Megan Swinney
1y ago
Getty Images, Izanbar Sick and dead sawfish are popping up all along the shores of Florida's Lower Keys. So far, wildlife officials said there have been 49 sightings of sick smalltooth sawfish, with 17 confirmed dead. The endangered fish are rarely found outside Southern Florida; one was found dead last week, and its saw was missing. With such a fragile population, their deaths are alarming. Sawfish aren't the only fish dying, cause for even more concern for the Florida Keys ecosystem. Since November, authorities have received reports of dead grouper, tarpon, snook, permit, snapper, and other ..read more
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New Rare Fish Species Record Set in North Carolina
Wide Open Spaces » Fishing Saltwater
by Megan Plete Postol
1y ago
Facebook, Terry Nugent It had already been a slammer day of fishing off the coast of North Carolina for angler Matt Frattasio when he hooked into a large, rare fish that would establish a new state record. A Massachusetts native, Frattasio spent November 8, 2023 fishing aboard the boat of Capt. Terry Nugent of Riptide Charters near an old shipwreck off the coast of Morehead City, North Carolina. They spent the morning catching a decent number of fish inshore, but the bites really exploded when Nugent moved the boat to deeper water, to a spot known locally as the "D wreck." Fish after fish wer ..read more
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